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I can't take this datacron crap.


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This is solely your problem. If you point forward, move & jump, you will jump forward. It's not hard.


Not true. Some places you need to be in right spot to jump from, because jumping off the wrong thing to get to a spot can make you automatically fall (some things have some kind of anti-jump hitbox thing around them or something).

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Pro-tip: Forget what you've learned from other platformers. In most other games your character just immediately starts defying gravity the instant you press the jump key, but not in SWTOR. There's a tiny bit of lag (due to animations I'm guessing) between when you press the space bar and your character actually jumps. Not a lot, but enough to throw off your timing.


If you have to run and jump, just jump a tiny bit earlier than you think you should. But I'd say 90% of the jumps don't require a running start and can be made from standing still -- just press the move foward key and the jump key together at the same time, and you'll jump forward onto where you wanted to be.


And as someone else pointed out, most of the jumps seem to be spaced with sprint in mind, but if you are overshooting a jump no matter what you do, try it with sprint off.

Edited by spcdog
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Turn off Sprint (it makes things much easier, and you do not seem to jump any further with Sprint activated), and have patience. Unless you are a Body Type 3 or 4, in which case there is a datacron you will not be able to get to without assistance.


Oh, and do the datacrons as you go, rather than getting them all at the end. It means you get the frustration in probably manageable chunks.

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I have noticed that this becomes VERY hard when you suffer from latency issues. Some of the jumps literally require you to hit the spacebar at the SAME time as you initiate forward motion, or a fraction of a second afterwards...which is doable as long as you are lag free.


A friend of mine spent an hour on the one in Justicar Territory without success, simply because his connection was really bad. While there are a few jumps there that take a bit of timing and thought, it becomes impossible when you can't accurately see what your character is doing.

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I really can't stand it. I'm terrible at jumping, and I NEVER EVER can tell if I'm going to jump this way or that way, I'm so sick of it! The jumping in this game is so screwey I can't stand it!!!


What the..... A Wubbit can't jump?

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....do the datacrons as you go, rather than getting them all at the end. It means you get the frustration in probably manageable chunks.


Good point.


Turn off Sprint (it makes things much easier, and you do not seem to jump any further with Sprint activated), and have patience.


Curious. I found the complete opposite to be true.


When trying to get the presence datacron on Nar Shaddaa I had no trouble whatsoever in getting onto the final box, but for the life of me I simply could not make the jump onto the first beam - it was as if my character had suddenly forgotten how to jump and would make this sort of bizarre, uncoordinated twitch and fail miserably.

My solution was to wait until I had purchased a speeder. Bam. First beam on the first attempt. Speed seems to work best for me.

Since then I quite often use my speeder to make jumps I otherwise could never make.


That seems to be the answer with these blasted things - experiment until you find the method that works best for you. If you keep at it the sense of accomplishment is profound.

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I think the sprint/no sprint is dependent on situation. But if you're doing jumps from one round pipe to the other (Coruscant springs to mind) then sprint is often a negative - in my experience, you jump too far and fall off the far edge. If you're trying some jumps where "the further the better" works then sprint is positive.


But yeah... to sum this up; use a control scheme that works (WASD + space + mouse is great) and practice jumps until you know how and there are no impossible crons and only a few really hard ones.


There's one for the Empire on Taris, I believe it was, in a heroic area that has to have been designed by a gifted sadist. :) But it was still fun. Even though I died five times trying and postponed it for later.

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I understand +10 datacron, which is annoying due to MGGS bugged.

And one more where you have to use MGGS. This is crazy to get, but duable.


The rest is easy to get, you need to spend few tries but nothing serious. And balloon one which i skipped is time eater.

Edited by Feliksiak
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The only "change" that needs to be done to the Datacrons is a look at the bugs and bodytype issues that actually might stop you in the tracks.


Determination can overcome any kind of Super Mario challenge, I spent two hours initially on the Nar Shaddaa datacron because I suck at platform gaming. They all seem so easy after that, for practice makes perfect. :p



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I To date, I have not been unable to get any datacron/matrix shard on the planets I have visited. I agree that it's "finickie", but if it were easy, then there would no point in hiding the things around the various planets.


So while I won't be nasty and give a L2P type answer or a "optional... don't like it don't try it" type answer, I will say that the inherent difficulty imposed by the mechanic is part of the alure and challenge of getting the datacrons in the first place.



Morning_Canuck :)

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This works for me when I do any that require standing still or running jumps:


I turn all graphic settings to "LOW" and "Apply". When I get that crazy datacron, I switch back to my orig "Highest" settings. Good luck! :)

Edited by ModaanOfTarq
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What works for me is to do them at lvl 50, just relaxt.

Start with the ones that dont require a jump, then the ones

with easy jumps.

Then move on (you got a little practice now) to the harder ones bit by bit.


See the jumps as a learningmoment and enjoy it if a jump works,

dont do them if you are frustated ;)


Good Luck!

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The balloon needs to stop disappearing half-way. The other 'crons I've run into so far are fine.


Aye, not all can be an Agent with a Powertech friend. That was a Malgus sent combo in this case. But of all frustrating elements, this one should be up there!



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It seems to me that if you need to jump to get items in the game they should make the jump mechanic workable.:mad:


One of my tips make sure to press on the spacebar once your about to jump but not right when you're suppose to. There's a small delay in the time you press spacebar and when you actually jump

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Speaking of getting datacrons, is there any place with just hints of where to find them? I don't want to get complete solutions right off the bat, but on the other hand I don't want to spend hours looking for each one either. So far I've seen six of them and been able to get five, but I think there's at least that many I've missed completely.
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Best storyline and rpg game I have ever played and I've played computer games since 1982! Howefver, what pocessed the powers that be to put jumping Mario, slow rides, and stuck V's in suce a great RPG game-the datacrons give some nice buffs, but as a 63 year old player I get very fustrated with the design decisions for the datacrons.:mad:

The game is very unforgiving about where you stand with seeming magic jump spots like the 1990's games and absolutely no reason to have it in SWtOR! :mad:

I know the game could be patched to make the datacrons a little more forgiving; However, the twitch dev's probably won't and so you have alot of your player base unhappy over twitch in RPG-you have that right, but look at all the complaints about it!


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I really can't stand it. I'm terrible at jumping, and I NEVER EVER can tell if I'm going to jump this way or that way, I'm so sick of it! The jumping in this game is so screwey I can't stand it!!!


Ahhhhhh pupil, your Mario Brothers skills are weak!!!!



Yea its annoying but do-able, IMHO, the most annoying Datacron was the Balloon ride Datacron.... Snails Fuuuu...... Ummmm fornicate faster than that balloon moves. Thats assuming it doesnt drop you around the half way point when it disappears.

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