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[BUG] Disconnect/Close game - UI Issue


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Hi there,


I'm guessing this has been reported already, but it still hasn't been fixed. Also not sure if this is the correct forum, so move it as you see fit.


When in high populated zones (e.g. Ilum) opening your bag, quest log, crew skills, crew returning from missions, character sheet etc... you can sometimes get disconnected and the game closes.


My questions is why? Why does opening a bag disconnect/close out your game.


You can also notice stutter when opening bag, character sheet etc... anywhere in the game. I've run CPU, GPU, HDD & RAM performance counters and all looks normal. So the game isn't even maxing out my hardware.


What is the game doing? Is it waiting for a connection to the database on a server somewhere? Is it just poor coding? Surely this was brought up in Beta?


Anyway, wondering if you guys have made any progress if this is already flagged as a known issue and being worked on.



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