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My Companion died!


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I have a Bounty Hunter on Hutta, and Mako as Companion. I found a datacron, then jumped off a wall. Mako didn't follow, so I went back up to the datacron, and she is dead. I can't use the "Revive Companion" as I can't target her, even though she's there ("no target" response). Companions are really useful at this stage - how do I revive her?
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There's a button where your companion's picture normally is (bottom-left corner of the screen) that will summon your companion. Otherwise type "N" to bring up the Crew Menu and summon her from that. If Mako's picture is still showing in the bottom corner of your screen, but faded out, you will have to right-click her picture and "Dismiss" before you can summon her again.
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