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More freedom with creating your character and story.


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I would like to see complete freedom in playing the character you want to be.

If you have read the comics,watched the movies, or have played the other games, you find characters that are not just one class, but could actually be several. Take for example, Darth Zannah, she had the power of a sorcerer, and the defensive skills of an Assassin tank. Or how about Cade Skywalker, who was a pirate, bounty hunter, and a force sensitive one at that. Darth Sion , as an immortal, had the ability to heal himself. Or even Sidious, who, based on the movie, wasn't bad with a light-saber.


They're currently trying to do something like this, but not quite on such a scale I speak of. I would like more freedom in making my character. I would also like to allocate my points, to stats of my choosing.

Edited by cool-dude
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I would like more freedom with the story, wouldn't mind the ability to kill off companions since i've heard that one of them betrays you during the story, and evil characters would respond to this betrayal with a bullet or lightsaber to the back, but instead you're forced to let him/her live.
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