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Some coordination between imps and pubs goes a long way. Having guildmates on both sides with vent on is a big help.


Let the rebs get over to the (on the pubs view) right side cannons while the empire masses up. Once both sides are massed let the imps rush. The cannons along with the battle almost always wraps up my daily then and there, maybe one more time is needed. Yes the imps overrun the cannons quickly but they lose a ton as well, so both sides quickly finish.

(note I use right side in my example because on our server left side cannon bugs out unusable every now and then)


Log and got on my imp, one or two zergs of the same thing gets it done as well. Then I get off that frozen rock and go do something purposeful while the rebs that "didn't want to go to the death corner" sit in the base and try to pull one imp at a time for 1-2 hours.



If you're playing for valor well not sure what to tell ya. Saturday/sundays usually have good long turnouts and if you can get the above situation going over and over the valor comes in fairly well. Just get a cluster on the cannons, imps need to learn to back off to let the rebs do so, then green light. it's painless.

Edited by Maxil
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In open field imps devastate republic ops even while outnumbered by 1/3 or even 1/2 - because imps have much more practice fighting without cannons on their side. Evil always win.



P.S. I'm happy my sub expires before 1.2 - "win 3/9" 5 hours long quest forced me to hate warzones. Can't farm 1000/1000 tokens for lvl65 valor vehicle - can't even farm 200/200 for BM trinkets (farmed Rakata instead).


Is it me, or does this make no sense....

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Like i said there putting all the focus into warzones b/c they can make it same faction pvp. They cant do it open world.


I have lost so much respect and faith for the development team. There nice guys in real life but this is not the long term solution to fixing imbalance.


I dont know why they even mentioned ilum at all before launch. It was supose to hold 100vs100 epic fights and fighting over crystals which i still dont see or the mine.


The real issue though is still rep side not bieng able to have wookies/alien races rodians etc. Swg may have sucked but no one can debate how much better the race selection was and how much more the sides were balanced.


1.1 turned a lot of people off and its been downhill since....

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My biggest issue with Ilum is that no matter how many Republic 50's we can bring to the fight, the Empire will always bring more. And in my experience, the Imps aren't interested in a rougly equal numbers fair fight. If we can scrape together 10, they'll bring 20-25...and then wonder why we leave.
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If you are Empire and -not- doing Ilum you are silly. Let's take a fresh 50.


Assuming you...


Got your Champion bag before 50.

Maxed out Warzone and mercenary commedations

Did your win 3 warzones

Did your win 9 warzones

Did your ilum dailies


That's 12 bags, not counting what you get from farming the warzones. It is more than enough to get a decent set of PvP gear going -right away-.

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I think after weeks of sitting in their base the repubs don't know how to do anything else. I just hit 50 about 4 days ago, so I'm still new to Ilum, but last night I kid you not there was a group of about 25-30 repubs sitting in their base and they were too afraid to come out and fight our 18-man ops sitting outside. They had us clearly outnumbered yet still wanted to rely on the lame pull-kills.
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instead of sitting in your base trying to pull people in go out and take the objectives and kill the stray imperials


Fishing from base is faster. 1 kill every 45 seconds at minimum (much faster if multiple pullers are present) vs. 2-3 Kills and maybe 2 armaments every 10 mins circling mid until the zerg shows up and destroys you, incuring a 5 minute regroup/travel time to another point to look for more stragglers.


Worst case scenario from base? Imps back off like idiots and starve both sides of kills until they can't take it anymore and zerg charge the 1 lone sentinel who inevitably crept too far out of base, which of course starts the fishing all over again.


Your post may as well read:

"instead of being smart, be an idiot and come feed us so we get 100 times more valor than you"

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I bet that's a slide show....l


I know there are peeps that complain about FPS problems on Ilum. However, my rig runs Ilum really smooth in a fight of less than 70 peeps. It seems like the 70 peeps in one spot is the breaking point when performance issues start to emerge for me and my FPS begins to drag. Not in this fight though.


Assault notifications always lag, by the way, but fortunately those are short and infrequent.

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