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Pvp healing etiquette?


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As a healer in pvp I don't mind if I die in a hail of lazerz from my enemy, I don't care that your dps is always more important than my thousands of points of healz, and I even don't care that after you heroically leave your battle companion and I get slaughtered you yell "Y U NO HEALZ ME L2PLY!!1!". Being a healer in PVP is sometimes a thankless job. All the dps get the VIP votes, and I get a repair bill.


With that as my two cents I have a question for the real PVPers out there not the weekend warriors. I have started to do something I never remember doing in WOW because it was never an issue, I got FULL credit for my helping out. What I have started to do is when I am in an area where there is a bunch of people I will top off everyone (wouldn't want you using a medkit) then I will look for an enemy near death (not a sliver, maybe 2-3 lightning bolts worth of HP) and proceed to kill him dead.


Is this practice frowned upon at 50 or do people understand my plight?


Thanks I await your answers, flaming need not apply.

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Idk, on my server most people give MVP to top heals regardless of if the healer was good or god awful.


We had a sorc healer the other day that literally used force storm every time a melee ended up on her, and left the match (A full voidstar) with some 80k healing and 20k dmg, and was mvp.

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Just do what is best in any situation. Your knowledge and experience will guide you.


What action is best in any situation? The action that helps your team hold or capture a node, or prevent or score a Huttdown.



Now, if you don't care about winning, and you're just in it for personal gain:


If you want MVP votes (which are pretty useless anyway), make sure you heal everyone at least once (so they know who the healer is), and heal 2 or 3 people from certain death to full while they're fighting, and those people (plus a random other you healed) will give you MVP votes (which are pretty useless anyway).


If you want top medals, make sure you do the bare minimum DPS things (e.g. 75k dmg, 10 kills, solo kill, killing blow).

Edited by face_hindu
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Well, I don't know if I count as "Hardcore "PvPer" (tho I always do PvP dailies, but I'm not on a PvP server), but here's my 2 cents:


As a vanguard I never really payed attention to healers when it came to MVP. Of course I've guarded them, harpooned away guys who attacked them, but that's what a tank does. Also, I've never really paid attention to the healing scores at the leaderboard. Sorry, my bad.


Since I've started a sage (I'm planning on a full healing spec) my view has changed a lot. In my first WZ at lvl 12 I did 100K+ healing and I was the last guy on the leaderboard. I'm far from whining, I was really proud of myself (tho I did like 300 DMG). It was a great feeling that I saved many @sses. :)


Anyway, starting a sage changed everything. I'm voting on the best healer since then.


(+ your sig is cool.)

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I mix heals and DPS all the time - just because in most pre-50 WZ you are really not guaranteed any peels and it sucks to be killed by someone with 5% health. Have had a few cases of people saying "OMG, why u stop healing me?" and then getting upset when I pointed out that while they were bravely engaged in a fun little duel I had the rest of the enemy team beating me into the floor.


That said so long as you keep your resource bar managed I don't think anyone objects to a little extra DPS. It is really handy in Huttball to stop them running off with the ball.


I've found the MVPs do come the healers way and more and more players are noticing when you keep them up. One guy had 2 of us healing him and three or four of them mindlessly trying to burst him down. He killed them all and started yelling "This is what PVP is all about - woooo!"

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You don't always find 2 semi-decent healers in a team (100k+ healing) so to encourage those few I do MVP for healers mostly. It's especially true for those who do little to no damage, so they heal mostly.

Tanks get some MVP as well, but there are many tanks now, so they don't deserve another vote.

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