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Why is it that pvers or casual pvpers feel that hardcore pvp shouldnt be rewarded with better gear, thats like say raid and hardmode gear should be equal. If you compete at a higher level of pvp you should get the best pvp gear. plain and simple
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Most hardcore PvPers want gear removed, not exponentially improved where it never balances out...


The middle ground is easily obtained PvP gear that puts everyone on equal footing, then higher tiers of gear just look better than the tier before, but don't give an advantage.

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Most hardcore PvPers want gear removed, not exponentially improved where it never balances out...


The middle ground is easily obtained PvP gear that puts everyone on equal footing, then higher tiers of gear just look better than the tier before, but don't give an advantage.


This. Developers need to learn that people don't want gear to be the end game goal.


I'd rather see raids with mechanics that require thinking and strategy not just stats = we kill X monter faster.


PVP shoudl be the same way. It shoudln't be I beat X class because i had better gear it needs to be i beat X class because i outsmarted them.

Edited by Baalazar
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I'd much prefer a system that'd have numerous more gear set bonuses that allowed players to differentiate from each other which would allow players to have significantly different roles, even when sharing the same specs. It'd be nice to see at least three sets additional sets for each class. Gear is great, as long as it is providing the ability to make your characters unique and function better in the role that you are trying to play. Edited by KyoMamoru
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