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Sniper Is Perfectly Fine In PvP


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Notice how I am rarely the target of enemy players.


Because I stay back and away from the action. I let the melee and tank classes go in first, I skirt around the outer edges of the combat area. I make it a point to act like a real sniper, hidden, picking off the weak, the stragglers.








Counter arguments:


No ****? Alright next time I'll try to run into the thick of combat as the second (if not first) squishiest class in the game. **** off, I'm playing Sniper how it's supposed to be played.


Well you should too if your team isn't filled with quest gear nubs.


I mitigated a lot of their dmg too, and I still came out in the top 3 damage, top 4 kills, and I had 8 medals which was the highest amount earned, which everyone else also earned.

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Sniper is fine for ranking on the scoreboard, rather lacking in ability to actually contribute to the team and severely gimped by bugs against good players who don't just let you pretty unharassed in the middle in Voidstar. This video of you being an average damage farming baddie is just more evidence of what we already know.


"I can make big crits, I get top 3 damage and I put heavy metal in my videos! PWNAGE!!!" yeah, we've never seen this before.

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Notice how I am rarely the target of enemy players.


Because I stay back and away from the action. I let the melee and tank classes go in first, I skirt around the outer edges of the combat area. I make it a point to act like a real sniper, hidden, picking off the weak, the stragglers.








Counter arguments:


No ****? Alright next time I'll try to run into the thick of combat as the second (if not first) squishiest class in the game. **** off, I'm playing Sniper how it's supposed to be played.


Well you should too if your team isn't filled with quest gear nubs.


I mitigated a lot of their dmg too, and I still came out in the top 3 damage, top 4 kills, and I had 8 medals which was the highest amount earned, which everyone else also earned.


I don't have many complaints as a marksman sniper and as of this moment I would not ask for anything changed to this class and spec (other than the cover bug). That being said, your video does not show anything about the strengths or weaknesses of the class, except that it can put some hurt on a terrible team.


It does not matter if you are skirting the edges of the area and staying far from the action (which you were not, at all) because it simply does not take a long time to run 35 meters. The players were were fighting against were simply not good and as such, they should be your only comparison on the state of the class.


One video of a Voidstar in which you are on the winning team is not a good indicator of viability for ANY class. I'd rather see a match were your team is getting completely outclassed by the opposing team and seeing how you handle up then.


Final Arguments: Thank you YouTube for the mute button.

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You're gauging the skill of the team based on what? What indicates that they are awful? Your argument is purely anecdotal and is based on the fact that they lost. We just happened to have a better team and it was a premade.


And anyway, it goes like this:


>People complaining about Sniper being the worst class in the game

>Earn top medals in PvP with the non-PvP spec


>Guess Sniper isn't the worst class in the game.


Posting that video doesn't mean I'm showing that it's *********** amazing, but it certainly shows that it's viable in PvP, especially if you play it right.


On a side note, I've wrecked Battlemaster Operatives and Sorcerers with no problem in Marksmanship in 1v1 Duels, and I'm sure I can do that with almost every other class.


I know your type: You make assumptions based upon nothing and assert it as evidence and counter arguments.


Make some clear and concise arguments that are actually based upon FACTUAL EVIDENCE that can be ascertained from this video and I'll consider it. Saying that "The players are bad" is not a fact, it's an opinion that can't be accurately assessed from a grainy Youtube video. Showing that a Sniper can do as well as other players based on scores is indeed a fact.


Also, I didn't put that music in, I guess it recorded from my speakers instead of my headset.

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Sniper is fine for ranking on the scoreboard, rather lacking in ability to actually contribute to the team and severely gimped by bugs against good players who don't just let you pretty unharassed in the middle in Voidstar. This video of you being an average damage farming baddie is just more evidence of what we already know.


"I can make big crits, I get top 3 damage and I put heavy metal in my videos! PWNAGE!!!" yeah, we've never seen this before.



Sniper contributes to the team by being a support class and killing people.


You obviously have no clear handle on what a Sniper is for if you think that we should be capturing targets. That's for classes that can handle being thrown around a bit, not a *********** glass cannon.


In Voidstar, Snipers contribute by downing as many enemy players as fast as possible, trapping them in the spawn area so that friendly players can capture the objective. If I was farming, I wouldn't be at the objective taking down marked healers.


I guess everyone who gets 300k+ damage is average, because I usually see MAYBE 3 players in 1 match who can get above 300k.


The average damage in a Warzone is usually 150-175k.


Bugs? I never encountered bugs. How about replacing your "Take Cover" with "Crouch" if you're so worried about accidentally rolling into cover?


Also, this game is pretty much every game for me, I'm usually never targeted. You guys just suck I guess.



Also, I guess the capturing software took sound from my speakers and not my headset. I didn't put the music in there, as you can probably tell from the static and low volume which usually suggests that it's coming from a 3rd party and is not apart of this video.

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Claiming that people suck because they get targettet seems a bit wierd?

Gotta give you that some of the time youre targetting the right classes.

But im sorry to break it to you, any class left alone can do alot of damage, and the fact you dont have a singel time a stealther on you making youre life hard just make it easy to farm kilss and medals.


Just as a side note, because you can beat an operative and a sorc in duel (which is the ones we really can hurt) doesnt make you capable of smacking the hard armored classes :(

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The irony in this post is incredible. You are telling Katrasle to "Make some clear and concise arguments that are actually based upon FACTUAL EVIDENCE" When all he is doing is merely stating a fallacy that you are using to provide a basis or evidence that snipers are good. The fallacy that you are using is a post hoc fallacy in which you try to tie two things together with very loose evidence, for instance "This ring is lucky because I wore it while bowling and bowled a turkey" in this case you are stating "Snipers are good and balanced because I owned it up today in a warzone"


This whole thread is stupid because the whole argument is based on a common fallacy.



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You're gauging the skill of the team based on what? What indicates that they are awful? Your argument is purely anecdotal and is based on the fact that they lost. We just happened to have a better team and it was a premade.


And anyway, it goes like this:


>People complaining about Sniper being the worst class in the game

>Earn top medals in PvP with the non-PvP spec


>Guess Sniper isn't the worst class in the game.


Posting that video doesn't mean I'm showing that it's *********** amazing, but it certainly shows that it's viable in PvP, especially if you play it right.


On a side note, I've wrecked Battlemaster Operatives and Sorcerers with no problem in Marksmanship in 1v1 Duels, and I'm sure I can do that with almost every other class.


I know your type: You make assumptions based upon nothing and assert it as evidence and counter arguments.


Make some clear and concise arguments that are actually based upon FACTUAL EVIDENCE that can be ascertained from this video and I'll consider it. Saying that "The players are bad" is not a fact, it's an opinion that can't be accurately assessed from a grainy Youtube video. Showing that a Sniper can do as well as other players based on scores is indeed a fact.


Also, I didn't put that music in, I guess it recorded from my speakers instead of my headset.


Excuse me, your "proof" that snipers are fine is a single video. You do not come back insulting me saying that you are the epitome of sniper skill and have a load of factual evidence to support how awesome the class is, you have ONE VIDEO.


Also, and I may be wrong here, you said that your team was a premade or theirs? If yours was a premade and you are trying to state how awesome you did, I consider that a joke. Premade V. Premade alright, that might work. But in a Premade Vs. Pug, the pug will almost always get stomped.


You act all high and mighty that you have hard facts to support your cause, when apparently it is a single video of a premade vs a pug (again, I could be wrong about this considering your wording).


Moreover, did you even read my post? First of all I BELIEVE (opinion here buddy) that MM snipers are viable in PvP. You seem to have glossed over that part haven't you? Use your brain and realize one video is NOT enough to make a blanket statement about the state of a class in this game.


You want to be taken seriously in an argument? Step one is to get actual data, not some stupid video. Step two is to read what your opponents are saying and respond to it, not what you THINK they are saying.

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The enemy team are ignoring you because you are not a threat to them at all. I think i saw you kill like three people in that whole video with lackluster numbers. You're barely even an annoyance, it probably wouldn't have made a difference if you weren't in the game. I don't think this makes the point you're trying to make; if you're an average player then sniper is underpowered. Edited by Crankyhobo
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People keep saying sniper are fine which may be true but if snipers are fine trooper/bh classes are definitely not because they are superior classes. By the way if someone told me snipers were fine and I only watched the posted video I probably wouldn't believe them. No offence but you really need to stop clicking skills and you need to use your abilities together better. Also, if you were playing a DPS vanguard or just spamming grav round you would be face rolling more. Edited by Ravzar
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People keep saying sniper are fine which may be true but if snipers are fine trooper/bh classes are definitely not because they are superior classes. By the way if someone told me snipers were fine and I only watched the posted video I probably wouldn't believe them. No offence but you really need to stop clicking skills and you need to use your abilities together better. Also, if you were playing a DPS vanguard or just spamming grav round you would be face rolling more.


Sorry but I can't put every single skill on a hotkey, I only put damaging abilities on Hotkeys

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The enemy team are ignoring you because you are not a threat to them at all.


Looks to me like he did 300k+ dmg with 30 kills.


No threat... All the other classes routinely pump out 500k damage and pile up 100 bodies.



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May be Marksmanship does not suck for PvP.

But your video has shown nothing about it


you didn't show the burst damage of a MM sniper

you didn't show how well sniper can kite

you didn't help your teammates with cc


the scoreboard showed the other team got 3 healers 3 DD and 2 doing nothing

30 kills (not kb) in a 15 mins game is quite low imo

which mean you have problems with taking people down


perphaps show us another video to prove how good MM is

or respec to Lethality and show us how bad it is


one last thing

stop clicking the actionbar :cool:

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Okay, the video itself was nothing to write home about and it isn't a slight to you....I'll give you a credit as it does take balls to put yourself out there.


I saw so many sub 500 hits in there that it was painful to watch. I see what you're trying to do, but again the video doesn't exactly show why a Sniper is better than any other class.

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Looks to me like he did 300k+ dmg with 30 kills.


No threat... All the other classes routinely pump out 500k damage and pile up 100 bodies.




i get lots of kills, too, by tab targetting and hitting each guy with Rifle SHot before he dies. Scoreboard stacking is pointless. I can roll Lethality and do 500k damage. It will be 500k of almost useless damage, though.


The point stands. He wasnt putting out enough hurt to make the enemy team even care about him.

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