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Maur Leveling hybrid - when do you consolidate?


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Hi, having a blast in my low 20s with the Marauder, and specc'd Carnage and Annihilation only for the first few levels, for spamming of Vicious Slash.


Currently I am running this base and want to know at what level do your Ataru abilities kick in so that you should consolidate in Carnage?


I am a PvE'er, and a PvP'er, and I know that the two aren't always interchangeable, but from my perspective, you can be quite effective in both while leveling ... so again my question is, when does it make the most sense to consolidate ... is it at 30?


Mid-level spec advice appreciated in advance! :wea_03:

Edited by Poe_
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at 23 i would have this spec for leveling http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIboZZh.1


I wouldn't worry about DW Mastery until your are reaching for Defensive Roll or other talents.


I leveled and remained Anni spec for both pve and pvp.


But if you are looking at end game carnage spec i would assume it becomes viable at 30+ when you get Gore.

Edited by Sedals
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