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Option to hide/prevent others from inspecting your gear.


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yeah I know this is off topic but you should have at least tried, unless you had seen that healer before and knew he sucks. had a tank in my group some days ago that was in rishi greens and some blues with 42k hp but he was actually good and the fp went fine except him dying twice. did bonus boss too. Same when i joined my friends for an fp on my scoundrel that was in mostly rishi crap and some 180 stuff.

I don't like it either if people queue with crappy gear but if they're not completely retarded being a bit undergeared isn't really that big of a problem.


I used to try... but I've made the personal decision to no longer reward such behavior... I see it as abusive towards other players and selfish on the undergeared players part...


This game hands out basic comms and gear like candy. Go run some dailies, heck just Black Hole and Sec X will get you nearly 100 basics between the dailies, weeklies, and boss drops. Queue for a tatical FP 3 days in a row, get the 30 basics each, plus get the weekly done. Queue for the 55 HM FP, get 10 elites plus drops in the FP.


What I'm saying is, with a week of work, you can earn enough basics to completely solve this problem. By queueing for HM 60, what I see is someone who doesn't want to put fourth the effort and just wants to jump right to end content.


I'm in full 186 with 186 augments, all 14 pieces... that took time and credits to accomplish... if I can do it, so can you! :)

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Didn't know this was a competition. However, I've proven my point multiple times and there is nothing else for me to explain to in my defense. You people simply aren't reading/comprehending simple English.


It is never going to happen. I agree with that. But to think there are not only 2 reasons why you would want to hide your gear, is pure ignorance. And proving a lack of reading/comprehension as it's been proven there are more than 2 reasons over... how many pages now?


What is your other reason? You keep saying there are more than two, but I don't think that the word "more" means what you think it means because you haven't pointed another one. Instead you just keep condescendingly saying you have "special synergy" hoping to bully other people into not responding, but really you're saying you think you're a special snowflake that has done something special and unique that no one else has had the intelligence to figure out. You keep saying "more than" two, but I really think you mean "equal to" two.

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What is your other reason? You keep saying there are more than two, but I don't think that the word "more" means what you think it means because you haven't pointed another one. Instead you just keep condescendingly saying you have "special synergy" hoping to bully other people into not responding, but really you're saying you think you're a special snowflake that has done something special and unique that no one else has had the intelligence to figure out. You keep saying "more than" two, but I really think you mean "equal to" two.


There are 14 pages to this thread. There are at least 10 pages with other points of view, stating other reasons. Most people who comment on threads, read said posts as to not post comments that have already been stated or expressed and to gather facts before they post. I am not going to take the time to basically reiterate 10 pages of other opinions to you. If you need an English teacher, that is not who I am. But I strongly suggest you find one..


And why did I specify that my group has a special synergy? A unique way that we stat to mesh together, in order to enhance our gameplay as a unit? I think you're being extremely bias against anything different than your thoughts/suggestions/ideas. Much like, Heat-wave.


Go find that post where I specifically say, "that no one else has had the intelligence to figure out" said unique synergy, READ that post (multiple times if that's what it takes to understand), find where it sits in the context of the overall conversation, then come back with the answer to your own question in a PM, as it's still off topic.

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There are 14 pages to this thread. There are at least 10 pages with other points of view, stating other reasons. Most people who comment on threads, read said posts as to not post comments that have already been stated or expressed and to gather facts before they post. I am not going to take the time to basically reiterate 10 pages of other opinions to you. If you need an English teacher, that is not who I am. But I strongly suggest you find one..


And why did I specify that my group has a special synergy? A unique way that we stat to mesh together, in order to enhance our gameplay as a unit? I think you're being extremely bias against anything different than your thoughts/suggestions/ideas. Much like, Heat-wave.


Go find that post where I specifically say, "that no one else has had the intelligence to figure out" said unique synergy, READ that post (multiple times if that's what it takes to understand), find where it sits in the context of the overall conversation, then come back with the answer to your own question in a PM, as it's still off topic.


You are constantly saying that people need to "use their brains" implying that they aren't currently. You never said "HEY GUYZ I'M SUPER SMARTER THAN YOU!!!" but its the entire gist of your missives.


You know what other people have also said in this thread? There are two sentiments:



  1. I have think I look pretty: This boils down, at its core, to the special snowflake.
  2. I take offense when I'm judged by my gear: Now this can go both ways. Either they have horrible gear and know it, or they have horrible gear but think they've done something super special and unique.


That's it. The vast majority of posts are opposed to the proposal and the few people who are in favor fall into these categories.

Edited by Phyltr
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You are constantly saying that people need to "use their brains" implying that they aren't currently. You never said "HEY GUYZ I'M SUPER SMARTER THAN YOU!!!" but its the entire gist of your missives.


You know what other people have also said in this thread? There are two sentiments:



  1. I have think I look pretty: This boils down, at its core, to the special snowflake.
  2. I take offense when I'm judged by my gear: Now this can go both ways. Either they have horrible gear and know it, or they have horrible gear but think they've done something super special and unique.


That's it. The vast majority of posts are opposed to the proposal and the few people who are in favor fall into these categories.


What did you say to make me feel the need to express my comments in a condescending way? Logic and context (reading comprehension) would tell me, it's because I stated that I'm doing something different. That people shouldn't just follow cookie-cutter builds/stat spreads, but find their own way and what works best for them. And you and Heat-wave basically said "that's stupid" and "you should never think for yourselves" and "you must think you're super special/special snowflake, because you're not doing as we do". So yeah, you're going to get condescending replies until you can pull your head out and realize you're not the ruler of the universe, not everything has a build/stat spread/"the math" done for it in SWTOR, all people have opinions, and none of them are "stupid". Especially to the person thinking said opinions.


It's against the rules to post that you're reporting posts, but since you're making up things I suppose I shouldn't have expected a better response. Can't wait to see the video and the magical formula that you've discovered that no one else has in the history of the game.


I like your late edit as I finish this post. However, I have nothing to hide from you or to be afraid of. I also find it very disrespectful to "run and tattle", so I figured I was doing you a solid by at least letting you know it is me that's reporting you.


(See previous comment since you didn't seem to read the previous post to gather facts, yet again..)


As for the video, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

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Didn't know this was a competition. However, I've proven my point multiple times and there is nothing else for me to explain to in my defense. You people simply aren't reading/comprehending simple English.


It is never going to happen. I agree with that. But to think there are not only 2 reasons why you would want to hide your gear, is pure ignorance. And proving a lack of reading/comprehension as it's been proven there are more than 2 reasons over... how many pages now?


I'm sorry but I just had to respond to this, you haven't proven your point in the slightest. All you have done is break down each response that is made to you into some sort of English language anaylisis rather than actually respond to the points others have made


It is you who is showing ignorance and making bold assumptions on what people say and how they should act. And I said this before and I'll say it again. You call people inept at reading because they are not agreeing or responding in the way you want them too.

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I'm sorry but I just had to respond to this, you haven't proven your point in the slightest. All you have done is break down each response that is made to you into some sort of English language anaylisis rather than actually respond to the points others have made


It is you who is showing ignorance and making bold assumptions on what people say and how they should act. And I said this before and I'll say it again. You call people inept at reading because they are not agreeing or responding in the way you want them too.


How have I not? I've stated there are other points of view and they are not "stupid". Hell, there's 14 pages proving that, yet you disregard them. Even from the quote I'm using of yours, you prove that you have only noticed negativity and references to reading comprehension. That is it. So, what am I supposed to pull from that? That you read and comprehend? Or that you're just posting random crap in hopes to join the bandwagon of lame assumptions.. OR that you don't know how to READ! Well sh*t man, I've even taken the time to explain reading comprehension! I can't hold yalls hand forever, ya know.


Look, lets play a little game.. You write me something, expressing a point and your reasoning for expressing said point. I will then quote random lines of it to belittle you. Completely distort your meaning, because It allows me to say something snide, which makes you seem like your'e saying something completely different than what you ACTUALLY said. You'll clarify your point, use examples, and specify your meaning further. I'll then assume you still mean everything BUT what you've specifically specified your meaning to be. All the while, I'll make snide comments about the fact that you're stupid for having the point in the first place. Oh, and I won't be providing any real facts to prove that you're wrong. Just randomly say crap, because others will just join in. They don't think on their own either! Okay? Cool? Oh, and we'll do this process 5 times.


That's what has happened. I stated my purpose to wanting to hide my gear. You all took that as "you must think your sh*t don't stank!" and "you're wrong because I said so". You're telling me that's "okay" and you wouldn't be irritated as f*** at this point? To the point you're basically teaching people how to read and comprehend f***ing English text. How is that ANYTHING other than pathetic and sad? You tell me. I seriously wanna know.


And how am I "making bold assumptions on what people say and how they should act"? If you're implying the above is socially "okay", then yeah.. I'm not going to be agreeing that this behavior/state of mind is "okay". However, If that's not what you're saying, I would really like to know how I'M the one saying what you all have been stating this entire time: "You're stupid for thinking" and "You should not think for yourselves" and "My way is right, not yours".


Please.. If you want to continue this... please.. Elaborate further. I will definitely check back.

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I'll put it like this.


I have a PVE DPS jugg and a PVP sorc healer. The PVP toon has all gear itemized exactly as I want it (all low endurance mods), full set bonus which is absolutely essential for sorc healing, full augged, stimmed, and I do have a 186 mainhand and 186 offhand that I could switch to if I ever wanted to heal PVE for some reason.


Even though "technically" my healer would be in nearly all 174s (PVE MH/OH excepted), I would still much rather be inspected and found to have at least properly itemized gear with full set bonus (again, essential for sorc heal, I will not give it up for comm gear that is *****) than autokicked because "lol, he only has 42k hp."


And yes, that is a binary choice for puggers. Either submit to inspection or be kicked when the repair bills start coming in and the weak link is identified (or refuses to be identified because "la la la, you can't inspect my gear").


The only people who have EVER complained about my healing have done so when I am healing and tanking at the same time. In PVP that means I have four enemies on me and mouth breathers can't break 200 dps (not a typo) in the warzone on my team so I have no way to make them pay for trying to kill me when I'm stuck carrying 7 derps. In PVE that means the above DPS' utter inability to kill anything whatsoever AND a tank that cannot hold aggro to save his own (or my) life.


But that's why I have a PVE specialized DPS toon; if I have to carry mouth breathers in PVE I'd at least not want to catch the blame for when the millstone is simply too heavy for 1 person out of a group of 4 to bear.


I can just imagine it now. After a wipe on droid boss in Korriban: "Why no heals! You undergeared!"


Me: "The boss was in extermination mode for a full five minutes before we all simultaneously died." :rolleyes:


At least as a DPS I don't have to worry about THAT. :cool:

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Terrible idea, not just for raids, but also for PVP. It's very helpful to know if a teammate is woefully under-/inappropriately geared so you can plan tactics accordingly, like, not leaving them alone to guard a node. And using Inspect, I've found people who didn't know how to gear properly and was able to give tips on how they can up their bolstered stats.


As someone else already posted, this suggestion has no use except for the special snowflakes who think that having an unknown piece of gear will make their epeen bigger, or for people who are undergeared and want to be carried.


While that may be true, sometimes, it can also prevent players.....most likely, like you that will remove them and replace them with someone with vastly better gear to get an easy win, because we all know that elitist raiders and pvp'ers just want quick and easy wins...not challenge.

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While that may be true, sometimes, it can also prevent players.....most likely, like you that will remove them and replace them with someone with vastly better gear to get an easy win, because we all know that elitist raiders and pvp'ers just want quick and easy wins...not challenge.


However true or untrue this may be, though, would not being able to inspect someone change anything or would it just create a new class of players that would be excluded; Those that didn't permit gear inspection?




People that want to bar inspection are trying to hide their competency/incompetency or think that no one should be able to "copy their look", as if they have come across some ultimate combination of items that no one else has thought about putting together.


Neither of those things are great for building a community.


Compare people that want to hide what they have versus those that share their builds in the hopes of improving other players' experiences and those that share their looks in threads here or on sites like http://swtorista.com/ or http://tor-fashion.com/ .


One group seems to want to help the community while the other is only interested in themselves.

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While that may be true, sometimes, it can also prevent players.....most likely, like you that will remove them and replace them with someone with vastly better gear to get an easy win, because we all know that elitist raiders and pvp'ers just want quick and easy wins...not challenge.


Remind me why under geared players should expect to be carried?


If you show up in 60 ops or 60 HM with anything less than 186ish gear and some augments, why would I want to play with you? You haven't bothered to prepared for that level of play, you're trying to shortcut.


Saw someone last night in 158 PvP gear, at least the relics and implants... At lvl 60... Now that is fine if you're running dailies on Yavin for comms, it will work, but for 60 HM? Don't waste my time and I won't waste yours.

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People that want to bar inspection are trying to hide their competency/incompetency or think that no one should be able to "copy their look", as if they have come across some ultimate combination of items that no one else has thought about putting together.


Neither of those things are great for building a community.




One group seems to want to help the community while the other is only interested in themselves.




Open World PvP. 10 man guild Op (random number). All stat'd in a way that promotes skill and group gamplay as a unit (synergy - not a zerg). They have pushed into the spaceport of some planet and are preventing the other faction from entering.


Possible Outcomes:

- The opposite faction will mass and attempt to push out of the spaceport

- Everyone will log off because their guilds aren't showing up to help (The faction being overwhelmed)

- The force will get bored as they have no one to contest them

- The overwhelmed players will fair-weather over to the other faction, creating even more of a population imbalance



- Personally, from what I've noticed, the other faction WILL show up. Coordinate? That's a different story.. BUT, they will show up (eventually).

- This type of gameplay would promote a stronger, more involved community (not jumping around on fleet all day). Because who can honestly say, that they would not enjoy fighting the other faction in OW along side guildies, friends, and random members of the already lacking community? This is an assumption.. But I think it's a pretty safe one to have.

- This type of gameplay would promote server competition, between same faction guilds and oppostie faction guilds (assuming some guilds would also like to participate and be the force "protecting" their faction)

- This could even bring old members back to the game or draw even more new members



I personally see this as a HUGE improvement that can be made by "the people", to strengthen and build a community that is much bigger than the fleet population. Why very few guilds are doing this, I do not know... You decide.


That being said, if a hide appearance option were implemented, this would allow the guilds that perform this way to keep their stats private. You can assume there is a snide purpose behind this motive, or not (neither is going to be accurate as you honestly wouldn't know). However, this would do what?


- Promote figuring out a way to perform this yourself or as a guild (Assuming you care as much as those guilds taking on more numbers with fewer)

- Promote forum threads discussing these "combinations"

- Guilds would simply need to make gear/stat requirements (If they even care to do so)


For PvE purposes:

- Simply ask what they're running..

- Understand that you shouldn't hide your gear if you're planning on running a "dungeon".


Pretty simple. But personally, I think there is a lot more positive outcomes that could come from a hide appearance options than not. And could possibly even save the game.

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- Understand that you shouldn't hide your gear if you're planning on running a "dungeon".


If an option like that was ever implemented it should come with the restriction of not being able to solo queue for any and all pick up groups. If your guild wants to carry you, fine, but you should be excluded from anything else.


If everything the pro hide gear crowd says its true, they wouldn't mind this simple limitation.

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  • 8 years later...

since there is all a thread about a option to hide and prevent others to inspect your gear i then going to post it on this thread then since its more a waste to make a dup thread about the same idea.

i also wane add a option to hide and prevent others to inspect your achievements also as the same go's for the gear.

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16 minutes ago, Ruvalie said:

This is literally the most idiotic suggestion I've ever seen on these forums. Why the heck is this of all threads being resurrected?


why do we have a inspecting your gear and achievements option in the first place when some players not like it at all that other players sneak in there achievements list and what for stats there are using since there is something callt privacy also so why is there something like that in the first place.

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14 hours ago, Spikanor said:

why do we have a inspecting your gear and achievements option in the first place when some players not like it at all that other players sneak in there achievements list and what for stats there are using since there is something callt privacy also so why is there something like that in the first place.

Because people lie.

People want to join harder content but don't know how to play their class, don't know the mechanics and so on. If you can't check their gear and their achievements, they can say whatever they want, no-one can check if anything they said is true until you enter the ops and try to kill a boss. You won't know they lied until the group wipes. They'd just waste everyone else's time and make it even harder for other pugs to join harder content: pugging would become impossible, finding replacements would become impossible. 


The only time (early 7.0) where I needed to find a pug dps for SnV HM ended badly. I'm not a fan of asking for a cheevo, so I just looked for a dps who knows the operation and knows how to play their class. Got someone, we went in, struggled heavily on the first boss, the pug died but the boss did too so I didn't think much of it. On Titan 6 he died twice and we wiped. Someone whispered me he hasn't even done it in SM. At that point I checked his achievements and gear too. He didn't have crystals in his weapons, which usually means the person doesn't even understand the basics of gearing, and his raiding experience was limited on a couple of bosses in KP SM. So that was on me. I didn't ask for a cheevo, I didn't even ask for a geared person, I asked for someone who knows what they are doing. He lied to get into a HM group and ruined our evening as well. With 7.0 we were introduced a system where you need to kill all bosses to get the gear box for completing the weekly, and because of that we didn't find a replacement (they all wanted to start from the beginning), people in my group didn't have any unlocked alts left so we had call it. 


That's why we need to be able to check people's gear and achievements. It has nothing to do with privacy, but it has everything to do with detecting BS.



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2 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Because people lie.

People want to join harder content but don't know how to play their class, don't know the mechanics and so on. If you can't check their gear and their achievements, they can say whatever they want, no-one can check if anything they said is true until you enter the ops and try to kill a boss. You won't know they lied until the group wipes. They'd just waste everyone else's time and make it even harder for other pugs to join harder content: pugging would become impossible, finding replacements would become impossible. 


The only time (early 7.0) where I needed to find a pug dps for SnV HM ended badly. I'm not a fan of asking for a cheevo, so I just looked for a dps who knows the operation and knows how to play their class. Got someone, we went in, struggled heavily on the first boss, the pug died but the boss did too so I didn't think much of it. On Titan 6 he died twice and we wiped. Someone whispered me he hasn't even done it in SM. At that point I checked his achievements and gear too. He didn't have crystals in his weapons, which usually means the person doesn't even understand the basics of gearing, and his raiding experience was limited on a couple of bosses in KP SM. So that was on me. I didn't ask for a cheevo, I didn't even ask for a geared person, I asked for someone who knows what they are doing. He lied to get into a HM group and ruined our evening as well. With 7.0 we were introduced a system where you need to kill all bosses to get the gear box for completing the weekly, and because of that we didn't find a replacement (they all wanted to start from the beginning), people in my group didn't have any unlocked alts left so we had call it. 


That's why we need to be able to check people's gear and achievements. It has nothing to do with privacy, but it has everything to do with detecting BS.



i know that also since a other game i have play before this has also a gear inspecting option but there was also a ignore option to prevent players to look at your gear also.

but there was 1 diffrend with it.

when players run a high level dung where you need top gear level there ask first to open you gear so that there can check first if you telling the truth that you gear is on the top level.

so in this game there can do the same also.

before there run a high level ops there need to open there gear and achievements to let the party leader or guild leader see if he is telling the turth and at the same time other players still have there privacy that never run stuff like that.

so there can add the ingore option to see other players gear and achievements.

and players that run high level ops or flashpoints in groups need to ask there party members if there not trust then to open there achievement list and gear to see if there telling the truth if there wane run that level of ops and flashpoints.

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A lot of people are arguing the dungeon side of it, but I'm not interested in that. I'm interested in the true endgame content; Space Barbie.

With many different armour pieces having different material bases, making it look ugly to combine them even with good dyes, its really nice to be able to inspect other people's outfits to discover combinations that work and look nice. I, personally, want the system to be expanded to other players' companions even - and to be able to preview the parts they used on my own character.

I don't understand the mindset of wanting to hide it. This is a social game, sharing should be encouraged and - indeed - is pretty much everywhere else. Everytime someone posts a screenshot on discord or reddit, or what have you, someone inevitably asks for the pieces, and I have never seen someone not share them. That's the attitude that should be fostered here, sharing oufits, helping everyone look their best and feel good about their characters.

I don't know man, I just feel like the desire to prevent people inspecting your gear - from a outfitting perspective - is elitist, jealous, and all around negative behaviour. 

People can look up the parts on their own? This argument is stupid, if it's that easy then why make them jump through more hoops?

I don't get it. Just let people inspect your outfit. It requires no effort on your end and takes nothing away from you, while making it easier for others to make their own character prettier. 

That's all from my dumbarse, y'all carry on arguing about raids.


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I agree with @dtlucario I like to inspect someone gear when I see an outfit that looks good or searching for a name of that piece that fits on my own outfit and I couldn't care less if someone is inspecting my achievements.

I can understand the need for having the choice to allow people to see it or not however I think that a toggle that you could turn on and off is crap because no one can see your achievements if you don't want them to but if you want to see someone else you would turn it off seeing their stuff and then turn it on again and go back to be invisible for the rest. Either you allow or you don't no middle ground or at the very least something like a week cooldown until you could change it back again.

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