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Why you dont want people to group?


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What is the purpose of a Dungeon? Gear. Why would u do a dungeon if u have the gear?

You can solo with the best gear available all the way to 50. There are tokens for gear and mods starting level 1. If we had LFD tool i could do dungeons just for fun , and exploration but the way Bioware set it up , i would rather take my planet comm and purchase best gear/mods with them. If i feel bored , there is undying game of Huttball where we Imps constantly destroy each other , hoping that someday endless pvp grind will have more meaning (1.2 where are you?)


Bioware if u decided to make SWTOR into single player RPG why do u keep releasing more and more Flashpoints/Operations. I am sorry i dont have time to stand at the fleet i have to do quests and travel to different planets and i really cant afford to lose more time spamming in Chat and watching loading screens one after another. Your game lacks synergy , your custom build Bentley needs power windows and air conditioning system.


I keep beating dead horse with the stick , just like most of us since open beta, hoping that someday they will listen to reason.

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What is the purpose of a Dungeon? Gear.

You know, while gear has always been the carrot at the end of the stick, "challenge/teamwork/social competition" used to be the main reasons for dungeon crawling.


...you know, back when they actually posed difficulty, pre-instancing.


People at one time enjoyed grouping because it was fun not because they were obsessed with gear.

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I run the dungeons because I have fun doing it. Why do something if you don't enjoy it? For the reward? I wouldn't start a career in a field I don't enjoy just for the pay...


Hey maybe you like to do volunteer work , i want to get paid for what i do. Some if not most


doing dungeons/flashpoints to get geared , plain and simple.

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Yeah something along the lines of "we looking into it"


Very informative , cant wait to see it.


I want a LFG tool badly too. But, you can't realistically expect a more concrete answer than this. At least we know they are working on it. Hopefully we get it sooner than later. But, you can't expect them to give you a timeframe until its just about ready. Doesn't work that way.

Edited by Claymaniac
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I want a LFG tool badly too. But, you can't realistically expect a more concrete answer than this. At least we know they are working on it. Hopefully we get it sooner than later. But, you can't expect them to give you a timeframe until its just about ready. Doesn't work that way.



ETA would be nice . Official statement. Description of future LFD tool , cross server or not?


Something other then "looking into it "

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You know, while gear has always been the carrot at the end of the stick, "challenge/teamwork/social competition" used to be the main reasons for dungeon crawling.


...you know, back when they actually posed difficulty, pre-instancing.


People at one time enjoyed grouping because it was fun not because they were obsessed with gear.


Wrong, even 7 years ago in vanilla it was still about character progression through gear. For 98% of players it is the motivating factor.

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Wrong, even 7 years ago in vanilla it was still about character progression through gear. For 98% of players it is the motivating factor. In my Opinion.


There fixed it for you. and beside's out of your butt where do you derive your 98% bs stat from?:rolleyes:

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You know, while gear has always been the carrot at the end of the stick, "challenge/teamwork/social competition" used to be the main reasons for dungeon crawling.


...you know, back when they actually posed difficulty, pre-instancing.


People at one time enjoyed grouping because it was fun not because they were obsessed with gear.


I miss those days... The most interesting fps in this game were esseles/black talon and the Revan questlines, I did those out of pure interest for the story, more like those would be extremely appreciated....

**** gear



Wrong, even 7 years ago in vanilla it was still about character progression through gear. For 98% of players it is the motivating factor.



Who said we're talking about wow fool? There were other mmos before that ****.

Edited by Lightmaguz
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Questing is trivially easy. Even without intending it, players end up out leveling the content.


Without the prospect of challenge or the need to gear at low levels, there's no incentive to group.


If Bioware wants to encourage low level groups, they need to increase the disparity of rewards between solo and group play, or increase the complexity and difficulty in heroics and flashpoints.

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Questing is trivially easy. Even without intending it, players end up out leveling the content.


Without the prospect of challenge or the need to gear at low levels, there's no incentive to group.

If Bioware wants to encourage low level groups, they need to increase the disparity of rewards between solo and group play, or increase the complexity and difficulty in heroics and flashpoints.


So that's what my friends and I are doing wrong....We form a group to have fun.:D

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ETA would be nice . Official statement. Description of future LFD tool , cross server or not?


Something other then "looking into it "


You want more than:


Daniel Erickson (Lead Writer): We are hard at work on a much more robust LFG functionality that will quickly help put groups together while still offering the flexibility to decide how you group and what sort of people you want to be grouped with. We’ll release more details as we get closer to release.



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You want more than:


Daniel Erickson (Lead Writer): We are hard at work on a much more robust LFG functionality that will quickly help put groups together while still offering the flexibility to decide how you group and what sort of people you want to be grouped with. We’ll release more details as we get closer to release.




Silly human...you can't beat trolls with facts:D

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Who said we're talking about wow fool? There were other mmos before that ****.

His point is running dungeons for gear is not a new thing. Over many years and many different games, the main reason people run dungeons is to get better gear. Character progression through gear is a strong motivating factor for all MMOs.


If you can get the equal gear by solo-ing, then the risk/reward ratio for FPs is poor. Bioware has made it too quick to solo your way to good gear. I don't mind the easy, but it needs to take more time than it takes today. Flashpoints should be the clear choice for fast gear progression.


Unfortunately, Bioware decided to go old school in how you create groups for FPs. Standing around in a hub city/space station and spamming general is not fun. They should have learned this lesson by observing previous MMOs.

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You know, while gear has always been the carrot at the end of the stick, "challenge/teamwork/social competition" used to be the main reasons for dungeon crawling.


...you know, back when they actually posed difficulty, pre-instancing.


People at one time enjoyed grouping because it was fun not because they were obsessed with gear.


You do a dungeon a handful of times for the challenge and experience. After that, you need more. Thats where gear comes in.

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