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Unofficial 1v1s on Ilum: "Fight Club"


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I just had a session with some imps (I'm reb) on Ilum for some 1v1s at Central. I completed my daily and opened up some communication between factions. Dueled a reb as well.



It would be nice to establish this sort of thing with the community just like we had it in DCUO.



I understand it'll be a tough sell but maybe just maybe this could be a fun thing for others. It took me awhile though. After zerging central by myself after a bit the imps just stopped killing me. I don't like the idea of kill trading and I wanted to earn my kills. I'll give it try tomorrow.



What do you guys think? Could be a fun thing on Ilum with the community.

Edited by Draeb
A more descriptive title.
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In EQ2 my monk is named Tyler Durden and yes my little guild is called Fight Club,we are alts of raiding mixed from every corner.


But the first rule of Fight Club is ,,,DONT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB.



I am not affiliated with Zero Hedges Tylur Durden nor the Fictional charater Tyler Durden from the movie Fight Club.

Edited by Sathid
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Your post title is going to do nothing but draw ire from those who don't read your post. That being said; I also miss the community we had on bloodfin in SWG between reb and imp.




What would you suggest for a title? Crossing over from DCUO this is what we called it. We can come up with some other name for it. I'll be willing to change the title.

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What would you suggest for a title? Crossing over from DCUO this is what we called it. We can come up with some other name for it. I'll be willing to change the title.


I don't know; maybe something like "cross faction community". People are gonna read the title and assume that you support kill trading on Ilum, and have a stroke.

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