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FP loot drop and companions

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I think it is very nice that the loot table is based on the classes that enter an FP. Or at least so it seems. I normally run lower FP's to get orange gear for my companions so that I don't have to pick rewards from quests wich are often under my level (I finished the 3rd Empire planet at lvl 25 while it is a 16-20 planet).


So imo it would be nice that companions count as classes on the loot table.For example : I have done 7 Black Talon solo runs and every run had the exact same loot.


Gearing the companions i'd rate as quite an important aspect.They are the ones that keep us alive or that keep aggro off us. I really don't fancy rolling on BH gear as an imperial agent vs a BH who needs the gear. Player>Companion in my opinion.


So please consider companions as players on the loot table if they are brought into an FP.

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