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[SUGGESTION] Level 50, Credits, Legacy, and Saga


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I recently acquired level 50 with my Jedi Consular (Sage w/ specialization in Seer). I have made some immediate observations and this sparked some suggestions I wanted to put out there (for the better I hope).


To give you an example of something I noticed. If I kill a regular non-elite mob of level 48 I get about 15ish Legacy XP. If I finish a mission that would have normally banked me around 15k regular XP (2-3k credits) I get about 3-4k Legacy XP and roughly the same amount of credits as normal.


Now it has been hinted at that Legacy will already provide the following benefits to you:


  • New emotes for both you and your companion.
  • New race selection during character creation.
  • Skills.


This seems a bit low for someone who has acquired "end game" stature.


Here are my suggestions for when a character reaches the level cap (not necessarily level 50, in the event of future expansions) though. An incentive to continue playing your main character in the event you don't want to play an alternate character.





Provide a static 20-25% to all credits obtained moving forward. Be it through loot drops, mission rewards, etc.


Legacy XP


Provide a static 20-25% to all Legacy XP obtained moving forward. Be it through killing mobs, mission rewards, etc.


Also, provide an option for FlyText for Legacy if not already available. I couldn't find the option to show pop-up text showing how much Legacy XP I just obtained.


Saga XP


This would be a new form of XP, similar to Legacy XP. Essentially you would gain Saga XP at a rate equivalent to level 50 regular XP. Each time you gain a Saga level you get a single point (similar to your talent tree system). These points can be used for the following:


  • Permanent passive bonuses to your character (like defense, offense, crit chance on crew skills, etc).
  • Ability to unlock specialized skills for your character. This would allow even further customization of characters at "end game". Some of the skills can be restricted to class and some are general for anyone to pick up.
  • Points could be spent to buy unique items (like rare mounts, a shuttle device that allows you to summon party members to your location, etc).
  • Unlock special Flashpoints in the future. Similar to a key system. Without this flag / key you can't enter the Flashpoint.


Some items would have a low 1 to 5 point cost. Some of the more rare and powerful items would be more like +5 points, even possibly reaching in the +10 range. The system can be scaled for future game expansions as well. Tier 1 would be level 50 while Tier 2 would be level 55 requirement and so forth.



I will say in conclusion that you should really consider the ability to OPT into this program as well. What I mean by that is maybe after you complete Act 1 you allow the player a slider scale. 80% to regular XP while rest is bonus to Legacy / Saga XP. Or something along those lines. I know some people would like to turn off XP all together while working on certain tasks (space missions, PvP, bonus series missions, etc).


Anyway, would love to hear from the community (nonconstructive flamers / trolls not wanted) about iterations or improves to what I have listed above.

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