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Xalek or Khem


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The longer I play the game, the more the answer is Xalek. Even though I am a Sorc, all the spare tokens I get are converted into tier gear for him and his HP just keeps creeping up and up and up.


This. Even with Xalek's bugged Shield/Absorbtion stats he reaches a point that he's better than Khem, since you can outfit him in your old pvp/tier gear.

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None of my old gear as a sorc is good for a tank. Both tanks have poor DPS in any stance and with any gear. This is due to long cooldowns on attacks making them sit there and stare at whatever they're attack way too much.


They also have poor mitigation without a lot of shield/absorb/defense stats, which my hand-me-downs don't have.


So I use Khem as he's more effective...but really I use Andro for anything up to and including 1 elite pulls. Khem comes out for double elites...which is pretty rare.


Hybrid spec 2/19/18 atm

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The correct answer is Xalek. Okay, maybe it's my opinion but I can't help but believe that my opinion is the only one that matters :)


As a healer, I simply cannot imagine using anything but a tanking pet. I've tried using Ashara and Andro - I have them both in nearly fully columi actually. I still do everything better and faster with Xalek than either of them. I am very aware that this might just be my playstyle, though.


If it matters, I solo every daily with Xalek and I only suicide run on Old Enemies thanks to the wall trick on lights out. I do sometimes suicide run on Fallen Jedi but usually just fight through it .. depends how lazy I am that day.

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