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Operative healing Recuperative Nanotech


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How Recuperative Nanotech ever pass as a viable last tree skill is beyond my understanding... Its suppose to be an AOE heal if i'm not mistaken. So why is it so LAME!


When i use this skill i feel like a useless healer, i can only heal 4 other allies in a group of 8 or 16 for a ridiculously low amount...and the energy cost is very high for such a low amount of healing applied. It makes no sense at all...


Are there any future plans to make this skill a real healing skill for the Operative. Because right now, between having to manage your energy like a hawk, generating and only having access to 2 tactical points at a time, while having to heal FP and OPS all at once can be a bit overwhelming at times. So when I use this skill because you can't really not use it, I'm never sure if my group will actually live through the damage that's being dealt or fail miserably because they took so much damage and it hard to play catch up with the operative on more then 4 ppl.


When i use my sorcerer to heal I don`t have to deal with any of this stuff... I just heal and it's easy to do. But I want to keep playing the operative, not my Sorc :)


So, why make a healing skill that is so under powered (healing & energy wise) to use compared to the other healer class? It makes me feel more like a supportive healer then an actual one. And in a group of 8 or 16, supportive healing isn't what's needed.





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Its not even close to being a top of the skill tree talent. Even with the gear bonus and the recent skill fixes to RN its still only useful as spam supplemental healing that you cast without any real expectation. In my opinion it shouldn't even be on the talent tree.


It feels more like it should be a skill that we get automatically ala orbital strike towards level 50. It also suffers from being on a CD that suggests that is supposed to be a frequent use ability, which is good, but it bites you in the *** because of the power cost. It really seems like they took a basic AOE heal spell that we probably should get automatically as part of our core abilities and tacked it on to the top of the talent tree because they couldn't come up with a real ability.


I have it specced and use it as supplemental healing because I find probe management a pain and it does provide a little cover as a hot, but it just boggles my mind that its where it is on the tree.


To save face Bioware just needs to cut the power cost of RN by at least 1/3rd if not a half and just let us spam it. The fact that even after doing that it won't make much of an impact is testament to how weak the skill already is.

Edited by g-lok-ta
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It feels more like it should be a skill that we get automatically ala orbital strike towards level 50. It also suffers from being on a CD that suggests that is supposed to be a frequent use ability, which is good, but it bites you in the *** because of the power cost. It really seems like they took a basic AOE heal spell that we probably should get automatically as part of our core abilities and tacked it on to the top of the talent tree because they couldn't come up with a real ability.


Look on the bright side the CD prevents bad's destroying their energy by multiple casting it.


It is going to be upgraded to be more front end whatever the dev's mean by that. It could make it more helpful.

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I agree with the last two people replying here!


I agree but the cost is to high...even at 26 energy with set bonus.


I wish is refreshed my probes, triggered TA or increased healing why active as a secondary effect.


But yes its an extra HOT.

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Recuperative Nanotech is a waste of time and energy most of the time. The only time its worth it is if you are running and want to throw out a heal. However, even then you can spam the kolto probes on the move.


I did not spec into and only put points to get the crit bonus to kolto injection. I put the remaining points into the lethality tree so that my kolto stim boost gives an extra 10 energy on use and reduces the CD by 15 secs. This thing is great.


Now you will be able to spam two kolto injection, pop stim boost, one more kolto injection, use the two TA by the kolto instant heal. you will be at 80 energy at this point. you can spam HALF a scan then go back and repeat the process. Way more healing. :D

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Things that could be done to make RN better, other than the "front load" the healing that was mentioned in the Q&A:


1) lower energy cost


2) make it a "smart" heal - heals 4 players with lowest health rather than proximity based.


3) Make the visual effects for it more obvious, so that it basically radiates from the player cast on and people can see it and stand next to them within that circle, so it would be somewhat like the Sorc spell but yet unique.


(so yeah, I'm basically saying turn it into Wild Growth or Efflorescence, but those work well for a reason)

Edited by chuixupu
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Things that could be done to make RN better, other than the "front load" the healing that was mentioned in the Q&A:


1) lower energy cost


2) make it a "smart" heal - heals 4 players with lowest health rather than proximity based.


3) Make the visual effects for it more obvious, so that it basically radiates from the player cast on and people can see it and stand next to them within that circle, so it would be somewhat like the Sorc spell but yet unique.


(so yeah, I'm basically saying turn it into Wild Growth or Efflorescence, but those work well for a reason)


Number 2 espcially. Idk how many times ive been in a group n pop that n it goes onto ppl with alrdy full hp. I disagree with ppl saying its not worth it. Its a vary nice way in pve to cushion and expected hard hit and in pvp to slow the decline of the hp bars wen healing multiple ppl. Normally the ppl that are taking the hits are close to each other so from my experience it does have a use. I agree tho it shud get buffed or changed somehow.

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RN now = pad your healing medal in WZ with not much effort


RN post 1.1.5* = pad your healing medal and killing medal in WZ with not much effort


See? It has all sorts of great and wonderful uses. Both of them, starting next week.


*this is the upcoming PvP patch iirc?


P.S. if it consumed a TA and a small fraction of the energy it currently does, it would be almost useful against the final boss on BT, and similar "fight them close" bosses. I'll admit I have popped RN there a couple of times just tinkering around--just need a little bit of healing in that fight, and fast dps. If it ticked a little harder, heck...I'd even consider spec'ing back to medic.

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At a certain time ( I remember the numbers - I'm not lying, here)


KP would heal for 742, and RN for 1021. 2 stacks of KP is 1484, for 30 energy and 2 GCDs. heals 1 person, and lasts 18 seconds. RN is 30 energy for 1021 per person (Up to four) in 1 GCD, and lasts 12 seconds.


KPs HPS for me at the time (Stacked) is 82 "and" 4/9 (444444 repeating)

RN's HPS for me + Some other person that I'm healing is 170 'and' 2/3 (66666 repeating), and with 4 others around me, it's 425.41666666 (6 repeating).


So it takes half the time to do it - can heal multiple people. It costs the same total energy. All it can't do is proc a TA.


Those are legit numbers from my operative at the gear I had at the time. Now I have the PvP gear and have at least ~1000-2000 more hp and wayyy more cunning. Haha


It also automatically heals you, to, and it says "And 4 allies", so that's a total of 5 including you. So assuming it's in PvP and you have damage, the max it does for me at the time was 5105 - not to mention this lasts for only 12 seconds - not 18, although seeing as its total heal per person compared to stacked KP is less by about 400, It still ticks for a little less.


RN is worth it if you go far enough up the talent tree. If you only get SP, then just go hybrid, heal leveling is a pain in the butt.


So yeah RN is good as it is. If it gets a buff, though, I'm still not going to complain...

Edited by Zunayson
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At a certain time ( I remember the numbers - I'm not lying, here)


KP would heal for 742, and RN for 1021. 2 stacks of KP is 1484, for 30 energy and 2 GCDs. heals 1 person. RN is 30 energy for 1021 per person (Up to four) in 1 GCD.


So it takes half the time to do it - can heal multiple people. It costs the same total energy. All it can't do is proc a TA.


Those are legit numbers from my operative at the gear I had at the time. Now I have the PvP gear and have at least ~1000-2000 more hp and wayyy more cunning. Haha


It also automatically heals you, to, and it says "And 4 allies", so that's a total of 5 including you. So assuming it's in PvP and you have damage, the max it does for me at the time was 5105 - not to mention this lasts for only 12 seconds - not 18, although seeing as its total heal per person compared to stacked KP is less by about 400, It still ticks for a little less.


RN is worth it if you go far enough up the talent tree. If you only get SP, then just go hybrid, heal leveling is a pain in the butt.


I might have missed something, but "over how many seconds, again?" seems to be a good start, lol.

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i use it sometimes true.


for a 31point talent just garbage, but something is better than nothing sometimes.


it requires much more than just frontloading the heal.


atm it is the most expensive aoe heal of the game and simultaneously the worst hps and hpat aoe heal of the game.


frontloading the heal alone wont fix that. frontloading the heal and reducing the cd will fix the hps/hpat issues but still due to high energy cost wouldn't matter anyway.


so only reasonable solution would be: frontloading the heal, make the cd something like 8secs, reducing the cost to 15-20 or 0 with TA requirement.

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I tested this lst night as I respecced into RN to see some things.


1) It does NOT heal you if you are more than 10m away from the target you put it on.


2) When you target a player with RN and apply it...it puts a HoT on that player and 3 other players close to that player. They all get a HoT for the duration of the RN.


3) If the targeted player with RN runs within 10m of you, you will STILL NOT GET THE HOT!! Its affected by the initial application.


In summary, the RN dot is not an AoE affect that will surround the player targeted. It just throws a HoT on the target and 3 people within that target. Once applied, it wont bounce around to other players.


Also, in full Columi gear, and one piece of Rakata, the RN dot was healing for more than 1 KP but less than 2 KP.


In essence, as others have said, treat RN as a HoT not an AOE heal.

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As full medic, I do have this heal but I rarely use it. It is a complete waste of a top tier talent. I really wish bioware would take a long serious look at our tree and realize that we are terrible at healing. We get by, but struggle to do so.


They need to increase the heal by 20%, front load it, and cut its duration over time to 15 seconds. That would justify its cost, nothing else.

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RN makes a decent pvp heal on top of 2x KP and a surgical probe here and there on a focused dps, or I use this combo along with shield probe when running the ball in huttball. In pve, it's not so great, it eats up too much energy for what it gives so sorcs are better off casting their bigger and better AOE heal. Edited by Sookster
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RN is worth it if you go far enough up the talent tree. If you only get SP, then just go hybrid, heal leveling is a pain in the butt.


Once you get Vector and slot him up with defense rating, going full healer while levelling is cake, it couldn't get any easier.

Edited by Sookster
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I might have missed something, but "over how many seconds, again?" seems to be a good start, lol.


KP is 18 seconds, RN is 12* seconds


* I re-edited my post. Got confused with the cooldown :p


RN is better for healing two + people, you included


RN is NOT situational


It is anytime you have multiple people around you, CAST IT.


Remeber, it stacks with KP, so that's nice too.

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I tested this lst night as I respecced into RN to see some things.


1) It does NOT heal you if you are more than 10m away from the target you put it on.


2) When you target a player with RN and apply it...it puts a HoT on that player and 3 other players close to that player. They all get a HoT for the duration of the RN.


3) If the targeted player with RN runs within 10m of you, you will STILL NOT GET THE HOT!! Its affected by the initial application.


In summary, the RN dot is not an AoE affect that will surround the player targeted. It just throws a HoT on the target and 3 people within that target. Once applied, it wont bounce around to other players.


Also, in full Columi gear, and one piece of Rakata, the RN dot was healing for more than 1 KP but less than 2 KP.


In essence, as others have said, treat RN as a HoT not an AOE heal.


Really? I believed it was casts RN on the agent, AND 4 allies around you?


I guess I never really tried it on someone more than 10m away on that mindset... only healing one person with that thing over for 30 energy is... well a waste, and energy for agents and smugglers needs major management when compared to force.

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Really? I believed it was casts RN on the agent, AND 4 allies around you?


No, it just heals 4 people who are within 10m of where it is cast. I cast it on players who are nowhere near me all the time, usually clumps of melee with the tanks. Ranged usually are more spread out.

Edited by chuixupu
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