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Drastic imbalance?


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Hi all,

im playing on the euro serv. The Ravager...


So far i played republic side, and it seemed like there were very little people in the zones with me.


Then one day i decided to try Empire, and was i supprised.

People running everywhere, double the population per planet ... and in end a drasticly more sociable/fun gaming experience for me.



My question being:


- Is the disbalance i experienced a coincidence, or does it reflect a general population imbalance in this game?


- If the first question is true ... How can this be resolved in the future, and does it need to be resolved at all? -(yes, from my perspective)

Edited by PandaMonk
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Often this sort of thing happens, then as it gets more complaints on the web newbies and the 'weak willed' switch sides to be on the 'popular' side.

Then the GMs will do something to make the other side more attractive, loads of moaning happens and all swaps over.

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Improve the Republic story line. Both a friend and I started republic side stories and quit in a day and went Sith! Perhaps it gets better but the story doesn't grab you in the beginning and I assume it has been that way with a lot of players.


I will be making an alt later and going republic when I am done with a couple other empire alts I am working on now but I have no incentive to try republic at this time. Enjoying the darkside a little too much right now! ;)

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The Jedi Knight story line isn't that bad so far. It started off slow but is starting to get a bit better.


Agree on the JK Story, however, I just can't get past the tediem that is Taris. I can blow thru all of Balmorra with ease with an equivalent level SW.

Edited by Urael
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- Is the disbalance i experienced a coincidence, or does it reflect a general population imbalance in this game?

It reflects a general population imbalance. In WoW all the tweens went Alliance off the hop and Horde were the underdog, in SWTOR it's the opposite.


- If the first question is true ... How can this be resolved in the future, and does it need to be resolved at all? -(yes, from my perspective)

I don't see how BW could stop people from making Imperial toons. I for one would be pissed if BW TOLD me which faction I could and couldn't play. Removing choice isn't really an option, and creating a pendelum swing by offering an incentive to play Republic isn't overly fair. Not that life is fair but I don't see them really doing it. Over time it should balance out a tad.


People just want to play as Imperials. In DAoC Albion was the favoured faction to play, it was the most developed and was focused on by Mythic first. Seems the Empire got the same kind of treatment. I went Empire because that's where my guild went, even though I wanted to play Republic. Ahh the choices we make to play with friends.

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