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hybrid vs. full balance?


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Currently I am level 50, been through all normal modes and most bosses in HM; So my gear is fairly good. I am currently 0/13/28 hybrid. This spec is awesome for PVE and PVP. In PVP I always top dmg by a large margin and have the most killing blows. Since there is no dmg meter mods yet, I don't know how effective I am in PVE lol. My question is, I have never gone full balance, meaning I have never gotten Sever Force. Is a full balance spec better than a hybrid spec? I know a full balance spec would consist of keeping dots up constantly, I just am not sure what fillers one would use with a balance spec? If it's kind of a blah spec in general, I might just stay hybrid. Any info? Thanks!:p
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Well full balance is pretty steady on its dps output from what i've noticed. However, when you have to really burst you do lack the actual burst that others have. For say the burst damage stages in soa phase 3 you will lack the bigger hits that you can do with insta tk wave. I also noticed that when doing the council while full balance my health didnt budge (yey for focused insight) i was rather slow compared to the rest in taking down my assigned target, since most of the damage was from dots & the random fig, project & tk throw.
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You really have to work hard to keep your resource pool at decent level when you're full Balance. When hybrid, you can go all out, 100% of the time and not worry about blowing your force and doing no damage.



That's basically the only thing you need to look at when trying to decide which spec is better.

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I love the mobility of a full balance build. Great for PvP IMO. If you play objectives and not necessarily death matching, you will enjoy it.


I should add that I alternate between full Seer and full Balance. The reason I didn't immediately go hybrid TK/Balance was this player. He made Balance look amazingly fun (and it is).

Edited by Jaiyne
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I have always been full balance spec and actually going to try your spec tonight :D I cant wait


Sever force is really good I think. It doesnt seem like much for pve but for pvp it is nice to have yet another root type mechanic & internal dmg.


Honestly either spec is great, if you do really well with one try the other but you will prob be good with it too lol.


My bud does the hybrid, I do the Balance and we are both at top dps within a few K of each other.

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