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cutscenes in storyzones


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I'm getting kind of frustrated with the cutscenes in some of the story areas.


I'm talking about the ones where you barely walk into a large room and BOOM! you are taken into a cutscene and when it is over, you are now at the far end of the room from where you came in and you are standing in the middle of a large group of bad guys. No warning, not much chance to put up a defense.


Your options?


Stand and get defeated or run for the exit, which is now on the far end of the room from you.


Challenge is one thing but some of these cutscenes at the earlier levels end with enemies that are either too numerous or hit way too hard and fast.


It does get better at higher levels.

Edited by Tisortlan
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i am fully healed. Just in the lower levels I find myself pulled into areas of the room surrounded by large groups of enemies with sometimes no chance at all. So I get killed, have to res then heal up. then I can go back and use CC on the main and kill the lower levels
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In all of these cases (I have played all classes on both sides) I have found that until I move or attack the enemies will just stand there waiting for me to get ready. So, next time this happens try not moving right away. Take your time, prepare and then attack.


Also, the Esc key will allow you to leave the cut scene temporarily if you need to.



Edited by Blackavaar
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Every one of them can be beaten solo if you're properly geared at the proper level stated in your mission log.


Not actually true or accurate because there are some Quests where even if you were 2-3 levels above the stated Quest Level, it was STILL hard to complete.

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In all of these cases (I have played all classes on both sides) I have found that until I move or attack the enemies will just stand there waiting for me to get ready. So, next time this happens try not moving right away. Take your time, prepare and then attack.


Also, the Esc key will allow you to leave the cut scene temporarily if you need to.




this pretty much answers it ^


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