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Light populated servers dying.


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I know it was already discussed in these forums but I really want to make this matter urgent, I am playing on „light populated” Ula Vii empire side. Day after day server is dying, today at 11:00 AM there was 1 person in empire fleet, finding any group for flash point or group quests is a pain and this triggers further agony, I see people getting fed up not with the game or content but with the low population. Not sure if BW is aware of this or/cares but no undertaking no actions will lead to loosing subscribers and servers becoming ghosts towns.

I suggest some server merge or at least some transfer option.


Kind regards

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It is not the matter of early loging... try to log on wow during that time, everything is alive dozens of people browsing AH, questing etc. if you claim that it is my fault MMO (first M states for massive in case you dont know) has 1 person in capital city of more populated faction I start to wonder if you played other online games.

To make some compration I loged on diablo 2, game 10 years old, do you really want to know how many people I found in the channel?


But to be fair, yesterday at 20:00 I found 8 people in imperial fleet.

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Bioware can't fix the fact that people have work and school. Try logging on at prime time instead of early in the morning.

Maybe that is the only time he can play?

My server has alot of people every day early morning. I agree with him that servers need to be merged and /or cross server matching, which would not help him find a heroics group though.

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I'm on Mind Trick (one of the ones with a queue during launch and is usually "heavy" populated) and we need to DOUBLE our population. The planets are lucky to have 20-30 people sometimes and the Rep Fleet has 100 during peak? Those numbers should be twice to three times that in my opinion. Some of the smaller servers should be merged into the larger ones.
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I'm on Mind Trick (one of the ones with a queue during launch and is usually "heavy" populated) and we need to DOUBLE our population. The planets are lucky to have 20-30 people sometimes and the Rep Fleet has 100 during peak?....



Consider yourself lucky then. I'm lucky if I can see 40 people on fleet on a weekend on Kath Hound. BW really needs to merge a lot of the low-pop servers with other low-pop servers.

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I remember during launch there were a huge out-cry from the community to add more servers to avoid server population locks. BW said that they were reluctant to do so, just to avoid the situation people are complaining about now.


However, I do agree that character transfers is something that should be implemented.

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Well, I wish there were MORPGs without the Massive. I like to RPG with my wife and 1 or 2 other people, so I love empty servers. The emptier the better. The trouble is there is no multi-player SW RPG other than this one.


If you need further reasons why I dislike playing with other people, go watch General Chat in Goldshire in Moon Guard. "Massive" server population is not necessarily a good thing.

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Huh that’s odd reasoning, I got flashback from diablo 1 when I was playing with my friend I the basement on LAN… Servers are just like society, there are ******* everywhere (sadly they scream loudest) and a group of interesting people, with whom you can make friendship, bonds etc. I recall a few wow guild summits when we met in real… it was nice. Besides you can just /ignore ******* you don’t want to listen to… the problem now is there are no one to ignore/talk/party on the empty fleet.


For the record 16:18 p.m. 9 players on the imperial fleet, Ula Vii out!


ps. (this post looks damn offensive with stars in place of retarded persons)

Edited by Dark_Rirtual
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Servers are very low populated, even the cap is low and we can't even surpass that. IMO server merging is a must.


If possible the server cap should be increased as well....it's a galaxy for God sake not a town, how can an entire fleet have only 30 players at prime time, there should be at least 200.

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Given the current state of the game, server merges may kill the game more than letting the light servers fizzle out. You esentailly will add more imps then repubs further compounding an already glaring imbalance.


My suggestion is to reroll on a more populated server (pref repub side) or be prepared to deal with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like to support this thread by saying that Ula Vii is almost dead now. My main already has almost everything that i want so im doing only operation and this only one evening in the week.


I've made an alt and leveled it up to 50. I did it with a friend all along so it was done relatively quick and fun, but now we cannot participate in any flash becouse we cant find a group even though we are a tank and healer tandem. And im not saying any weird hours but sunday evening!


So i have already cancelled my subscription with no intention to prolong it unless i get an option to transfer all my characters to different serwer or there will be a simple server merge.


And some may say to roll on different serwer but i have no intention of doing everythng again and leaving my rly good geared character behind.


I hope someone will read it and that there will be some response, and hopefully somone will resolve this issue.


P.S. I have already sent a ticket concerning the issue throughout any viable channel. (here, account page ticket, email, ingame ticket and filled in a survey they sent me after cancelling sub)

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