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about guardians and sentinels dps


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I have a sentinel as a main, and I'm thinking to roll a guardian.

I know all the strengths of sentinel as a class and I know that sentinels dps is really awesome both PvE and PvP, but I am curious about the performance of guardian class in high end PvE/PvP environment.

Is there any point of rolling guardian if sentinel overpreforms it in dps multiple times? Or mby classes dps capabilities are almost even?

Are guardians capable to compete with sentinels in dps in high end PvE or not?

And here go situational questions to people who played for guardian:

Is it possible to overagro as dps guardian in high end PVE assuming that the tank which had a boss was actually doing everything right? Have you done this often?

Edited by Gathius
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Considering equal gear and player skill a Sentinel will outperform a DPS Guardian. I guess the playstyle may be slightly different and obviously you can't choose to go tank. It's possible to overaggro as DPS guardian just as it is with any DPS class, but you will be more likely to do it with a Sent. The only "Advantage" I find to have a guardian over a sent in raids is the ability to switch to soresu and help tank for a short period of time or on low Damage phases if for some reason the tank dies. Edited by Herew
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Considering equal gear and player skill a Sentinel will outperform a DPS Guardian. I guess the playstyle may be slightly different and obviously you can't choose to go tank. It's possible to overaggro as DPS guardian just as it is with any DPS class, but you will be more likely to do it with a Sent. The only "Advantage" I find to have a guardian over a sent in raids is the ability to switch to soresu and help tank for a short period of time or on low Damage phases if for some reason the tank dies.


Until you can show me the numbers, your claims have no substance.

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Maybe because it's never and/or I like solo game more (despite having my own guild of 12 with 6 healers in it), but I've been enjoying the sent a lot more. I pull of crazy sh*t with it and it looks stupid OP but it does actually take a lot of things done in the right order and at the right time. U can pro a Focus guardian in 2 weeks. An anni sent will take a month to reach your max potential with the class - and maybe it's limitless who knows, so much potential in that class, so hard to execute but so rewarding.

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An anni sent will take a month to reach your max potential with the class - and maybe it's limitless who knows, so much potential in that class, so hard to execute but so rewarding.


Why you think that anni/watchman marauder/sentinel is so hard to master? IMO it's the easiest spec from out of all sentinels specs, since its more straightforward than any other spec. What you need to do is so simple, you just have to keep 3 main abbilites on cd ( Cauterize, overload saber and merciless strike) and use zen as it's available. While combat and focus might take much more skill to play. For example lets take focus: Which targets to debuff in order to predict most effective AoE bomb of force sweep in order to hit more targets, and other stuff that might happen since it doesn't have top priorities of the rotation like annihilation tree sentinel. Annihilation rotation is plain simple compared to combat aswell. I don't get why most people have the opinion that Annihilation/Watchman is the hardest spec to play... It's completely wrong imo.

Edited by Gathius
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The other specs have straightforward rotations, rinse repeat, sometimes spam & do the same. Anni rotation changes with plenty of fillers, waiting for procs. In other specs you don't even have to look at your skill bar for cds once u got them down. I wasn't really comparing the sent specs, rather the classes; sent v guardian.


I can almost play the focus guardian with my eyes closed and top every single chart. For the same with sent I have to work harder for it, gotta use Cauterize whenever it's up after minimum 3 moves from the last Cauterize. On top of that there's the zen mechanic which is pretty much the only way I will outdps my focus guardian as annihilation sent . There's also the godmode cooldowns and the better timed they are the more beneficial, cloak of pain and undying rage and pacify - with guardians cooldowns are simplified. Pretty much the only thing I do extra with the guardian is taunts and sometimes guard. Taunts skip gcd, i don't even watch the cooldowns on those. They don't interrelate to the rest of the guardian abilities like sent buffs&centering do.


I claim pro with the class since day 1. I think it's hella easier than other ppl make it seem on the forums. But 2 things for sure; it's harder than every other class and there's always something you could have done better.

Edited by muradi
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