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Looking for an upgrade


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I am a lv. 30 jugg and I am looking to upgrade Vette's blasters...already purchased some on Balmorra but I am wondering where can I get something that packs a little more punch than a common blaster purchase froma weapons vendor. I am currently questing on Alderaan and was wondering if anyopne had any tips on what missions to do (on any planet) in order to get some blasters that pack a hard shot? Thanks.
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You can get Orange weapon gear from the Dromund Kaas commendation vendor. Orange gear allows you to continually upgrade the item slots, so in theory, it never becomes obsolete. You can also get orange loot drops by running the flashpoints. At your level you can solo the Black Talon and it may drop some orange loot for you.


BTW the in game NPC credit vendors don't sell very good gear. You should be looking on the GTN or commendation vendors.

Edited by Owsley
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