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Custom droid companion


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There is a droid companion on the ship, and some classes have another droid companion, but except for that, how about adding a "custom droid" companion. This one could be merged of all the droid components you find, some for the existing droids, but also parts from enemy droids. Arms, weapons, heads, processors, language-kits, tools, armors, chassis etc etc. Everyone could do a personal droid.


This could be a really fun thing. The only downside I can see is the risk that other companions would be to boring. But I'm sure there is a way to balance it.


If this is to complex, at least let us BUY a droid companion from a choose selection. Astrodroids, translators, battledroids, probedroids etc. Could "take" a companion-slot, but work more as a speeder or an additional weapon. And when it is defeated in combat, it is broken and have to be reapaired at a droid engineer or at your ship before use again.

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