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PVE, wont use "target area effect", rarely use DOTs, dont care about mobility. Spec?


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So I have read the TONS of Telekinetic vs Balance threads. They provided a lot of useful information, but my playstyle is a little more specific.


I wont be doing PvP at all.

I wont be using the AE that you ground target, only AEs that target mobs.

I will rarely use DOTS. I dont mind dropping a Weakened Mind if it give a huge bonus to a nuke, but besides that I'll be using channeled or DD.

I dont care about mobility.


Reading the two spec lines, two abilities grab my interest. Telekinetic Wave and using Telekinetic Throw without cooldown.


So I know I can get both Telekinetic Wave and no cooldown Telekinetic Throw - but then I dont get Turbulence.


How much damage does a Telekinetic Throw do? How much does Turbulence do?


So given my playstyle (PVE, one dotting, no 'ground target area effect', no need for mobility), is Turbulence worth it?


Comments appreciated.



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I will rarely use DOTS. I dont mind dropping a Weakened Mind if it give a huge bonus to a nuke, but besides that I'll be using channeled or DD.


You seem to already know your own answer based on this comment so I'm not sure why you posted.


You want Full TK spec from what you describe. You talk about no-CD TKthrow but getting a decent hybrid would have you logically picking up and using Force in Balance (Not doing so would honestly gimp you), which you clearly don't like, so I'd stay away from that. What you want sounds like your standard 3/31/7 spec.

Edited by Khadroth
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Hehe. Yep, different playstyle. I am four boxing. So ranged classes are by far the easiest. Playing the same class is easiest, though throwing in a Vanguard might work.


Been leveling with Project and Telekinetic Throw, and the occasional Lift when doing Heroic content. Ground targeting is too difficult. Things die too fast for dots, so nukes or channels.



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Hehe. Yep, different playstyle. I am four boxing. So ranged classes are by far the easiest. Playing the same class is easiest, though throwing in a Vanguard might work.


Been leveling with Project and Telekinetic Throw, and the occasional Lift when doing Heroic content. Ground targeting is too difficult. Things die too fast for dots, so nukes or channels.




If that's the case then Full TK is likely too complex for you. As you have tons of procs to handle, dots to keep up for Turbulence autocrits, as well as keeping your disturbance regen stacked.


Hybrid will be better for you without using FiB, because you can literally just sit there spamming TKthrow mindlessly unless you want to throw out dots or use PoM procs for TKwave/Mind Crush.

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So let's see...


You don't want to use DoTs

You don't want to have to put an AoE down - but you don't mind if you can AoE through one mob target.


You want to stand, turret and hit 2 (sometimes 3) skills in PvE only?


I'm not really sure the Sage class is for you...I would go Commando or Vanguard maybe.


Just sayin' :cool:


(edit - just saw you're multiboxing...never mind, carry on then!)

Edited by Jaiyne
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So let's see...

I would go Commando or Vanguard maybe.

(edit - just saw you're multiboxing...never mind, carry on then!)


I actually do have a Vanguard/x3 Commando's. It honestly works really well.

BUT having four Lifts, and four healers has also been working great.

I guess Commandos will get concussion round at 34th - but for now I am doing Heroic 4, which I couldnt do as troopers. And with them all having the same abilities and range it just seems easier.


Thanks for the suggestions guys.



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4 boxing? As in wasting $59.96 a month on this? Which will eventually turn into $719.52 if you play this for a year. $3,597.60 over 5 years? You're out of your damn mind.


I drop $60 taking a chic out on a date. And I do that every week. Spending that for a months enjoyment is nothing.



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I wont be doing PvP at all.

I wont be using the AE that you ground target, only AEs that target mobs.

I will rarely use DOTS. I dont mind dropping a Weakened Mind if it give a huge bonus to a nuke, but besides that I'll be using channeled or DD.

I dont care about mobility.


You will be lacking in a lot of dps, and you will die a good amount.

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You will be lacking in a lot of dps, and you will die a good amount.


Yeah, I guess Sage isnt the best DPS class. My other group is Vanguard and x3 Commandos. Maybe they would be better. Having four healers/rezzers has been paying off. And four Lifts has been awesome for Heroic 4 content - which I guess I would get as Concussion Round at 34th for Commando. The trooper group was fun, but couldnt do H4 at all.


If it starts sucking at higher level I might switch back to them.

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