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Did they still not fix the Cam Rotation/mouse accel?


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I have it set to 2% and its still very inaccurate/smudgy movements and it feels like they have a forced Accel or Smoothing for the mouse when you're looking around.


In the beta I had it set to 0% and I remember people complained about this, still have not fixed it, 3 months after release? Really?


I got 70-80 fps so it is not a framerate issue. Though it DOES get a whole lot worse in the same beta areas that were for some unknown reason heavy on the PC.

(2500k 4.2Ghz/8GB 1600MHz Ram/60GB SSD/HD5850, all high i 1080)







Question, you think we will ever see smaller increments in the zooming? I wish to zoom farther into my character.


Question #2, did they fix the High textures = Low Textures and High Shadows = low shadows?



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