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Cross server war zones and cross server FPs needed ASAP imo


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LFG coming 'soon'.


xserver or not, I don't know.



To me, this is not acceptable.


I'm trying to decide whether to keep my subscription. When is "soon"? And when is cross-server PVP coming?


PS this was not intended as a go at you Azzras, just my frustration at the lack of specifics from Bioware at this moment.

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LFG please, i'll pass on the X-server **** though.




Cross-Server LFD tool in WoW turned people into the garbage spouting fools you can find all over the forums: Anonymity is king on the internet, the more you give to people the more they will be jerks. No, not true in EVERY case, but yes it holds true in the majority.

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Topic name .. Its impossible to find a pug FP pretty much and pre 50 WZ q is slow as hell even prime weekend. In order for the game not to die, cross server FPs and warzones needed.


Sad but true. I am 100% against cross server lfd but what else can they do?


I was playing on a server this morning with my 2 IRL buddies. There were 8 people in fleet. there are never more than 25.

Edited by BCBull
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I am no fan of x-server anything.


Though for PvP, I wouldn't be against them putting in an option to play as a server team against players from another server. Just keep the pool of your team mates limited to the players you associate with daily.


For PvE, I'd rather see them merge low population server than institute any x-server tool. And I'd rather have them keep group forming tools out of the game all together. Give the players a more robust tool for looking up people wanting to group and let the players form the groups as they see fit.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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Exactly. Merge servers or cross server. No alternatives. However , why are ppl so negative when it comes to cross server ? As far as i see it its same ppl playing on the servers give or take. Same loudmouths , same trolls.


My ignore list has limits, as does my patience.

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Cross-Server LFD tool in WoW turned people into the garbage spouting fools you can find all over the forums: Anonymity is king on the internet, the more you give to people the more they will be jerks. No, not true in EVERY case, but yes it holds true in the majority.


Completely disagree cross server has nothing to do with how people behave!



I 100% support full cross server tools!

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I am no fan of x-server anything.


Though for PvP, I wouldn't be against them putting in an option to play as a server team against players from another server. Just keep the pool of your team mates limited to the players you associate with daily.


For PvE, I'd rather see them merge low population server than institute any x-server tool. And I'd rather have them keep group forming tools out of the game all together. Give the players a more robust tool for looking up people wanting to group and let the players form the groups as they see fit.


Group forming tools are badly needed. It takes the need for a leader out of the picture and forms the groups for you and that is the key to success for any lfg tool!

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Yeah, and mostly what kind of people...


Look at the forums of Wow what LFD brought, you cant ignore that.

And i also experienced that in Wow, rude/impatient people.

They afk when they want.


You will see what cross server will bring also.

Lots and lots of topics about

"kick abuse"


"cant kick the afk, kick function is broken"


bla bla bla


We have seen it all. Do we want to have that in Starwars...HELL NO

Then not to mention the loot rules...1000's of topics about it on the forum..


LFG please only server not cross server.

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Yeah, because people on low pop servers being able to actually play the content would be horrible.


200% agree. I don't see why we should have to be forced into a guild purely to play any of the end-game content. Some of us on low-pop servers simply don't have the varied choice of guilds that do play end-game content. This results in OP guilds which may or may not have the membership & qualities that we would like to actually be a part of.


Any x-server tool for LFG's would mean more social guilds forming where members would not have to gratuitously expand simply to play end-game.


As the game stands right now on a low pop server, once you hit 50 and have moderately geared up you only have 2 choices: PvP or make yet another alt.

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it is NEEDED for anyone who plays in the morning. 1 hour for a WZ que (after that i just gave up) and i never ever do flashpoints because i HATE HATE HATE spamming a general chat. and its hard a hell to find the one flashpoint you can do or want. and im all for cross server. just make it an option so those people that need "community" can wait all day long for a 15 min WZ, idiots. not all of us can play 8 hours a day and need to get stuff done when we are on.
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