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New Shadow Tank. Please Help!


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31/0/10 is a real solid tank spec. You can also do a hybrid type... 29/0/12 or 27/0/14 if you like to spam double strike more often and don't want Slow Time. However I think Slow Time is an amazing ability and I would highly suggest trying it out.
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I just started playing a Shadow Tank (level 13 currently), I was wondering what a good spec would be to follow. Any suggestions?


I'd personally put everything in Balance till you hit 41.


That means, go to upheaval and the reduced cost on double strike, then rest in Kinetc for the 31/0/10 spec till you hit 41.

Once you hit 41, respec up to Slow time and as you level, finish the build with putting points in balance.

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I put everything into Kinetic until I reached 31, then put the rest into Balance. It's a great class and great spec to level with. I had no trouble at all with any of my class quests, do fairly well in pvp, and really started mowing through content once Theran Cedrex joined me. I will say that I did not feel like a decent pve tank until I acquired slow time. Most of the fights in this game involve multiple targets and our AOE tanking wasn't very strong until ST. However, with ST, it's very rare that someone is able to take aggro from me.



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I did 31/0/10 myself. It works great for me. I can solo with just about any of my companions and have very little difficulty swappnig from one to the other (if they're geared fairly closely). I have to change my mindset when tanking though, and use my taunts a lot (and my guard skill on the top DPSer).
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