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Best Class Story


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I've only seen a small amount from a few. The bounty hunter storyline is good old fashioned adventure, and he/she is a great character. The Jedi sentinel is very by the book Star Wars, it gets better as it goes along. My friend is an operative/agent and from I've seen tagging along with him that looks great, I'll probably try it next.
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I've only completed Consular and Trooper stories.


Consular is okay. Starts off slow, builds up to be better, but overall if feels kind of vanilla and bland. Almost like some sort of default story.


Trooper story was a bit underwhelming, especially the ending.


Smuggler story (finished Tatooine) is kind of fun. Hope it builds up to more.

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Trooper story was a bit underwhelming, especially the ending.



Trooper's was down right infuriating at the end... sat there going that's it?! really?!


Sith Inquisitor story line is very good imo I am sitting at 46 dying to see the ending already... I just tried to force my way through it but got stomped so leveling now so I can finish it asap.

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