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Healers who decide not to heal people who stand in things.


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As a healer, its such a waste of time telling people you won't heal them if they stand in a thing. Because if you don't and they die where you could've kept them up, say in a pug, then you're just wasting your own damn time. I realize its a power trip for some people, having peoples lives in the palm of your hands. But lets just do our jobs, kindly ask people not to stand in things, and stop being such whiny jerks. Nothing is worse then to run in a group as a dps and have the healer give a list of rules that you must follow in order for them to heal you. I just feel like saying, *****, get out of my group and I'll heal.


And for you folks who won't take anything I say seriously I actively perform as both dps and heals for my operation group as needed, with columi for each.

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I never let anyone die intentionally. Personally, I always feel that a player death is a "loss" for me as the healer.


That said, there's another side to this that you're overlooking: DPS that needlessly tax the healer and the tank on every pull.


I have yet to run with a pug where there wasn't at least one DPS who: (1) pulled ahead of the tank, (2) attacked targets alone or attacked CC'd targets, or (3) stood in easily avoidable AoE.


I don't expect a pug group to be a bunch of MMO allstars, but players who continually behave in ways that make someone else's job harder just .. mystify me.


There are times when I miss the days where pulling aggro on trash mobs would most likely get you one-shotted. People back then learned very quickly not to play so haphazardly.

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In SWTOR, since there is no endless resource pool, not being ABLE to heal someone in bad stuff is a more likely scenario than previously. I'm NOT nuking my ammo regen because you decided to be an idiot. Edited by Soshla
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I never let anyone die intentionally. Personally, I always feel that a player death is a "loss" for me as the healer.


That said, there's another side to this that you're overlooking: DPS that needlessly tax the healer and the tank on every pull.


I have yet to run with a pug where there wasn't at least one DPS who: (1) pulled ahead of the tank, (2) attacked targets alone or attacked CC'd targets, or (3) stood in easily avoidable AoE.


I don't expect a pug group to be a bunch of MMO allstars, but players who continually behave in ways that make someone else's job harder just .. mystify me.


There are times when I miss the days where pulling aggro on trash mobs would most likely get you one-shotted. People back then learned very quickly not to play so haphazardly.


I'm not overlooking anything, for the dps who needlessly tax the healer I just kindly tell them what they should be doing to avoid damage. Some dps have a one track mind and they're only focused on pulling numbers. This mostly applies to newer players. If nothing changes the group wasn't going to work out. Also, scoundrel healing is awesome, don't care what other haters say.

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Honestly in this game, if I did play a healer, I would try and heal dps that take damage by pulling threat from the tank. Because its so rediculously easy to pull threat from tanks in this game.


I'm not sure what BW has really thought about when they designed threat and boss encounters. Many have an enrage timer, so you want dps that pulls good damage, but tanks also have piss poor threat. This is something that doesnt mix well in my book.


Especially this is a concern when you get a mixed group, a fresh tank and some geared dps.


If I remember right the tank stances for each class provides 50% increased threat. IMO this should be 100-200%. WoW (hate to bring that game up) had issues with threat, but that made them change it to 200% or is it even more now? 500% maybe?


Players hit considerably harder in this game than what a player did in classic WoW, no single spell, besides a few top tier tanking talents have extra threat tied to them. Which was also something WoW had, extra threat on some abilities.


I guess its time BW rethinks the threat bnus from stances. It should be higher imo.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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As a Sage, if I notice someone standing in the fire a lot I'll yank them around. Not necessarily when they need to be yanked, but just about every time the cooldown ends. When they start freaking out (especially melee classes) that I'm ruining their DPS, I simply explain to them that I'll stop yanking them around when they learn to get out of **** them selves.


Also, if I see a non-stealth melee running in ahead of the tank, I'll pull the back to the back of the line.


I get a twisted sense of pleasure from that I guess.

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It's easy:


I'll warn you not to stand in things, and if you stand in things, that doesn't necessarily mean I won't heal you, but I won't heal you ahead of someone who took damage doing their job right.


I have a maximum capacity to heal and any good healer's job is to prioritize the damage. Healing damage from someone who willfully and continually stands in the fire, especially when the opportunity cost might be, say, topping a tank off prior to an incoming damage spike, is always going to be a low priority for me. It's not that I won't, but it's the PvP mentality: My effectiveness is directly tied to the effectiveness of the group. If I spend my effort healing people who are liable to do their job right or survive longer, our chances of success improve. If I waste heals on someone who is less successful, doesn't do as much damage, dies more often or pays less attention, I am hampering my own contributions to the group.


It's not personal, but we play a support role, and we generate the most support by spending our effort where it's most effective. Period.

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Yeah, I'll warn anyone who's standing in bad.




Actually it's twice, but "Once." looks cooler!


1) "Hey, that's bad, don't stand there."


2) "Hey, you're standing there again and it's taxing me, so next time you're going to have to medpac yourself."


3) There is no 3.


However, as hardass as I try to fake it, as long as you're trying to not do it, I'll keep healing you.

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As a Sage, if I notice someone standing in the fire a lot I'll yank them around. Not necessarily when they need to be yanked, but just about every time the cooldown ends. When they start freaking out (especially melee classes) that I'm ruining their DPS, I simply explain to them that I'll stop yanking them around when they learn to get out of **** them selves.


Also, if I see a non-stealth melee running in ahead of the tank, I'll pull the back to the back of the line.


I get a twisted sense of pleasure from that I guess.


I have a Sorc and this will be my new strategy for now on. Stupid peeps get repeatedly pulled.


/ready for incoming whine

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I never let anyone die intentionally as well. Playing on Repub we are usually outnumbered on Illum by 3 to 1 or more. You'll see the Imps coordinate their AE on spots that in turn forces us healers to coordinate our AE heals on to mitigate its effect. The problem is our AE spell is on a cooldown and many GTAE abilities are not. So in the AE fight we cant keep up.


People need to move out of the AE's as they quickly empty our mana. Again though I dont intentionally let people die there are times when you have to sacrifice teh player that constantly disregards the AEs counting on your heals because many more will die if you run out of mana.


It's not a malicious type thing , it's a choice us healers have to make for the good of the many.

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I don't heal healers and other squishy types. If I pull agro I expect the tank to get it off me and I heal myself. If I forget to do that, don't watch where I stand = I die.


I do heal people who seem to take damage reasonably well. Assassins often tank good, warriors of both types and mercs -- those get a heal. Obviously at some point you need to yell if a guy keeps standing in it. (Even for those).


But another Oper, a sniper, sorceror - no heal for you if your being stupid. No heal, no warning. I don't expect one myself.

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I don't make any statements at the start giving rules, and I won't generally let someone die on purpose (unless they are being a real ******e, but I haven't had to do that since I left WoW).


Keep in mind, however, the golden rule of healing:

You can't heal stupid.


My resources are limited. If you can't learn to not stand in fire, I can't keep you alive. If you move out after taking a tick or two of damage, Ill toss you a heal when I can spare it without killing someone else.

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resources are much more limited in swtor, esp for classes like mine (oper), so if i expect a spike and i am at 80% and a dps decides that now its a good time to follow the one that goes to detonate the lighting ball in soa.. god (and medpacks) help him.


ofc since i am also in the op, and ofc since his death could lead to a wipe, a corpse run, and ultimatly wasted time, i try to heal if i can, but given the limited tools, more often than not, dps have to actually pay some more attention in this game since the "can't heal stupid" is more than apparent here.

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In SWTOR, since there is no endless resource pool, not being ABLE to heal someone in bad stuff is a more likely scenario than previously. I'm NOT nuking my ammo regen because you decided to be an idiot.


^ This. Don't be an idiot. Healing through issues is part of our job, but when you continue to be an "Idiot" You lose, or the team loses. I can revive you. It's a matter of priorities.

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(2) attacked targets alone or attacked CC'd targets


I disagree with section of your statement. I play a tank in addition to my healer and I expect to engage the 2 or 3 most powerful mobs in any pull. The DPS should be able to burn down the 2-3 other normal mobs in the group. SWTOR encounters were designed to play that way. If I see a DPS let the tank pull then go after and burn down weaker mobs that the tank doesn't engage, I know that they are "doing it right" and they get support from this healer.


This isn't WoW, please don't propogate the idea that the tank is responsible for everything and the DPS only responsibility is to "pew-pew" and not stand in "stupid." DPS should have a better understanding of pulls and know where to go/what to do without a tank leading them around my the nose.

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I disagree with section of your statement. I play a tank in addition to my healer and I expect to engage the 2 or 3 most powerful mobs in any pull. The DPS should be able to burn down the 2-3 other normal mobs in the group. SWTOR encounters were designed to play that way. If I see a DPS let the tank pull then go after and burn down weaker mobs that the tank doesn't engage, I know that they are "doing it right" and they get support from this healer.


This isn't WoW, please don't propogate the idea that the tank is responsible for everything and the DPS only responsibility is to "pew-pew" and not stand in "stupid." DPS should have a better understanding of pulls and know where to go/what to do without a tank leading them around my the nose.




A lot of the misunderstandings about threat in SWTOR are because people think it's WoW. It's NOT WOW, it will never be WoW, it shouldn't be WoW. Tanks are not supposed to hold onto normal mobs, their job is to keep the heavier-hitting mobs aggro'd. DPS should be able to burn everything else down, and it's absolutely a waste of a Taunt to pick up a grey mob.

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A lot of the misunderstandings about threat in SWTOR are because people think it's WoW. It's NOT WOW, it will never be WoW, it shouldn't be WoW. Tanks are not supposed to hold onto normal mobs, their job is to keep the heavier-hitting mobs aggro'd. DPS should be able to burn everything else down, and it's absolutely a waste of a Taunt to pick up a grey mob.


Not only that, but a lot of normal level mobs can hit for quite a bit, and are meant to be killed before they get into range. If the tank tries to hold the elites PLUS those mobs, he is likely to drop like a rock.


The encounters are designed for DPS to burn weak regular adds ASAP, while the tank keeps the important guys under control. Blaming your tank for not holding 5-8 mobs when 3-6 of them should have been dead within 5-10 seconds of the pull, or blaming the healer for not keeping him alive, shows a lack of understanding of SWTOR's design.

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Good DPS get groups. Bad dps post on the forums about not being able to find groups. If we wipe on a fight because I have to expend more resources then needed I make it known. If the DPS does not get it and continues to not avoid AE/Cleave then they are replaced.
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A healer who lets a DPS die because they stand in the fire is a bad healer. It's the healer's responsibility to keep everyone alive, even the ones who stand in stuff. Be frustrated? Yes. Maybe give them slightly less priority over the other DPS, if they have the same amount of health? Possibly. Quit healing them completely? No. Forcing the group to wipe just because one guy isn't being as smart as he could be isn't good practice as a healer. Advise him of his mistake after the fight, and make sure he responds. Then move on.
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I'll let anybody die who is not a team player... because I'm not wiping to boost some someone else's ego. I'm not playing this game to serve as the personal medpack for a douche that doesn't understand how to be part of a team.


Tanks who pull too much aggro in the first fight inside a HM-- get warned

dps who intentionaly pull strong or gold aggro inside a HM -- get warned


If people are standing in stupid rough fire or something- I'll keep them up if I can- but I'm not dropping TWO other players and myself to save the 1 idiot. If a tank pulls too many weak mobs intentionally & I've got a heavy armor dps in the group- that tank's survival no longer matters to me. I'm going to lay on my AoE damage.


Guardians that leap from maximum range into fights while their healer and dps are still trying to catch up- get warned. From then on I'm going to meditate before I fix your selfish hide. Use your own out of combat healing abilities - if you're not too lazy to click 1 button.


I follow a 3 strikes you're out -or- I'm out rule. I don't rush ahead, pull aggro, and then expect the tank to taunt the mob off me. Don't expect your healer to burn their sprint just to save your selfish ***, because you ended the last fight with a nearly full health bar. And don't expect to be healed you when you start a fight before your healer got through the elevators/lifts/tunnels that are LOSing them.


Being considerate of your team- is being a good player. People screw up- that doesn't bother me at all. And when that happens I'll do my best to save you, if I can - and I don't screw up too. But if you play like you're the only person in the group - don't expect me to care if you wipe. I understand that you're playing this game to have fun- but don't expect me to play it with you if you don't care about my enjoyment of the game at all.

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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Was running the foundry a week ago on my Op, a dps kept pulling in front of the tank, standing in bad, and was arrogant to boot. I told him to stop pulling, he was in medium armor and can't take the hits. He wasn't as invincible as he thought he was. He makes the snide remark "yea, I'm moreso". I tell him he doesn't need heals then, he pulls, and he dies.


If you're going to work against the team instead of with it, I'm not healing you. That means doing your assigned job and not dying. I don't expect my tanks to heal. I don't expect my DPS to tank. And I hope that no one expects me to actively DPS. Mess up the trinity and you won't survive.

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