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Creating Smuggler - The Look


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Hello guys.

We all know that smugglers care very mych about the good-looking and fashion :)

I really enjoy female Mirialan with body size 1 and red lips, yet she does look very well in consular robes, but dunno what about medium armor..

What do you think about this, fellow smugglers? Isn't that wierd - green thin girl with big shotgun?



If you say it won't look good, than my other option is to create human male.. than he's gonna wear a cowboy hat and here is my question: do you think that a beard would be cool? and what color?




Please, share your thoughts, what do you think about this ^ and generally how smugglers should look, thanks.

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My Smuggler is a female body type 1 Twi'lek. She looks great in the medium armor. The body type 1 really seemed to fit the idea of a smuggler being lithe, quick on their feet, and needed to do a lot of fast talking.


As for the male smuggler, what you sound like you like would be the smuggler from the first cinematic - the beared dude in a cowboy hat.


One thing to consider about which gender you play is the flirt and romance options. As a female, you get a lot less flirt options with NPCs than you do as a male. If you go female, you'll be able to romance Corso. As a male, you'll have your choice between Risha and Akaavi. Just something to keep in mind for long term play.

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i actually don't really like body type 1. waaaaaaaay too skinny for my taste. i don't like running around, looking like i'm anorexic. that said, i say make your smuggler look however you want. :p it is your character after all. the person who should be most pleased with it is you. so if you like body type 1, use body type 1.


for reference, these are my smugglers, Lorhin and Sashel. both body type 2. Lorhin's human, and Sashel's cyborg. Lorhin tends to look better in long coats while i like the utility look on Sashel more.

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Anything besides body type 1 looks odd for a smuggler really. The whole point of having all the cool tech and dirty tricks is to be able to overcome much larger opponents who would normally have the upper hand. There is just something innately wrong with a really buff smuggler.
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i actually don't really like body type 1. waaaaaaaay too skinny for my taste.

Same here, I'd love to have body type 1.5, actually. But since we don't have one - I used 2. And going to use same for an upcoming trooper\IA (not sure yet which).


But tastes differ, and some parts could look less while in coats. That's why I won't ever wear most of current in-game coats, I guess. Not sure if bt 1 solves the problem or not. And also - some might just enjoy huge-lookig...female rear parts in coat-type outfits.

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My trooper is a body type 1 female Mirialan. I like the incongruity of her running around with giant blaster rifles. I also kept her in the moddable version of that white jumpsuit you get on the starting planet, to enhance the lulz. I don't really think that dynamic would apply with a smuggler, though.


FWIW, I almost made my male smuggler body type 3. Most of the dudes I know that have that back-slapping sort of charm the smuggler has going on are all these huge ex-jocks turned salesmen from like Boston or NY. I know enough of those guys that I sort of suspect they're grown in a lab somewhere.


tl:dr I like choosing the wrong body type for my toons.

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Anything besides body type 1 looks odd for a smuggler really. The whole point of having all the cool tech and dirty tricks is to be able to overcome much larger opponents who would normally have the upper hand. There is just something innately wrong with a really buff smuggler.


I love my body type 4 scoundrel named Porridge. Nothing better than a fat man in a cape pistol whipping a sith for his next meal! Oh yeah. And don't forget the porkchop sideburns and 1970's mustache...

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Male body type 1 here (though I'd take 1.5 if they had it).


For one, when I play a melee class (I'm a scoundrel), I want my body type to be as small as possible for the most control.


I also don't like picking female characters for cloth wearers because of how unrealistically it hugs their shape. Jackets would hang straight down not be skin-tight. Just looks weird to me. Heavy armor on females is fine though.


Anyway, for RP reasons, my smuggler compensates for his small size by fighting dirty. It's also good for having opponents underestimate him. Also easier to stay under the radar in the crowded cantina.

Edited by Stenrik
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