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I am never preordering a Bioware product again


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Depends on the laptop. Im playing on a Dell XPS 17 with a 2nd gen i7 and a Nvidia GT 555. I can play smoothly on high settings with no problems. I cannot imagine this sort of laptop being very practical for someone deployed in the military though due to it's weight and size.


It's a standard HP that was purchased in a regular old store, so graphics wise, it has likely very little going for it. Memory is okay, but I don't think there's anything over 3GB of RAM in it.


I'm really hoping that he's able to get into the game. It's all he could talk about for months, then was pretty bummed when they announced the release date and he realized he'd be gone by then.


So, whenever I get to talk to him, I, uh....try not to mention that I'm playing so I don't get husband-aggro. :o

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.




So you preordered last week? Thats not waiting.


I preorderd in july, i waited!

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It's a standard HP that was purchased in a regular old store, so graphics wise, it has likely very little going for it. Memory is okay, but I don't think there's anything over 3GB of RAM in it.


I'm really hoping that he's able to get into the game. It's all he could talk about for months, then was pretty bummed when they announced the release date and he realized he'd be gone by then.


So, whenever I get to talk to him, I, uh....try not to mention that I'm playing so I don't get husband-aggro. :o


Yes send him ingame pictures, so he can get a little game feeling too.

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And another thing.... stop whining about Bioware.... This is EA's Publication.. all adv, this site, anything marketing related is EA... EA is known for their bully-ish tactics... the whole pre-order design system with early game accesss instead of nothing at all but in game items.. is EA.. this is their baby.... Bioware made the actual gameplay and all systems for it... they did an excellent job from what i saw in my 2 beta weekend invites... the storylines AMAZING! and its soo different for each class.. Bravo Bioware!


As for EA... You should know better, Mister!! thats for us and them =P


Stop treating Bioware as a separate entity. There is no "Bioware" outside of some lettering on boxes and web banners.


EA absorbed Bioware.


This is EAware.

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Actually every other game would be dumb not to do this. Almost every MMO previous to this has had server crashes and longer queue times.


Feel free to check the threads on other MMO launches to read the horror stories if you like...


Though they need to put the concept in bold letters and make it idiot proof. They will need to spell out the line concept and make sure all retailers tell their customers how pre order works.


Even doing this, it would not help. Some people will just never understand.

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I would have preordered sooner, but Bioware NEVER said there would be a queue for early access. It is NOWHERE in the information given to you when you preorder, it is only given to you after the fact.



That is my problem. Pure misleading advertising.



I find it hard to relax when I feel like I am being treated as a lesser customer despite giving the same amount of support. Hence, why I will enver be preordering another Bioware product, as they obviously don't think all their customers are equal, only thsoe who preordered 10 months in advance are worthy.



And to the troll, go jump off a cliff.





I will restate what somebody else said earlier..."Nobody cares." So what if you don't pre-order? That's one less cry baby that we don't have to deal with until retail day hits and you find something else to complain about. Everybody had an equal chance to pre-order at the same time...they also had the chance to register their number at the same time...if you didn't, you put yourself further back in line. Are you one of those occupy protesters? Cry until you get...something....but you aren't sure exactly what you want? You want it to be fair...they could have said nobody gets in early! Why should they allow people in early? Is that fair to those who didn't pre-order? Some people get a full week jump on those who didn't pre-order? Go to the corner, put your nose in it and suck your thumb...somebody will be around shortly with your diaper change.

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.




I'd prefer everyone have fair access to the game and have intermittent server issues than some "privileged" people getting to play the game 5-6 days before me for no reason other than some stupid "lottery".



Now, I'm pretty much assuming that Bioware is going to give pretty much everyone who preordered in the last couple months one day "early access", just to make sure they live up to their "promise". Gee, thanks Bioware. I love being mislead by saying I'll have early access only to find out that I won't be playing it till one day before launch. It makes me feel like a REALLY valued customer.


Regardless of what you think or want it is the way it is. It worked well and I hope BW and other companies use this exact formula..plan..thing..love it.

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.


Today we had 15min-1hr queues on almost all west coast servers.

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.



When you spend a hundred million things are done differently.

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Actually every other game would be dumb not to do this. Almost every MMO previous to this has had server crashes and longer queue times.


Feel free to check the threads on other MMO launches to read the horror stories if you like...


Though they need to put the concept in bold letters and make it idiot proof. They will need to spell out the line concept and make sure all retailers tell their customers how pre order works.


Believe it or not, I prefer the chaotic launch like WoW had. I know it sounds stupid, but there were a few things that I was able to do that made it worthwhile.


1) I was able to get a character name I liked. I didn't have to settle for the names that werent chosen by 750,000 players before me, each with up to 8 characters.


2) PvP was fair from the get go if that was your thing. It bugs me that the game went live for me today, and when I hit level 10 and queued up, I had to contend with a bunch of 20's and even 30's with skills much higher than mine. Im not a super hardcore player, so release is about the only chance I have at ever getting an even shot at PvP.


3) They had most of their issues ironed out after day 2 and everyone had access. It will soon be day 4, and there are still folks out there who arent in yet.


All this business about "I pre-ordered first"... so what. It's a pre-order. Since when did games start making it essential to pre-order immediately? That doesn't seem like a very good pattern to start. If people know that 2 months after pre-orders start, their incentive to pre-order really isn't that great, they aren't going to pre-order. I realize the pre-order said "Up to five days" and somewhere out there BW explained the situation. However, traditionally, when people pre-order a game and there are bonuses listed, they have gotten those bonuses. Bioware pulled the rug out from under some folks here, and Im not sure that was a great idea to kick things off. The general forums seem to be full of a lot of negativity, especially considering the great overall quality of the game.

Edited by Posttrauma
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Here is the flash screen on July 21 2011 as posted by one of the fan sites.




Here is the full shot of the pre order page.




That is what the pre order page looked like on JULY 21 2011. Notice the big bold letters?


Suck it up, you did not do due diligence! Ignorance is not a defense. You go to any country in the world and break a law you can't defend yourself with the words "I didn't know"!


Again I ask.


Cheese, tissue or hot beverage?

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Stop treating Bioware as a separate entity. There is no "Bioware" outside of some lettering on boxes and web banners.


EA absorbed Bioware.


This is EAware.

No BioWare is a subsidiary of EA. So it's like a division in a company. you got HR, IT, Development. EA is a publishing company and they absorbed BioWare. BioWare will now fall under the Development division.


So if you wish to dog a company dog EA not BioWare. If you do not agree with decisions knock on EA door. Also even if they were separate all things related to publishing and releasing of the game will fall inside EA's front yard. Since they're merged it's ALL in EA's front yard.


Stop raging and focus.

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All advertisements, from any site ive seen, poster i read, commercial i saw linked you to all available info at http://www.swtor.com ....


Early Game Access has been out in full disclosure since July of this year ON MAIN PAGE OF SITE LINK BIG PICTURE... leads you to all the early game access including details that put in a staggered invite system based off of code entry dates...


If you dont know what your paying for, its your own fault... IN ALL CASES! Even if outright lied too by a loved one to gain your trust...




People that preordered as soon as preorders were available, helps company market projections and overall the success of the company however minor and should be treated like such .. and they are... aka 1st in line... wish i coulda but i was busy buying up batman, codMW3, bf3 and skyrim this fall... preorder would have been sooner if not for those great pieces of art!



Um they didnt even anouce launch until Sept. How would they have had EGA dates before then?

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.




I'd prefer everyone have fair access to the game and have intermittent server issues than some "privileged" people getting to play the game 5-6 days before me for no reason other than some stupid "lottery".



Now, I'm pretty much assuming that Bioware is going to give pretty much everyone who preordered in the last couple months one day "early access", just to make sure they live up to their "promise". Gee, thanks Bioware. I love being mislead by saying I'll have early access only to find out that I won't be playing it till one day before launch. It makes me feel like a REALLY valued customer.


Errr...everyone is going to get AT LEAST four days.


It was no lottery by the way, I got in on wave one day one. Not because I got randomly selected, but because I pre-ordered on the day pre-orders were released. A lottery system would have been a random selection system. This was not random.


Now please, stop complaining. You're going to get more early access than some games give, now be patient and wait for your invite.

Edited by Mandrax
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for all who wanna play a virgin server


We are opening a new #SWTOR server: Krath (West Coast PvE)!


4 uur geleden


Correction: Ven Zallow and The Corsair are East Coast!


5 uur geleden



and Darth Andeddu (EU German PvE)!


5 uur geleden



...Kai-kan (EU English PvP), Bao-Dur (EU English PvE), Ludo Kressh (EU English PvE), and The Krath Enchanter (EU German PvP)...


5 uur geleden


We are opening 8 new #SWTOR servers: The Corsair (West Coast PvE), Ven Zallow (West Coast RP-PvP), Uthar Wynn (EU English PvP)...


5 uur geleden



We are opening two new #SWTOR servers: Thana Vesh (East Cost PvE) and Zaalbar (West Coast PvE)!


8 uur geleden


We have just opened up a new #SWTOR server! <Trayus Academy - PvP - EU >


12 uur geleden


SWTORThe Old Republic



We have just opened up a new #SWTOR server! <Kellian Jarro - PvE - EU>


13 uur geleden

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Stop treating Bioware as a separate entity. There is no "Bioware" outside of some lettering on boxes and web banners.


EA absorbed Bioware.


This is EAware.


Nope, sure isnt... Bioware is a seperate entity... EA has a few team of programmers.. Yes Bioware is a studio owned by EA.. but since 2008 when CEO announced at DICE convention that EA is ceasing to stop a purchase/run the market tactic, and allow individual studios their creative freedom to allow brilliant masterpieces to come out.. Bioware is one of the very few studios that EA doesnt control... like they do with EASports EALA which was westwood studios <3 C & C <3... etc..

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