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Option to hide/prevent others from inspecting your gear.


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Like.. You JUST proved my point. If you read.. (Is this a new thing? People not reading/comprehending?) I stated that it's basically not uncommon for there to be an option to decline inspection. I ALSO explained that most MMOs have the option to decline inspection or simply do not allow/support/implement the feature.




I'm not sure how it could cause issues in the long run.. But personally, I would prefer if people didn't see my stats or gears name. As the OP mentioned, It would make you (the player) have to use your OWN brain and put some actual thought into your stats/build and appearance. Apparently the OP and myself, are the only ones who like this, magical, unheard of, idea of people having to use their own brains and make choices..


Now that I think about it, suppose SWTOR kinda proves that in a way. Not like you have to put any thought into anything in SWTOR, other than your gear appearance, character customization, and light or dark options.


Thnx casuals~


Really casuals? You blame the lack of so called "privacy options" on casuals? My word. Oh I did not prove your point at all, please enlighten me to which games have a decline to inspect option because as far as I know there is only one and that is LOTRO.


Oh and if you feel so inclined to use different stats than what is needed to optimize yourself go ahead, I don't care either way. Just don't expect to be invited to a Raid without the proper stats. So yeah, you can have all the new weird stats and gear that your heart desires NO ONE is stopping you. But again don't expect to be invited to group content because if people can't inspect you and you drag people down, prepare to be kicked.


I love how people like you are so hung up on this choices thing, really it would seem that theme park games are not for you and you are better off in a sandbox. But believe me in order to be competitive or to achieve a character's maximum potential you do very much use your brain.


Another poster said this more eloquently but let's say for example they do this right? Say there is a call for a DP/DF run HM and a person in the group has this private mode toggled on and refuses to turn it off, exactly what does the raid do? If they kick the person they go to the fleet and accuse the group of being elitist thus it creates drama.


Now mind you that is just an example but is not correct?

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The ONLY logical reason i can see that anyone would want this is if you are under geared and you were kicked for it.


However you deserve to be kicked if you are under geared for whatever you are doing.


If I could make an add-on that would go through everyones gear in flash points and raids and auto vote to kick if their gear is to low I would do it in a heart beat.

That is the exact reason I stopped doing any pugs.


Late to the thread, but...


Given that this is an issue for you, I think you have done exactly the right thing. Group with friends/guildmates and have fun!

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Really casuals? You blame the lack of so called "privacy options" on casuals? My word. Oh I did not prove your point at all, please enlighten me to which games have a decline to inspect option because as far as I know there is only one and that is LOTRO.


Oh and if you feel so inclined to use different stats than what is needed to optimize yourself go ahead, I don't care either way. Just don't expect to be invited to a Raid without the proper stats. So yeah, you can have all the new weird stats and gear that your heart desires NO ONE is stopping you. But again don't expect to be invited to group content because if people can't inspect you and you drag people down, prepare to be kicked.


I love how people like you are so hung up on this choices thing, really it would seem that theme park games are not for you and you are better off in a sandbox. But believe me in order to be competitive or to achieve a character's maximum potential you do very much use your brain.


Another poster said this more eloquently but let's say for example they do this right? Say there is a call for a DP/DF run HM and a person in the group has this private mode toggled on and refuses to turn it off, exactly what does the raid do? If they kick the person they go to the fleet and accuse the group of being elitist thus it creates drama.


Now mind you that is just an example but is not correct?


Recap/Short version:


Casuals/Carebears/Fair-weathers - All one in the same.. And they tend to PvE mostly. Which is content. Which is money in Biowares pocket.. So yes, because people who only have 1-2 hrs to play, WANT to play this game and complain enough about not being able to at convenience to their schedules... we have no options/mechanics such as: Decline Player Preview OR Open World PvP incentive OR Faction Jumping Lock-out timers.. Therefore, catering to casuals/carebears/fair-weathers. Simple business, really. I want money>You give me money if I cater to your needs/wants>I'm sure as h*** going to cater to your needs/wants>I make money>Repeat.


LOTRO.. LOTRO is no "amazing" feat to the MMO world. In its time, it was pretty good, but definitely nothing classified as competitive.. But, apparently PvE is "challenging" to you. However, SWTOR and just about anything after Warhammer Online, either had the option to decline inspect OR the ability to preview, simply wasn't implemented (WHICH I F***ING STATED....AGAIN). To truly understand why you would think that a decline inspection option wasn't uncommon, I would need to know your full MMO background (MMOs you've played from 4-5 months to a year +), so that I can know exactly why you would ever think it's a "stupid" idea. But, I'm gathering from your reply and mention of LOTRO, that you've not had much of an experience at all and certainly don't want to put any real effort into a game, aside from controlling your character..


DAoC and AoC are some older games that were legit as h***. Then Warhammer Online, Aion, GW2.. F*** even WoW! Lets not forget Eve (for you weirdos out there). These MMOs required actual thought! Like... I really feel like I'm getting looked at badly by a mentally handicapped person, right now. Or like I'm explaining that there is more than what's in a book that tells you what you should do in everything in life, to a Christian.. That's the exact feeling I get when I read your reply. Like.. this is what games have come to? These are the people, we competitive players and dedicated theory crafters, allow to play MMOs along side us? Seriously?


This is what you're telling me: You're saying that you have little to no experience in any quality game that's come out since 2007 (2 years before I started battling carebears like you in these very forums). There have been many.. quality MMOs since then. CHALLENGING MMOs, even. You're telling me that I have to get the "Tank" gear because... it's called "Tank" gear. Do you know if my build is viable? And that's just it, you mention PvE. Well h***, from what I've seen, yall can't even do that right! Personally, I don't seem to have any issues in any roll within any "dungeon" and I've NEVER picked "Tank" gear, because it says so or "that's what you're supposed to do". I've even pulled aggro (without taunts) and no mods in pieces of my gear. PvE is THAT easy. THUS the reason why I would prefer a decline inspection option. YOU need to learn how to be ME, not the other way around.. And I certainly don't want to allow you to be me.


You then imply that you think that you know what the differences are between a Theme Park game and a Sandbox, as if this were any kind of comparison. The key term here is "MMORPG". And I swear to the Gods, if you make me have to define what an MMORPG is to you LMAO!! ......I will lose it. But allow me to make a like comparison/suggestion to you.. Maybe you would enjoy any of the Zelda games. That's apparently the extent of your skill cap and you imply you prefer to be govern by a direct path..


Also.. I would NEVER join your ops group after gathering this conclusion of your skill cap and thoughts on SWTOR. Because to make SWTOR (any game) competitive and challenging, not govern by a rail, where you don't necessarily have to get the "Tank" gear to "optimize" your build....we would need to purge the casuals/carebears/fair-weathers, like yourself, from community. SWTOR could be so much more than OPs and WZs, but people with your mindset have ruined it. H***, look at launch patch notes (if you didn't play then) and compare the changes to what we're currently playing.. SWTOR has been "dumbed down". Much like the WoW people, who love to say, "Vanilla was so much better..". It's the SAME difference.


Ask yourself, what kind of state would your current server be in if any of the following where ever to be in SWTOR:

- Decline Preview Option

- Lock-out timer on faction jumping

- Loot incentive to Open World PvP (Oh.. wait.. there was, but that was ruined too, now wasn't it..)


Recap/Short version:

Edited by TheJjakkal
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It would be convenient if we had the option to prevent other players from inspecting your character to see gear etc.


I gotta admit I have never understood this concern about people inspecting gear?


Yes I know some elitists take gear score way to serious and become serious A holes about gear


but on the flip side (as we saw with 12x XP) some lazy players don't take it serious enough and expect others to just carry them through the content


Personally I've never ran into a issue with people inspecting my gear and being negative (but I have a personal standard for each character I feel I must achieve BEFORE I enter group play where gear important)


I have ignored a few people for being overly insane on the gear standards and ignored a equal amount of players for coming into 55 content in level 15 gear (was big issue in 12x XP days)


But as for inspecting, I have inspected people when I see a outfit that really appeals to me and want to see what it is. Wish I could inspect companions as well as more often then not thats the outfits that jump out to me.


I think not being able to inspect someone would be absolutely insane change


The gear slackers and A holes are not common enough either way to change the whole system because of some bad apples.

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Recap/Short version:


Casuals/Carebears/Fair-weathers - All one in the same.. And they tend to PvE mostly. Which is content. Which is money in Biowares pocket.. So yes, because people who only have 1-2 hrs to play, WANT to play this game and complain enough about not being able to at convenience to their schedules... we have no options/mechanics such as: Decline Player Preview OR Open World PvP incentive OR Faction Jumping Lock-out timers.. Therefore, catering to casuals/carebears/fair-weathers. Simple business, really. I want money>You give me money if I cater to your needs/wants>I'm sure as h*** going to cater to your needs/wants>I make money>Repeat.


LOTRO.. LOTRO is no "amazing" feat to the MMO world. In its time, it was pretty good, but definitely nothing classified as competitive.. But, apparently PvE is "challenging" to you. However, SWTOR and just about anything after Warhammer Online, either had the option to decline inspect OR the ability to preview, simply wasn't implemented (WHICH I F***ING STATED....AGAIN). To truly understand why you would think that a decline inspection option wasn't uncommon, I would need to know your full MMO background (MMOs you've played from 4-5 months to a year +), so that I can know exactly why you would ever think it's a "stupid" idea. But, I'm gathering from your reply and mention of LOTRO, that you've not had much of an experience at all and certainly don't want to put any real effort into a game, aside from controlling your character..


DAoC and AoC are some older games that were legit as h***. Then Warhammer Online, Aion, GW2.. F*** even WoW! Lets not forget Eve (for you weirdos out there). These MMOs required actual thought! Like... I really feel like I'm getting looked at badly by a mentally handicapped person, right now. Or like I'm explaining that there is more than what's in a book that tells you what you should do in everything in life, to a Christian.. That's the exact feeling I get when I read your reply. Like.. this is what games have come to? These are the people, we competitive players and dedicated theory crafters, allow to play MMOs along side us? Seriously?


This is what you're telling me: You're saying that you have little to no experience in any quality game that's come out since 2007 (2 years before I started battling carebears like you in these very forums). There have been many.. quality MMOs since then. CHALLENGING MMOs, even. You're telling me that I have to get the "Tank" gear because... it's called "Tank" gear. Do you know if my build is viable? And that's just it, you mention PvE. Well h***, from what I've seen, yall can't even do that right! Personally, I don't seem to have any issues in any roll within any "dungeon" and I've NEVER picked "Tank" gear, because it says so or "that's what you're supposed to do". I've even pulled aggro (without taunts) and no mods in pieces of my gear. PvE is THAT easy. THUS the reason why I would prefer a decline inspection option. YOU need to learn how to be ME, not the other way around.. And I certainly don't want to allow you to be me.


You then imply that you think that you know what the differences are between a Theme Park game and a Sandbox, as if this were any kind of comparison. The key term here is "MMORPG". And I swear to the Gods, if you make me have to define what an MMORPG is to you LMAO!! ......I will lose it. But allow me to make a like comparison/suggestion to you.. Maybe you would enjoy any of the Zelda games. That's apparently the extent of your skill cap and you imply you prefer to be govern by a direct path..


Also.. I would NEVER join your ops group after gathering this conclusion of your skill cap and thoughts on SWTOR. Because to make SWTOR (any game) competitive and challenging, not govern by a rail, where you don't necessarily have to get the "Tank" gear to "optimize" your build....we would need to purge the casuals/carebears/fair-weathers, like yourself, from community. SWTOR could be so much more than OPs and WZs, but people with your mindset have ruined it. H***, look at launch patch notes (if you didn't play then) and compare the changes to what we're currently playing.. SWTOR has been "dumbed down". Much like the WoW people, who love to say, "Vanilla was so much better..". It's the SAME difference.


Ask yourself, what kind of state would your current server be in if any of the following where ever to be in SWTOR:

- Decline Preview Option

- Lock-out timer on faction jumping

- Loot incentive to Open World PvP (Oh.. wait.. there was, but that was ruined too, now wasn't it..)


Recap/Short version:


So in order to make a point you have to insult me. Great. So let me see if I understand you correctly, according to you people who accept the game as is and do not necessarily want drastic changes are somehow bad? Am I getting it right? I also know what an MMO is and my point about a sandbox vs a theme park does run true. I said that because all the things you mentioned about xp locks, faction swapping etc I feel would better suited to a game like for example SWG.


Also I know damn well what a casual is, and I am NOT a casual. I raid twice a week, do PvP, level and other stuff as well. I have spent more money on this game than ANY other game I have played. Do not assume you know me or my so called mind set. It makes you sound arrogant.


Oh you would not join my raid group? Pah I would not even invite you to begin with. Your elitist attitude and unwillingness to listen to ANY point of view besides your own, yeah no I would not waste my time. I have no idea why you made this personal but yes I have played many other MMO's prior to this one and they're lack of or having the ability to inspect was never ever a reason to play or not to play those games. Speaking of which my MMO history is: EQ, Aion, AOC, WoW, ESO, SWTOR.


Don't presume to know me or what I have played. You really seem to presume much, you say my skill cap is limited, have you played in any of my games? Do you know me? If not then keep your mouth shut till you do. Now your last paragraph you mentioned things like not using tank stats or how you would have to "purge" casuals to make the game harder again. I don't know if you blind, but this game is the very definition of casual and that is how most folks like it. If you don't then leave, it is quite simple.


However if you do want to be competitive in this game, there is space for that too. Why can't there be both? Why must every game require so much to be fun?

But don't come and dictate what how others should treat or play games. This is a casual friendly game. Deal with it and more importantly why don't you try to help others be better at the game instead of talking down to anyone who disagrees with you.

Edited by theUndead
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Lets put it this way. I and many other people I know lead HM raid teams. Might not be a Zorz-making-everything-trivial, but it still beats anything you'll pick up on fleet. We need PUGs occasionally; people have real lives and needs nights off. If inspection was a choice, if somebody was hiding their gear they're not coming, don't care how "good" you claim to be.


The ONLY possible reason the be against gear inspection is for bads to hide their multitude of main stats and endurance-heavy items.

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I don't really get the problem with inspecting.


The people who take the inspection result as way to serious today would never accept a player in their group, who hides their eq, as they would automatically assume that they are "bad".


The people who would accept people to hide their equipment from their view do already not inspect without a valid reason or do not care if they see far from optimal stats.


I am not sure, what the benefit of being able to hide the stats would be... you wouldn't get in any more groups. Are there indeed people walking around, randomly inspecting people that aren't even in their group and ridiculing them about having bad stats? I doubt it... and if they do, they would still be doing it.

Edited by JPryde
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So in order to make a point you have to insult me. Great. So let me see if I understand you correctly, according to you people who accept the game as is and do not necessarily want drastic changes are somehow bad? Am I getting it right? I also know what an MMO is and my point about a sandbox vs a theme park does run true. I said that because all the things you mentioned about xp locks, faction swapping etc I feel would better suited to a game like for example SWG.


Also I know damn well what a casual is, and I am NOT a casual. I raid twice a week, do PvP, level and other stuff as well. I have spent more money on this game than ANY other game I have played. Do not assume you know me or my so called mind set. It makes you sound arrogant.


Oh you would not join my raid group? Pah I would not even invite you to begin with. Your elitist attitude and unwillingness to listen to ANY point of view besides your own, yeah no I would not waste my time. I have no idea why you made this personal but yes I have played many other MMO's prior to this one and they're lack of or having the ability to inspect was never ever a reason to play or not to play those games. Speaking of which my MMO history is: EQ, Aion, AOC, WoW, ESO, SWTOR.


Don't presume to know me or what I have played. You really seem to presume much, you say my skill cap is limited, have you played in any of my games? Do you know me? If not then keep your mouth shut till you do. Now your last paragraph you mentioned things like not using tank stats or how you would have to "purge" casuals to make the game harder again. I don't know if you blind, but this game is the very definition of casual and that is how most folks like it. If you don't then leave, it is quite simple.


However if you do want to be competitive in this game, there is space for that too. Why can't there be both? Why must every game require so much to be fun?

But don't come and dictate what how others should treat or play games. This is a casual friendly game. Deal with it and more importantly why don't you try to help others be better at the game instead of talking down to anyone who disagrees with you.


I'm not sure if you're drunk or what.. but, you still do not understand what I've said. Instead you've pulled the bits and pieces that you clung to, out of context, and touched on them. Also, if you read back, you were the one to make this personal.


I even put a nice video to make it simple for those who don't read or comprehend English text very well.. Apparently you didn't click the link. If you did, apparently you have major difficulties with comprehension. So you may want to re-read or click the handy link again, because I'm not going to take MY time, to hold your hand, and reiterate the point for a fourth time.

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I'm not sure if you're drunk or what.. but, you still do not understand what I've said. Instead you've pulled the bits and pieces that you clung to, out of context, and touched on them. Also, if you read back, you were the one to make this personal.


I even put a nice video to make it simple for those who don't read or comprehend English text very well.. Apparently you didn't click the link. If you did, apparently you have major difficulties with comprehension. So you may want to re-read or click the handy link again, because I'm not going to take MY time, to hold your hand, and reiterate the point for a fourth time.

I have no idea what sort of weird tangential rant you took but you strayed far from the topic at hand. The fact of the matter is that you are not a special snowflake. You are not a pillar of the community. No one seeks you out to copy what you do. No one cares what ridiculous anecdotal experience you had with stacking willpower on your juggernaut. You know why? Because there is a mathematically best way to do things in this game and if you want to deviate from that, fine, have fun...make yourself a little hat that says "gimped by choice to be unique". Inspection won't ever become optional, the three people who think they are special snowflakes aren't enough to make up for the many more people who would be inconvenienced by this.


You complain about wanting to hide your gear and then as soon as someone kicks you from a raid for not letting yourself be inspected you'll be complaining and demanding some sort of solution to that.


I've always found the people opposed to being inspected are the ones who gear themselves up in the worst possible ways and get kicked from groups.


BTW: That video is the worst possible kind of dreck. The person who made the video thinks that if they talk the loudest and use profanity every other word than they will shout down anyone who disagrees. How dare anyone tell me I'm not allowed to like the things I like. That is the worst possible kind of elitist attitude that brings shame to the title "gamer".


You think story isn't important to a game? Go play Spec Ops: The Line and tell me that wasn't an amazing story. Here, I'll link you

that will make the point in a a way that doesn't resort to grammar school thinking. If you don't want a story messing with your game, go back and play Super Mario Bros. or Tetris or Minecraft because this obviously is not the game for you


Also, the video had 0 relevance to this topic.

Edited by Phyltr
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This would make everyone start to look for it and it would make that item more desirable.


Um, no, that isn't how it works...


Also, I think that the option to hide gear and stats should be allowed. If the raid wants to view it, then I can enable that option to they can take a look.


You just wouldn't be allowed into raids... I'm not going to ask 5 different people in one of my raids to unhide their gear, I'll just kick you, stop bring paranoid.


But the fact that everyone can view everyone else randomly just makes us all clones.

We all have the same looks and stats.


You must be playing a different game, this game now has a huge variety of armor choices for appearance, I used to see lots of toons look the same, now I see a lot of unique combinations due to all the CM armor choices.


As for stats, they are what they are. DPS needs power/crit/surge/accuracy, there isn't much to be done there, it is what it is. We are not ever going to be very unique when it comes to stats.


In every conversation about giving people the option to hide gear, it seems to only irritate those who need the cookie cutter designs and need to copy someone else. So the accusations of "your gear sucks" and "you must have been kicked from a group" comes out. So enabling a toggle to turn it on and off does absolutely no harm to those who know how to play.


Ha, you should pass what you're smoking...


If you were matched with me via GF for a FP and I see your gear is hidden, instant vote kick for you. I don't have time for such childish games.


You would quickly find yourself with few people to play with.


This is not a new suggestion, it hasn't happened for a reason, it is a stupid idea.

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I'm not sure how it could cause issues in the long run.. But personally, I would prefer if people didn't see my stats or gears name.


There is no possible reason that you should care, it doesn't affect you and you don't have anything unique or special in your gear.


There is simply no good reason to prevent inspections, and lots of good reasons to allow them.


If you could hide them, you'd just end up on a LOT of ignore lists and be vote kicked a lot.

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There is no possible reason that you should care, it doesn't affect you and you don't have anything unique or special in your gear.


There is simply no good reason to prevent inspections, and lots of good reasons to allow them.


If you could hide them, you'd just end up on a LOT of ignore lists and be vote kicked a lot.


I disagree, still. There are both, pros and cons.



- Use your own brain to figure it out. Your own research. And who's to say the base build everyone goes off of is legit? Did the Gods create said build? No.. It didn't magically just appear one day. Someone took the time and put some thought into it.

- Theory-craft viable, If not more viable builds. And your personal time and effort wouldn't get ripped off by some random.


Not to give away any real information, but in my guild, we have adjusted, theory-crafted builds that are more than viable and provide a specific synergy. I can see how the norm would be "okay" for those of you who prefer to PvE or aren't in specialized guilds, but to pretend that there's no reason to question your stat spread/build is simply ignorant. Personally, my build works perfectly fine for PvE and PvP. I mean, I don't have rockets that shoot out of my butt or trinkets that turn me into a unicorn... And you don't know my characters so it's not possible to inspect my gear, but maybe my build/stat spread is better and more optimized. It's certainly possible. And I should be "okay" with people being able to see my build and copy it, because they're too lazy or they like my play style? Nah..



- People won't see what you're wearing (appearance/stats)

- Expect to be kicked by elitist PvE heroes.

- People will more than likely slot their Agent/Smuggler with Aim, etc. Which is not good.


However, you should be able to google the stat spread/build of said class (because someone has already made that information available) or ask your guild for assistance. Is that not the first logical place to start if you are confused on stats/builds Or if there was a hide appearance feature? Again.. this just promotes laziness and a genuine lack of curiosity. Could it not promote a more helpful community?


Although, If you are just super lame and lazy and want someone to hold your hand and tell you where your stats need to be... Join a better guild. Not the casual one you're more than likely in, if you're getting no help. Join a more specialized guild. They would be willing to help you and the information would be quality (or should be, if they're specializing in a certain field).

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I'm not sure if you're drunk or what.. but, you still do not understand what I've said. Instead you've pulled the bits and pieces that you clung to, out of context, and touched on them. Also, if you read back, you were the one to make this personal.


I even put a nice video to make it simple for those who don't read or comprehend English text very well.. Apparently you didn't click the link. If you did, apparently you have major difficulties with comprehension. So you may want to re-read or click the handy link again, because I'm not going to take MY time, to hold your hand, and reiterate the point for a fourth time.


Why would I click a link that shows nothing then a subjective opinion? Oh I comprehend English just fine but the fact remains you seem to have this complex of speaking on what you deem is apropriate for the game and when questioned you go and insult people.



Recap/Short version:


Casuals/Carebears/Fair-weathers - All one in the same.. And they tend to PvE mostly. Which is content. Which is money in Biowares pocket.. So yes, because people who only have 1-2 hrs to play, WANT to play this game and complain enough about not being able to at convenience to their schedules... we have no options/mechanics such as: Decline Player Preview OR Open World PvP incentive OR Faction Jumping Lock-out timers.. Therefore, catering to casuals/carebears/fair-weathers. Simple business, really. I want money>You give me money if I cater to your needs/wants>I'm sure as h*** going to cater to your needs/wants>I make money>Repeat.


Here you call me a Carebear because I mentioned PVE




This is what you're telling me: You're saying that you have little to no experience in any quality game that's come out since 2007 (2 years before I started battling carebears like you in these very forums). There have been many.. quality MMOs since then. CHALLENGING MMOs, even. You're telling me that I have to get the "Tank" gear because... it's called "Tank" gear. Do you know if my build is viable? And that's just it, you mention PvE. Well h***, from what I've seen, yall can't even do that right! Personally, I don't seem to have any issues in any roll within any "dungeon" and I've NEVER picked "Tank" gear, because it says so or "that's what you're supposed to do". I've even pulled aggro (without taunts) and no mods in pieces of my gear. PvE is THAT easy. THUS the reason why I would prefer a decline inspection option. YOU need to learn how to be ME, not the other way around.. And I certainly don't want to allow you to be me.

Here you assume I have no experience in other MMO's and then make the presumptions claim that I need to be you? Who on earth are you? Some champion of the MMO world.


You then imply that you think that you know what the differences are between a Theme Park game and a Sandbox, as if this were any kind of comparison. The key term here is "MMORPG". And I swear to the Gods, if you make me have to define what an MMORPG is to you LMAO!! ......I will lose it. But allow me to make a like comparison/suggestion to you.. Maybe you would enjoy any of the Zelda games. That's apparently the extent of your skill cap and you imply you prefer to be govern by a direct path..


Here you insult me by saying I don't know how to play game and would be better suited playing Zelda. AGAIN making this personal.

Also.. I would NEVER join your ops group after gathering this conclusion of your skill cap and thoughts on SWTOR. Because to make SWTOR (any game) competitive and challenging, not govern by a rail, where you don't necessarily have to get the "Tank" gear to "optimize" your build....we would need to purge the casuals/carebears/fair-weathers, like yourself, from community.

Here you basically tell me that because I play a way I must be kicked out and not be given the rights to play.


Look at my responses in red and you will see it is YOU who made this personal, YOU were the one who started the petty insults, YOU wanted to dictate how I or anyone else must play. You are NOT a special snowflake and more importantly there is no practical reason why gear inspection needs a toggle.

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I disagree, still. There are both, pros and cons.



- Use your own brain to figure it out. Your own research. And who's to say the base build everyone goes off of is legit? Did the Gods create said build? No.. It didn't magically just appear one day. Someone took the time and put some thought into it.


People are NOT running around inspecting other people to figure out optimum builds, what a waste of time...




Go there, get all the info... inspecting or not inspecting gear is not how that is happening...


- Theory-craft viable, If not more viable builds. And your personal time and effort wouldn't get ripped off by some random.


You are not a special snowflake. There are not a dozen ways to properly build a toon, there is generally one way for each class, anything else is inferior.


Not to give away any real information, but in my guild, we have adjusted, theory-crafted builds that are more than viable and provide a specific synergy. I can see how the norm would be "okay" for those of you who prefer to PvE or aren't in specialized guilds, but to pretend that there's no reason to question your stat spread/build is simply ignorant.


Are you trolling, or do you actually believe that tripe? You're full of it.


but maybe my build/stat spread is better and more optimized. It's certainly possible.


No, it isn't. Math is how it works and you don't have special math.

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Although, If you are just super lame and lazy and want someone to hold your hand and tell you where your stats need to be... Join a better guild. Not the casual one you're more than likely in, if you're getting no help. Join a more specialized guild. They would be willing to help you and the information would be quality (or should be, if they're specializing in a certain field).


Ahh, I get it now... You think you have figured out some special trick to the game, you think that people will see your super awesome playing and want to copy you...


Ha! You must be joking... I sure hope you are anyway... if not, then you're just sad...

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People are NOT running around inspecting other people to figure out optimum builds, what a waste of time...




Go there, get all the info... inspecting or not inspecting gear is not how that is happening...


I don't believe I accused anyone of doing this. I simply said I would prefer if people didn't. Because you don't, doesn't mean someone else isn't. And I have much love for dulfy.net. However, there are no PvP guides (That I've been able to find for SWTOR). However, the PvE guides do serve as a frequent reference for us. My assumption of why there are no PvP guides, is probably because every situation is different and your rotation will never be the same, in any given situation. PvP is learned through experience, trial, and error.


I like your attitude, but you assumptions are way off..


You are not a special snowflake. There are not a dozen ways to properly build a toon, there is generally one way for each class, anything else is inferior.


I never claimed to a "special snowflake". I simply implied that you should learn to play in your own way and use your own brain when coming to builds/stat priority. I'm assuming since you referenced dulfy.net PvE guides, that you're not much of a PvPer, so allow me to enlighten you... The only PvP stat information, that is any kind of decent, is from patch 2.0 (that I've been able to find and deem decent). Information has changed since then. However, it still proves for a good base to look back at and note certain things when theory-crafting. Now, by all means, if you have access to any current PvP information regarding builds and stats, I would appreciate a link. But PvE and PvP are completely different animals.


Are you trolling, or do you actually believe that tripe? You're full of it..

I think it's been explained already above, but again, not everyone is talking PvE. I've stated PvE isn't our focus as well..


No, it isn't. Math is how it works and you don't have special math.

Math is Math, yes. Very good. However, the outcome of said Math, performed to derive a PvE build/stat spread is very different than that of a PvP build.. Lets not try to think so one-sided next time.


Psssst... That's been my initial point. Not thinking anything else exists, ya know, not thinking outside the box. Thnx for assisting in proving this! +3 Cool Points <3

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You also earn +10 Cool Points for taking the time to segment my wall of text. Yes, the tone was uncalled for, but i really cannot take responsibility for making it personal. Taking something personal implies an emotion was had. And in this context, that would be a negative emotion. Now everything is a cause/effect. It always takes two. So, I stated a point, you then replied in a manor that was snide and seemed to offend you. I then retaliated out of the same emotion.. So, again, I really cannot take responsibility over "making this personal".


As for the point, yes, it derailed like a mother f***er. But, it all plays a part in this entire thread. If you look at all the replies, what is the emotion you feel? It's pretty negative and snide, overall, imo. It's also apparent that many people are not even thinking that there could ever be a positive reasons for a hide appearance option (blind ignorance). Key: they are not even thinking. This is an issue. There are many reasons, good and bad, to having a hide appearance option. Speaking of... where do you think those posts are? Think those people are going to post that on this thread and expect not to get talked down to like it was a stupid thought in the first place? lol No, no one is going to post anything positive about it. Aside from myself. Thus bringing reason to the word sheep and bandwagon haters. And I don't point it out to be "different". I point it out because it's a very real concern for the voice (the people posting on the forums) to have this horrible mentality. As mentioned before, it's lazy and unimaginative. It's certainly not good for game health/longevity.

Edited by TheJjakkal
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PvP is learned through experience, trial, and error.


PvP gear is not, it is even simpler than PvE gear is.


I never claimed to a "special snowflake".


Yes you did, you just don't want to admit it... You think your special builds are so... special, that no one should be able to copy you by inspecting you.


Your entire position is absurd.


I simply implied that you should learn to play in your own way and use your own brain when coming to builds/stat priority.


No, you did not. What you actually said was that you didn't want people to be able to inspect you, copying your hard work of figuring out your special build. But you don't have a special build, that is what makes your entire position so pointless.




You use that term because you think it makes you sound fancy. There isn't any theory to gearing in SWTOR. There is DPS, HPS, and damage mitigation, all of which show up in the combat logs and are easy to parse. You have a fixed stat budget, it isn't hard to figure out what gives the best bang for the buck.


The whole point of being able to inspect gear is to figure out if the person grouped with you can handle the FP or OP. No more or less. Any fancy ideas in your head about "oh well people will copy me" are just in your head.


Psssst... That's been my initial point. Not thinking anything else exists, ya know, not thinking outside the box. Thnx for assisting in proving this! +3 Cool Points <3


You have no point, you're just making stuff up that sounds cool, thinking people are running around copying your secret sauce.


There is no upside to preventing inspections, the ideas you posted are complete nonsense, your points have no merit.

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It's pretty negative and snide, overall, imo.


It is deserved, the idea is absurd, there is no merit to any augment to hide inspections. There just... isn't...


It's also apparent that many people are not even thinking that there could ever be a positive reasons for a hide appearance option (blind ignorance).


There is no reason to hide inspections. None whatsoever.

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PvP gear is not, it is even simpler than PvE gear is.




Yes you did, you just don't want to admit it... You think your special builds are so... special, that no one should be able to copy you by inspecting you.


Your entire position is absurd.




No, you did not. What you actually said was that you didn't want people to be able to inspect you, copying your hard work of figuring out your special build. But you don't have a special build, that is what makes your entire position so pointless.




You use that term because you think it makes you sound fancy. There isn't any theory to gearing in SWTOR. There is DPS, HPS, and damage mitigation, all of which show up in the combat logs and are easy to parse. You have a fixed stat budget, it isn't hard to figure out what gives the best bang for the buck.


The whole point of being able to inspect gear is to figure out if the person grouped with you can handle the FP or OP. No more or less. Any fancy ideas in your head about "oh well people will copy me" are just in your head.




You have no point, you're just making stuff up that sounds cool, thinking people are running around copying your secret sauce.


There is no upside to preventing inspections, the ideas you posted are complete nonsense, your points have no merit.


So, I've explained my actual meaning behind my words. What you, the reader, should have concluded via the context of said text.. And you're saying that the meaning I've told you (to make it easy for you to comprehend, since that's a huge problem..) isn't accurate? Lol please, tell me what I'm meaning with my words again.. It's humorous.


And don't get butthurt that you assumed PvE. I could care less about PvE. Maybe it's really YOU that doesn't want to look bad. Maybe you're biased again people who are different, you seem to think they automatically see themselves as "special snowflakes".


Anyway.. it's been cute. Really.

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At least SWTOR doesnt notify you when someone does it. People used to troll in EverQuest because the game gave you a system message when someone inspected you.


"Trollboy is looking at your equipment."


Now imagine that spammed all over your chat as they followed you around doing it over snd over.


Personally, i take it as a compliment if someone likes my setup enough to check and see whats what. Does raise eyebrows when people are adamant on being super sneaky secretive. Have something to hide do we? :rak_02:

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Personally, i take it as a compliment if someone likes my setup enough to check and see whats what. Does raise eyebrows when people are adamant on being super sneaky secretive. Have something to hide do we? :rak_02:


:) Yea, the entire thing is rather silly... it doesn't affect you in any way if someone inspects your gear, why on Earth would you care?


The only reason people want to hide their gear is they are tired of joining a FP or OP and being told they are undergeared. Instead of, you know, FIXING THAT PROBLEM, they would rather hide and it hope that solves their issue.


The irony is that I will tell someone they are undergeared for the FP or OP, if they reply, "how do I get better gear", then I'm happy to help them.


A week or so ago, someone came into a HM 60 FP totally unprepared, I don't recall anymore what it was, but it just wasn't going to happen, 36k health or something. I commented that they needed to get into 186 gear before trying 60 HM, to which they replied, "how do I earn gear without doing these FP?"


Ahh! Someone actually asked for help! :) I said, "that is what dailies are for, starting with Black Hole and Sec X. Do both of them, full run with weekly, and you may get close to 100 basics from the dailies, weeklies, and boss fights."


I then said, "I haven't done them this week on this toon, would you like me to run you thought them? To which he replied, "yes please, I've never done them before"


You know what? He hadn't, he didn't even know how to get there, but he learned something and we both smashed them pretty fast. Thankfully we found 2 people to help with the +4 on Sec X (that needs to be fixed BTW to allow 2 people to finish it), we both ended up with lots of comms and he learned how to gear up.


I love helping people like that, many people simply don't know what order to do things in, and that is fine. What sucks is when you try and teach people and they don't want to listen. Either they know everything, don't want to know anything, or just don't like the idea that anyone else knows something they don't. Or something...

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Personally, i take it as a compliment if someone likes my setup enough to check and see whats what. Does raise eyebrows when people are adamant on being super sneaky secretive. Have something to hide do we? :rak_02:




I certainly do not make a habit of looking at everyone, but when someones look really catches my eye, I inspect because it looks cool and stands out. And that for sure is a compliment to them.


As I said earlier I wish we could inspect companions as well as I hate bothering people about their companion gear. But have done it anyways few times for some really good looking companion outfits.


I suspect the OP is talking more about not wanting people to see his gear specs when entering FPs and OPS though. And I completely disagree with him on that now because I have had that 55 flash point GF group where multiple players showed up in level 15-30 gear . And sorry but that's just not acceptable.

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You also earn +10 Cool Points for taking the time to segment my wall of text. Yes, the tone was uncalled for, but i really cannot take responsibility for making it personal. Taking something personal implies an emotion was had. And in this context, that would be a negative emotion. Now everything is a cause/effect. It always takes two. So, I stated a point, you then replied in a manor that was snide and seemed to offend you. I then retaliated out of the same emotion.. So, again, I really cannot take responsibility over "making this personal".


As for the point, yes, it derailed like a mother f***er. But, it all plays a part in this entire thread. If you look at all the replies, what is the emotion you feel? It's pretty negative and snide, overall, imo. It's also apparent that many people are not even thinking that there could ever be a positive reasons for a hide appearance option (blind ignorance). Key: they are not even thinking. This is an issue. There are many reasons, good and bad, to having a hide appearance option. Speaking of... where do you think those posts are? Think those people are going to post that on this thread and expect not to get talked down to like it was a stupid thought in the first place? lol No, no one is going to post anything positive about it. Aside from myself. Thus bringing reason to the word sheep and bandwagon haters. And I don't point it out to be "different". I point it out because it's a very real concern for the voice (the people posting on the forums) to have this horrible mentality. As mentioned before, it's lazy and unimaginative. It's certainly not good for game health/longevity.


First of all,I would like to know where you got your PHD in Psychology because the way you make such bold statements about people tells me you have experience? Is this correct No? Then tell me how in the world can anyone take what you say as fact when it is in fact nothing more than an opinion.


Next, it was not your tone that offended me, it was your blatant character attacks and insults that offended me. So yes it was you who made it personal first.And you right I attached emotion to it,because it was nasty. You then said you made a point which I replied to in a snide manner, granted perhaps I did but if you (not me) you take a look at your first post, you will see how insulting and snide you were to those of us who disagreed with the OP.


Furthermore, you asked me what emotion I see on these replies? I see no emotion, I see people having a discussion. The only people who showed emotion was you and myself. It started after you made such personal attacks against me and I retaliated to which you retaliated in kind. So this absolute crap that you can't take responsibility tells me you don't like to have discussions. Instead you would rather be a jerk. Yes that is what you sounded, a complete and utter jerk just because I had an opinion you did not like.


Also who are you to say that no one is thinking? Quite the contrary actually, everyone in this thread is thinking, they just not thinking in the way you want them to. To top it off, you say people should see the bigger picture which again tells me you can't accept that people like myself simply do not like the idea for whatever reason, It does not matter how good the idea is in your mind, in ours, it is not a good idea. It is our right to not like it while it is your right to like the idea.


But you know what? I can also be pragmatic, if you honestly feel I spoke to you in a snide insulting manner I apologize, however, you did make nasty character attacks on me and I don't feel that was necessary either.

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