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Credits, Credits, Credits. Where've all the credits gone?


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When I started playing, I felt from the start as though I was being expected to have money to burn. From the beginning, I noticed a pattern where by comparison, money gained did not compare equally to money spent. And I'm not even referring to Market prices from the Galactic Kiosk. I'm talking about money received from mobs, quests and junk. And money spent on spells, bag space, licenses and upgrades.


Vendors were charging a great deal of money for relatively common gear, the price of Vendor Sold Crafting Materials was too high for my financial bracket, Pilot's Licenses took too long to save for, and even Class Spells jumped swiftly in price from level to level.


Now, I'm not saying you (Bioware) should make everything cheap... just reasonably priced.


Example 1: Jumping from 5k Credits for first row of bag slots to 20k, then to, I think it's 50k is just not right. In other games, players can avoid mass expenditures by crafting their own luggage. And offering the exact number of slots per fee increase makes it all the more frustrating. The way you explain it is : number of total slots equals total price required, but we are not being told to spend 200,000 credits for a grand total of 80 slots. No. We are still paying inflated prices for the same 10 slots. So, in essence, you are not charging the appropriate fee per expansion of cargo space. You are simply ripping us off from money better spent elsewhere. 20,000 Credits per row of slots would be MORE THAN ADEQUATE, considering the rewards.


Example 2: Charging 40,000 credits for the first Pilot's License, THEN 210,000 Credits for the next "level" Pilot's License is both unreasonable and illogical. For that one piece of information alone, I would love an explanation. Who decided to price everything in-game and where was the logic behind it? Seriously, I would love to hear it out in cohesive detail.


I'm not trying to be jerky or smarmy. I would really like to know. Because the way I see it; I'm already having enough trouble trying to keep up with the fees for my Class Spells and Gear, but when you add the fees from Vehicle Licenses, Vendors, and Crew Skills, I'm just not being left with enough revenue to splash my cash around on anything but the essentials. And 210,000 Credits for a License is simply not anywhere near the top of my list. You didn't even affix it to a 100%, or 200% increase in price value. You went from 40k to 210k. That's MORE than 5 times the price of the 1st License. Not acceptable. Not even close to being reasonable. Unless my 210k Vehicle License offers me a cargo hold, a stripper who buffs me, and a kiosk pad for business handlings on the go, its simply not going to fly with me. I wasn't even happy with the original 40k, but I paid it.


In summary, whomever was left in charge of in-game vendor pricing, please give him/her another job somewhere else- like scooping Nerf dung off the parking lot, and put someone in charge who's actually had to work for a living growing up.


I'm not a mats farmer. I not a Crafting Fanatic. And I am not going to waste my time even trying to accumulate my hard earned money for ridiculous things like the above mentioned. I'm a quest whore, plain and simple. And if I can't play the way I want without being forced into a pattern I detest, I'd rather go back to WoW. At least there they don't deny forcing us to grind. You (Bioware) claimed to be liberating us from that affliction.


Please consider at least LOWERING THE PRICES of in-game vendor merchandise to something more reasonable and realistic. Because I'm simply not going to spend my sparse income in such a manner. And if it gets any more ridiculous as I reach end-game, I will simply quit playing. After all, it's only a game, by the end of the day, and if I'm missing out on worthwhile aspects of the game, simply because I'm BROKE- or getting frustrated because of something the game developers have done, I'll just quit. Games are supposed to be fun, not restricting and frustrating.


I doubt this post will get noticed, but if anyone from Bioware actually does read this, thanks for wasting you time on it and I'm sorry if I have been insulting, because that's not my intention. I'm simply disappointed and hear broken to the continual restrictions I was promised wouldn't exist. (Like armor that doesn't match, and story that's constantly breaking my immersion with story bugs like letters from girl's I've previously killed, telling me their lives suck and I should have just killed them.) Lot's of broken promises, I've seen. And I'm one of the good fans who defend you to his irate and skeptical fanboy friends.


Good luck and thanks (and my apologies).


-Edward Hyde

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With my first character, I have over 60k at level 25, and 400k at level 40, more than enough for the speeder and license cost.

I bought substantial blue or epic gears from GTN too.


Most important part is, don't level any crafting/mission crew skill (except slicing) with your first character. You may have it, but don't level it. Don't try to level them along with your first character, you will never make it because it costs a lot more than you will gain.

Once you get your level 50, you can complete daily and even unfinished bonus quests on each planet and you can get at least 200K everyday. Now start enjoy your crafting days ..

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There is.. nothing to spend money on after the speeders and the fun stuff off vendors


im sitting at ~25 mil between both imperial and republic side on my server and im not really trying to make money anymore..


Repairs in full rakata cost about 75k, after that.. Stims and Medpacks.. thats it..

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