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why does Kaliyo suck so bad?


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My Sniper is the second character i have played in the game and i love the story and the game play. the only thing that i don't understand is why Kaliyo sucks so bad. it seems that i can even take on 3 regular enemies without Kaliyo being knocked unconscious. during the Beta, there was talk that depending on your AC and talents you comps would be increased in power or strength to compensate for your choices. Anyway i want to know if anyone else is having Issues with Kaliyo being owned all the time. don't get me wrong she has a great story and she is very supportive of me killing innocents but i wish she didn't die after every battle. BW is this how she is supposed to be?
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If you have her geared in greens and blues she will be a bad tank. You need to get ther orange gear and keep the mods upgraded.


during Beta tank companions got a huge boost to their armour but for live BW removed the boost, so tank companions are pretty bad if not in the best gear.


I use Ensign Temple for dps and Kali when I want to take out gold mobs or champions, no problem.

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Well you have to get her armor class up. I was using Kaliyo until I got Scorpio. I am a cybertech so I make all the gear for that nasty droid. If you were a armormech you could gear up Kaliyo quite well. The armor you get from doing the solo quests is not really good enough for her. Right now Scorpio is like 500 armor points higher than Kaliyo, and she does way better damage too.
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I hate Kaliyo.


She does decent damage and her threat is pretty good and I think her survivability is ok. For me the thing I hate is when she no-shows. At least 50% of the time when I attack she will stand there staring at me until the mob is up my *****.


I shouldn't have to manually click the attack button. If I am shooting it, she should be too!

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as an operative I think kaliyo is the best just because of her threat generation. I'm only lvl 34 and i just have kaliyo and vector to choose from, but vector doesn't generate the threat necessary to let me backstab so then my dps gets cut in half if all mobs are targeting me. kaliyo is a ticket to backstab city even when im tossing grenades and going all out on the melee attacks
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Keeping her up to date with the occasional quest reward or random item drop, or going to the GTN and buying a bunch of blue items for her should be enough for her, while keeping oranges and saving your commendations while leveling for YOU.


Unfortunately, it's not enough. She has the endurance of a wet paper towel against a single strong (silver) class enemy, which should NOT be happening. She lasts longer against elites because I end up taking a bunch of the damage for her.


Some tank :p


Once you're doing dailies and everything then sure, getting her in orange gear with maxed out mods would be easy.


The problem is by then there's no reason you'd ever need to use a companion again aside from daily quests. When it actually matters that you have both you and your companions geared up you're not given the opportunity to do both. You're forced into either gearing yourself up with full oranges, or gearing a companion with full oranges, because you aren't given enough commendations by doing planet/class quests/bonus series to keep all the mods on all the equipment for both characters up to date: You're barely given enough to keep one character in full oranges completely up to date.


In a situation like this, people give priority to their own character's gear, which they should.

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SCORPIO is a pain to gear up compared to Kaliyo at lvl 50. I just grab supercommando stuff for Kaliyo, for the droid I have to look for insane cybertechs that grinded out epic blueprints.


Not true, take modable droid parts (like the set she starts with!)and put in the super commando mods enhancements and armors etc

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Kaliyo needs a buff bad. My Op actually does a better job tanking than she does. Against hard hitting mobs, she dies in about two seconds before I can even get a heal off. So I just switch to a DPS companion, start healing myself and my companion finishes the mobs for me.


I really don't see any point of using Kaliyo, honestly.

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Kaliyo does pretty well for me at 43rd. I have her equipped primarily in greens, a couple blues, and one or two oranges with level-appropriate mods. Of course, I'm an operative, so keeping her standing is easy; drop two of the heal-over-time pods on her and keep them stacked, and she can pretty much just stand toe to toe with an elite and I never have to worry about her beyond that.


Against champions I have to heal her directly, but it's still not terribly hard.

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It's not just Kaliyo the Imperial Agent just seems to have crappy companions my first Character was a Sith Warrior Maurader and the companion options were far superior to anything my Agent Operative gets. Which is really my only complaint, my Agent despite having a bit less punch than the Maurader has far greater survivability.
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It's not about Kaliyo so much as it's about healing - or the lack thereof - for snipers. Grit your teeth, learn your CD and CC rotations, level through it, and do a jig when you get Lokin - it's easy mode after that. Thank Kaliyo for her work, give her a nice severance "package" for old times' sake, and make sure you wave at her on occasion when you travel on your ship.
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  • 1 month later...

Nice to know I'm not the only one who's noticed this. I'm just about level 40, and my Concealment Operative is getting increasingly trickier to play.


At level 10, she was good. At level 20, we were unstoppable. Elites? Pfft. No big deal. (Unlike my Sentinel, who got annihilated when I wasn't questing with my tank-spec'd Jedi Shadow wife.)


Then at level 30, it's like she'd lost all her survivability. Her threat's still great, but she gets destroyed fighting even a typical 1 Strong/2 Normal group. And Elites? I can barely fight them anymore. When I do, I have to assume Kaliyo will be dead for at least the last third of the Elite's health.


I've got her in mostly orange gear that I keep pretty up-to-date with my Cybertech alt and commendation mods, but I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. That by level 45, she'll die fighting normal mobs!


I considered giving Lokin a try, but that really doesn't mesh well with a backstab-focused class. Since he uses the same stats as me, I'm also not sure if that would make gearing him easier or harder.


I'm not sure what Bioware was thinking with this. It feels like they trying to wean me off having a companion-tank. (And I'm not sure how 1.2 affected things, as I was around level 30 when it came out.)


Is this typical of most tanking companions around level 30? Like I said, I play my Sentinel with my wife, so I have no other solo experience to go by so far.

Edited by RobertMcDonald
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  • 4 weeks later...

When I was a heal specced OP, I'd solo all teh Belsavis dailies, including the heroics. Hell I could even solo Poisonous Strategy by using Kal as a tank.


Don't blame the tools...


That said, I respecced to Lethality and swapped to Lokin, and the dailies are shockingly easier heh!

Edited by QuiJonPed
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With my operative (heal spec), Kaliyo isn't that great, got her absorption as high as I can which I think is around 36% along with 33% shield but her armor is still low around 18%. I prefer Vector, slot him up with defense mods or put the survivor assassin gear on him and he's very easy to heal up as he tanks for you and still does respectable damage, Temple does more damage but she's harder to heal so my happy medium is with Vector.


For sniper, it's obviously Lokin, but Kaliyo should sustain well when you're doing dailies.


But once Scorpio is modded, she holds up better than Kaliyo does.

Edited by Sookster
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But once Scorpio is modded, she holds up better than Kaliyo does.


The survivability of the two of them seems pretty much the same to me. The difference is that Kaliyo seems to hold aggro much better for me (Concealment Operative) than SCORPIO did. I would imagine this is due to the fact that Kaliyo is a ranged tank and thus doesn't need to run over to a target like SCORPIO does.


I just wish it was easier to get tanking Mods for her. As it is, I've been taking the blaster for her from "Lights Out" (the Heroic 2+ daily on Belsavis) and taking the mod out and dropping it into her armor. Seems a rather wasteful and silly way to get them, but since Cybertechs can't make tanking mods, I see no other way.


Also, just to chime in again on this topic... it seems like after a slump in survivability in the mid- to late-30s, Kaliyo's survivability seems to pick up again around the mid-40s. Maybe it was just my gear, but it seemed to get better by Belsavis. (Not as good as it was on Balmorra, mind you, but better.)

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Yeah, I have felt that all companions, regardless of roll or class, seem to be weakest around the 30's. I could use any of my companions happily now that they're all geared to the teeth, though Lokin is my favorite, as dps at least. I use Kaliyo when I'm healing and she's pretty tough. I just can't bring myself to get Scorpio gear when I've just handed Kaliyo all this free extra columi/rakata gear.
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I could use any of my companions happily now that they're all geared to the teeth, though Lokin is my favorite, as dps at least.


Concealment Operatives are 100% stuck with either Kaliyo or SCORPIO. You can't stab something in the back if it's looking at you. :) Thus, I've never, ever used Vector, Temple, or Lokin (outside of when the game made me). My Vector's still got all his starting gear.


So I'm glad Kaliyo got better, because it's not like I had any other options. :)

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