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LIghtsaber Choice


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So through all the posts, thanks to you all for doing that, I have done all the research and spent a ridicouls amount of credits respeciting trying to find my spec and I have.


I am using the basic cookie cutter http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rIMokbskrsZZf0cM.1


I am lvl 55 valor full champion


I do use the shield the debate on that was fun. I do the 3 stalker 2 Survior (modded for dps). I use the crafted Relic from the crystals all the rest are stalker pieces.


I have 32% shield chance with KW up and 28% absorb. I also have 15500 HP.


the ONE item I cant decide on is the Stalker or Survivor Lightsaber. What is your all preference on this matter? THANKS ALL


please have over 50 valor if you wish to post here.

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