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What's up with clunky Targeting mechanics?


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Targeting with keybinds seems very clunky and random compared to other MMOs especially when multiple enemies are around. Clicking on your targets is also a nightmare as any healer who has dealt with bugged raid frames knows. Further compounding this problem is the fact that it is VERY difficult to see who you have targeted. The little red circle and tiny arrow above your targets head are not clear at all. All of this can be very frustrating.


Here are the keybinds that seem necessary and the problems they have:


Target Next Enemy (default Tab): Seems totally random and makes no sense sometimes. Often targets people not even on my screen or behind me. In WoW, for example, tab targeting always started in center screen and cycled clockwise through people in front of you cleanly and neatly.


Target Previous Enemy: Found myself using this a lot since cycling through people with Target Next Enemy is not consistent. It would be much easier and less clunky just to hit tab a few more times to get back to your original target. How many keybinds for targeting do you expect us to use?


Target Center Screen: Thought I might be able to use this as a replacement for target next enemy but nope. This targets everything, including friendly players, dead players, NPCs. In a crowd its near impossible to select the target you actually want.


Target Nearest Enemy: This is the only one which does what I expect, but again, I don't really want to have to rely on 4 keybinds just for targeting. I personally would be happy with a consistent Target Next Enemy and Nearest Enemy.


With all that being said, I think this game is great and I'm impressed with how quickly bioware has dealt with issues since release. Thank you for fixing character responsiveness.


So does anyone else find the targeting to be as clunky and inefficient as I do?

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Is it just me, or did tab targeting recently get even worse? It has never worked great, but recently (maybe last patch?) it seems to be exceedingly dumb.


I tried a few tests in Huttball. I'd position so an enemy player was right in front of me with other enemy players a good distance away. Sometimes hitting tab once worked. In other cases, I had to hit the key as many as 6 or 7 times before getting the intended enemy. That's just plain useless.

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I have the same issue. For example Alt targeting is implemented but really, by the time you select two targets and swap back to the original one it's usually either dead or you are. Out of combat it's not a problem, but that's not really when you need the hotkeys.


In all honesty I finally just opened my camera zoom all the way back and I look straight down so I can mouse click on the screen for anything other than nearest target. If there's a low ceiling then I can't even do that though.

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