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Smug or Agent?


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Want to make a new class, but I don't know which of the two to pick.


- Which one has the better story?

- Which has the more interesting companions?

- Which one is just plain more fun to play?


I already know what I want my playstyle to look like, very AoE-focused.


I've played an Agent till 50 and going through the Smuggler with my friend (still low level). I'll try to answer your questions:


- Very subjective, all I can say is that the Agent story is pretty deep and is the least "star warsy" among the storylines I know of. Smuggler so far feels like you're playing in a typical Han Solo story. So it's up to you whether you prefer "star warsy" or something a bit more unique.



- With respect to companions, for Agents SCORPIO really is awesome overall. I couldn't care less about the other companions I had, they're all plain old humanoids. I like that Smugglers have a wookiee and a mon calamari.



- As for more fun to play, well they are mirrored (Sniper/Gunslinger, Operative/Scoundrel), so in principle they should be equally "fun" to play. If I had to pick though I personally prefer the animations and aesthethics of the Smuggler. The shotgun is more interesting to me than a vibroknife.


Overall, can't go wrong with either. If you want a typical star warsy character, go Smuggler, if you want something a bit more unique lore-wise, Agent.

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I have lvl 50 gunslinger and just finished chapter 2 on my operative, agent story is so much better than smuggler's. However smuggler was still pretty good, may be because of character's personality and some funny choises. Agent also has more interesting companions imo. I think agent is a better choise ;)
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I'd go with Scoundrel if for no other reason then the end gear. Im sorry but comparing the 2 I personally like the look of the scoundrel at end game. Not to mention if you want to play something other then huttball in pvp then go Scoundrel. Your good in huttball but your not gonna have the mobility needed in that match to play it properly other then trying to take down anything in your path.
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Want to make a new class, but I don't know which of the two to pick.


- Which one has the better story?

- Which has the more interesting companions?

- Which one is just plain more fun to play?


I already know what I want my playstyle to look like, very AoE-focused.


It seems that 'generally' it is thought of like this:


Best story: Agent. Most will say it is the best in the game presently. But at the same time when it comes to the smugglers they probably have the best one-liners in the game and can be quite humorus. So story - Agent; Funny - Smuggler


Companion: Both have unique companions. Smuggler you get your own rug...err, wookie. Agent you get Scorpio and Kaliyo. I would say the agent's may be a little more interesting but haven't went too deep into smuggler yet.


Fun to Play: Same classes so no difference there. I do prefer putting a shotgun (scattergun) to the back of someone's head versus a vibroknife though. Other than that when it comes to fun I usually look to the smuggler just because the things you say can be funny at times. On top of this I think both of these classes have the best female voice overs.

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I will have to agree that the utility in huttball as an Operative just isn't there unless your Heal speced, But on Alderaan capping a point by yourself or defending it for 3 solid minutes against a guardian and a sage makes you feel like its worth it. A few times i have made people just give up and go to another point without needing reinforcements very fun.
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