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I am never preordering a Bioware product again


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I agree with the OP that paying a pre-order fee just to get a 1 day jump is BS. However, I dont agree with makeing everyone suffer. In regaurds to pre-ordering early. Unlike the majority of the people that didnt pay for or research the game themselves, I prefer to know what im getting into before I drop 60$. So for all you posters that are crying about the OPs post...shut up and get rid of your 10yr old "I was here first" attitude.


pre-order FEE? what are you smoking.

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You sir, have a terrible memory. It was announced on day one that entry into early access was based off of when you redeemed your preorder code. Hence them having you register your preorder code right away. Tons of people were discussing that on the forums because they hadn't recieved their code from gamestop, best buy, etc.




I bought at gamestop.

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OP: Go back to your "occupy" protest site. Seriously, you sound just like those idiots, who let hard working folks with vision & drive do all the work, lay the groundwork for society & then whine about you not getting your "fair share".


Suck it up & take what you justly deserve. Didn't get off the couch in time to preorder on day one? Guess you won't be playing on day one. Didn't pay $150.00 for the CE? Guess you won't receive all the "extras" that the CE provides.


I was at the store the day the game was available for preorder. Redeemed my code as soon as I got home. I waited patiently and got to play during the beta testing phase. I provided feedback to the development team to help improve the game (for YOU). I got my early access invite on the first wave of emails.


Do I feel somewhat privileged for all this? NO. Am I thankful for my effort paying off? ABSOLUTELY. Do I think you "deserve" all the same advantages for no effort?


**note: no further time to waste on this reply, Servers are back up & I'm about to ding 20 on Balmora- say "Hi" to the hippies ruining downtown at the occupy site for me!

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To everyone complaining have you never been to a store before? Do you get upset when the guy who gets to the counter first gets to buy his stuff before you? I mean I'm pretty biased, I've loved every game Bioware has made but seriously? Most games you have to wait until they release to play them and they even extended the early access two days. If they hadn't done that you would get Sunday for early access. If anything they have done a great job with this. The servers seem to be running smoothly, there are people on the servers (I know people are upset about queues but too many servers would mean a lot of them would be dead in a month) and most importantly its a great MMO. Not a whole lot of them out there. Relax for a minute and realize that being upset over 2 days of not being able to play a game is the most insane first world problem I've ever heard.
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For those of you already in, have you looked at the Galactic market??? It's horrible! I get in on my first day of play, which was the 2nd day since they started letting people in, and go to the Galactic market to sell crafting schematics. I look at the market to get an idea what the prices are and... there is only 2 recipes in all of synthweaving (The kind of recipe I wanted to sell.) Hours later I check again and... it's the same two recipes.


Without people, commerce is dead. How is a smuggler supposed to make a living in this galaxy with no potential buyers? Give us some larger releases, I want customers.


Dude... it's been 3 days. Most players haven't even figured out the market yet. Give it time, the economy will get going

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I was just reading this thread until I saw this. Even with it there in print you can't freaking read it.




It says in clear english:


The order in which you redeem your preorder code is the order which you will gain early access.


So either you're an idiot or disingenuous. Either way, quit crying and deal with it.


Exactly, QFT!

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im in the same boat as you but to be honest, our bad. we should have pre-ordered sooner.


its kind of like getting mad at people in the front of the line ya know.


relax and we will all get in soon.


this guy knows his stuff... stop whining, everyone have to wait if you preordered late then its your fault or you wernt that hyped for it before the hype that has come the last couple of weeks

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And for real, who are we kidding. All of you complaining. Your still gonna pay and play for at least 6 months :)


^ Very true. I'm in for the long haul even after being slightly cheesed about the release.


Complaining on the forums is the only thing I can find to do @ 5:30AM when the servers are down though :p


Then again, Im the guy who will wait 4 hours in line to ride the biggest roller coaster :D

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Did anyone ever stop to think that maybe bioware really thinks that you dont deserve to get into early access? maybe next time put a little more faith in the great company they are and pre order earlier and you might deserve to play early like the rest of us smarties.
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Yes, that's why EA is suddenly slapping "Bioware" on every upcoming game they can think of, including the new C&C by the way.


Remember Origin, the company that created UO that EA swallowed and dissolved? EA at least waited over 10 years before slapping their name on stuff. Come back in a year and see if any original Bioware develpers outside of the good Dr.'s are with the company anymore.


Mass Effect 2 becoming more of a shooter than an RPG, Dragon Age 2 being hastily cobbled together with copy/paste dungeons, Mass Effect 3 being revealed as a wannabe Quake Arena, etc. are all indicators of the control EA has over the supposedly sovereign Bioware.


Thats in the past though those tactics have changed.. Origins was wrapped up so long ago... and my previous statement EA Los Angeles which is now there HQ but its outside of LA actually =P Was formerly Westwood Studios ... EA is leaving Bioware.. and no not everyupcoming EA title has bioware on it... MAdden wont, Tiger woods definately wont.. lol

oh all sports EA Sport is major division.. ok then... Kingdoms of Amalar well thats a major release title from EA thru 38 studios... not bioware...


As for your recent games assessment.. lol .. you havent played in the beta weekend yet then.. this is classic KOTOR gameplay.. in a mmo setting with AMAZING story depth... 2.5 million pages of pure story was imbedded in this game... Leo Tolstoys War & Peace is only like 700,000 pages... and thats like the biggest book ever! and most boring =P

Edited by corwim
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^ Very true. I'm in for the long haul even after being slightly cheesed about the release.


Complaining on the forums is the only thing I can find to do @ 5:30AM when the servers are down though :p



Off-topic, and all, but still: Be thankful 'US Maintenance' is going to finish about 7 a.m. UK time, it doesn't finish until noon. They have the EU servers hosted in Ireland, running GMT, but apparently, all scheduling coincides with US time, which is really inconvenient. I'm hoping that's just for EGA, mind, and upon full release it'll run differently.

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ur not missing much i got in on the 1st day population was fine then 2nd getting full and now theres upto 2hrs wait to get onto a server and now there down am tempted to join a US east server as i will play on their off peak time.
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1. There is no such thing as a "pre-order fee". You put down $5.00 TOWARDS the game, and then pay the rest when you pick up your copy. Simple.


2. Facing that this game is probably going to be up and running for a few years (just look at other rival MMO's), a few days of early access is NOT that big of a deal. Yeah, it's nice and all but it's intended to be a bonus for pre-ordering... you should just be happy that you get to get in early at all.

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.




I'd prefer everyone have fair access to the game and have intermittent server issues than some "privileged" people getting to play the game 5-6 days before me for no reason other than some stupid "lottery".



Now, I'm pretty much assuming that Bioware is going to give pretty much everyone who preordered in the last couple months one day "early access", just to make sure they live up to their "promise". Gee, thanks Bioware. I love being mislead by saying I'll have early access only to find out that I won't be playing it till one day before launch. It makes me feel like a REALLY valued customer.


Hey here's an idea, read the dev posts... All remaining ppl will be getting in Friday, so like today? I think... Now math, ok let's try this, I think I can remember. Let's see, launch is the 20th, today is the 16th. 20-16=*pause for ti-89 assistance*... 4! That's 4 days! And FYI I payed 175 for CE + shipping and I got in late yesterday with only 30 min to play b4 work. So don't hurt yourself when you jump of the pretentious self indicative pedastool you stand so proudly atop

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I think this uber-cautious approach to an MMO launch is ridiculous. I paid $60 just like the people who have gotten access to it already, yet for some reason I have to wait because Bioware is afraid of having a rough launch? Well, too bad, I can see my dollar is not valued amongst Bioware.




I'd prefer everyone have fair access to the game and have intermittent server issues than some "privileged" people getting to play the game 5-6 days before me for no reason other than some stupid "lottery".



Now, I'm pretty much assuming that Bioware is going to give pretty much everyone who preordered in the last couple months one day "early access", just to make sure they live up to their "promise". Gee, thanks Bioware. I love being mislead by saying I'll have early access only to find out that I won't be playing it till one day before launch. It makes me feel like a REALLY valued customer.


They said in very very good time - first come first serve.. thus the reason I preordered right away and got in the very first wave!


I will also say, that this has been the most flawless and well made EA I have ever participated in!!! its simple brilliant

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