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1.1.5 - death of rarity and achievements?!


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God forbid that ppl have different tastes ehh?TERA will keep me busy for a long time to come and i couldnt care less about SWTOR anymore.I still have 20 days left so thats why i can still post.


What you "casuals" have to understand tho, its us "hardcore" players that are the core of the game.It's us who test stuff on the PTR to see how it goes, its us who give the most feedback about the game as you dear casuals dont have time to do such things or are just lazy and only want to play the game and cry on forums without even knowing on how to help the game devs.Anyway enjoy your game while it lasts.


Tera does look...interesting. I hope you end up enjoying it and finally finding your game of choice.


I test. :) In fact, I do it seriously since it's what I used to do back in the day. I wager I am one of an unfortunately small number which does. Most simply see test servers as "sneak preview" servers. Disabuse yourself of the notion that "casual" is necessarily a "time" thing. I have oodles of time. I am retired. :D And sometimes I play a lot...some would say too much. But I am casual. Know why? Because I retain the perspective that this is a GAME. One of my hobbies and if things change...oh well. Not the end of the world. :) If things change TOO much...well there's always another game.


And yes, I shall enjoy every bit of it whilst it lasts, thank you! Hope you enjoy Tera!

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As soon as companies realized they could not only make a profit from gamers, but become filthy rich off of us, the "ZoMg special uber leet lolhardcore" content stopped.


Personally, I haven't seen NEAR the crybabying for this game that I have seen for others. People don't seem to care about the current endgame (the lack thereof) or what color crystal anyone has.


Hell.. if they offered everything on vendors that was available through every type of "endgame" (PvE/PvP/Crafting/Dailies/etc)... who cares?


They could attach a title to the achievements of doing it the "hard" way. They could give the title "Laziest of Carebears" to people who just buy it. I know I'd wear the title proudly... along with THOUSANDS of others.


It's a video game. Modern developers realize that gaming is a hobby, it's not a lifestyle (for 97% of gamers.. and yup, statistics online are always true), and one that most people do for fun. Healthy people feel accomplished in real life and don't need to parade around in something purple to think they completed some hard task.


The shed they built in the backyard or alternator that was replaced in their 2002 Mercury Cougar (Look it up.. it ain't easy) means more than killing pixels over and over to get a drop.


I used to spend 40+ hours a week raiding, farming for repair bill/mats, crafting for raid nights, officer meetings.. etc... etc... etc..


That was before I had children, a wife, a college degree, and a career. Sure, I could still be all LOLHARDCORE and get things done, but it's just not important... just as it's not important for a majority of gamers.


The loud minority that cares about accomplishing something in a video game should keep looking. SWTOR will never have what you are looking for, nor will any other mass marketed MMO. Your hardmodes will be nerfed, your gear will be had by all, your titles mean little when 6 months later, people solo content to get them.


MMOs, by design, are meant to be enjoyed by as many people as possible (unless your market is Asian only, or it's EvE online). Why would companies spend so much money for content that few, comparatively, will experience? Blizzard tried to go back to LOLHARDCORE. They were rewarded with less than 6% of players actually doing it. They lost millions of subscribers. They backpedaled somewhat. They got subscribers back... somewhat.


People spend so much time ranting and raving about a video game... jeebus. If it's important enough to post about, and you don't think it will change, just quit the game. There is no contract that forces anyone to continue playing something they dislike.


Damn man, I was just about to write this exact post. QFT...for real.

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Well, I guess this means the world is ending well before 12-12-12.


Now alot more immature players will be running around the fleet in the underwear flashing their saber with magenta crystal and parking in front of the GTN in their million dollar

vehicles. So everyone HAS to notice them.





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SWTOR is a game for casuals. Thats the way this game is designed. Its not for people who want to achieve something awesome, its for people who dont wanna spend alot of time doing stuff. As more patches and expansions come in, you will see more of it.


You do realise that "casual's" do spend a lot of time playing a game, they just don't do it in large chunks like the "hardcore".


Just because we didn't race to 50 within 2hrs and like to play at our own time and leisure, doesn't mean we don't like spending time doing stuff.


I have yet to see someone really define what a "casual" player is and what a "hardcore" player is?


I know people who race to 50 and only play on "OP" nights. Is that person a hardcore player but they only play 5 hrs a week? I play about 15 hrs a week, I am not in a guild, I am level 46 and I like to PVP. Am I a casual or hardcore?


I think the word casual was made up by the WoW raiders who were pissed off that Blizzard dumbed down their game so that you could Solo dungeons if you wanted to.


What is the "not to achieve something awesome"? I thought that when I got to 60 on EQ back in the day, that was awesome. I thought that when I got my Epic in EQ that that was awesome. When I got my mount at 40 in WoW, that was awesome. When I got my Spirit pet for my hunter, that was awesome.


Awesome to you, means something different to everyone.

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Apparently you didn't smdll the sarcasm. :p


And it really isnt hard to make money in this game, even for me who has HORRIBLE luck on drops & item rolls. So allowing players to now buy items that used to be drop only IS "redistribution".



Have you ever considered that Bioware understood they made mistakes from start and try to change things?


You have to understand making profit with game and playerbase growth or dercrease depening what MMO developers have to deal with every day. Unless you understand that there is no hope you understand future Bioware updates. They will listen players requests and hot topics.

This is not a sandbox game, i have to find that dev quote. people forget that al lthe time.

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Buying item for cash worth 30 minutes of space combat is not awesome. I'm sure that's something with what we all agree. ;)


Either way - didn't we go too far offtopic? :)


World bosses take a maximum of eight minutes to kill.


8x20 = 160. The amount of time your guild has invested is trivial at best, time to stop calling what you've done an accomplishment. You farmed some stuff and now you're angry out of spite because others won't have to spend a whopping 160 minutes to "accomplish" the same feat.

You know that gathering group big enough isn't something you just get from snapping your fingers, right? And that world bosses have respawn timers? And that it takes time to organize people towards common goal and keep them interested till the goal is achieved? And that than, after one guy from all gets the required item everyone need to make a discovery, trip, battle, collect materials, and get the item crafted?

You know that the effort taken to get this is far greater than collecting 25k, or even 1M CRs?


Yea, it's not an achievement on a matter of getting rare drop in... I don't know... Anarchy Online, but as for TOR standards it's one of coolest things you can achieve.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Buying item for cash worth 30 minutes of space combat is not awesome. I'm sure that's something with what we all agree. ;)


Either way - didn't we go too far offtopic? :)


Usually happens :)



But its far from death of rarity and even more far far away from achivements, wait for new end game content coming soon and you will see.

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Have you ever considered that Bioware understood they made mistakes from start and try to change things?


You have to understand making profit with game and playerbase growth or dercrease depening what MMO developers have to deal with every day. Unless you understand that there is no hope you understand future Bioware updates. They will listen players requests and hot topics.

This is not a sandbox game, i have to find that dev quote. people forget that al lthe time.


It doesn't bother me one way or another. Just like people cry over gold farmers & those who buy from them. My ego is not so eggshell that what someone else does or not have will affect my game play.

You want to spend hours farming mobs for a certain piece of gear, like we had to do in EQ, go for it. If you want to pay someone else to do it for you, go for it.

All I did originally, was make a sarcastic comment concerning people both crying for and against stuff being available to everyone.


If someone took it personaly, obviously, they have an issue they are not admitting to. :D

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It always comes down to casual bashing.


Of course casual gamers, which make up all but a tiny percentage of the base, are No different from hardcores except for one thing.


Hardcore gamers schedual their lives around their video games. Casuals dont. I wish I could devote that kind of time, but some of us do have to work for a living.

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Audigy - I kindly request not to put my words out of content and twisting them for own purpose. If you don't agree with me - so be it, but no reason to accuse me of being wrong kind of player.

Hardcore gamers schedual their lives around their video games. Casuals dont. I wish I could devote that kind of time, but some of us do have to work for a living.

So it's better to go and buy stuff from vendor, right?

I also don't have much time, I'm generally well under-geared comparing to many members of my guild, yet I enjoy some of the items I got cause I know that me, and several other people on the server took time, skill, knowledge, and team-play to get them. After 1.1.5 it will be worth as much as going to highest spot on Alderaan.

Or actually less cause few people been there while now majority of 50s will get their magenta crystals just for the sake of having it.


I hoped for new adventures, new ways of obtaining rare color crystals, some quests, epic battles, something to keep me interested in game till next big content patch will be released.


Instead I got items given to vendor for credits. And even more: items previously achievable in interesting ways items were also given to vendor. LOL


That's most lazy work I've seen so far in TOR, a game that's FULL of lazy work.

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It always comes down to casual bashing.


Of course casual gamers, which make up all but a tiny percentage of the base, are No different from hardcores except for one thing.


Hardcore gamers schedual their lives around their video games. Casuals dont. I wish I could devote that kind of time, but some of us do have to work for a living.


So if casuals make up a tiny percentage of the base, who makes up the majority?


According to most MMo devs, the Hardcore are only a minority, so if casuals are the minority and hardcore are the minority, does that mean that the majority are those who just play and have fun? Those who don't frequent the forums like you and I and are oblivious to our ramblings, wantings, rudeness and generally rubbish that we mainly sprout, but instead are either enjoying the game or leaving quietly to play something else?


Hmmm, me thinks that us forum lurkers enjoy too much the fun of the forums, somethimes maybe too much.


Gotta admit, I cannot stand STO, yet I still lurk in the forums, making posts and belittling the game. Not sure why I cannot move on and leave it. Maybe it's because they killed an IP I love (not as much as SW ofc :p)...

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Audigy - I kindly request not to put my words out of content and twisting them for own purpose. If you don't agree with me - so be it, but no reason to accuse me of being wrong kind of player.


So it's better to go and buy stuff from vendor, right?

I also don't have much time, I'm generally well under-geared comparing to many members of my guild, yet I enjoy some of the items I got cause I know that me, and several other people on the server took time, skill, knowledge, and team-play to get them. After 1.1.5 it will be worth as much as going to highest spot on Alderaan.

Or actually less cause few people been there while now majority of 50s will get their magenta crystals just for the sake of having it.


I hoped for new adventures, new ways of obtaining rare color crystals, some quests, epic battles, something to keep me interested in game till next big content patch will be released.


Instead I got items given to vendor for credits. And even more: items previously achievable in interesting ways items were also given to vendor. LOL


That's most lazy work I've seen so far in TOR, a game that's FULL of lazy work.


So lets have an honest answer from you.


Are you staying or quitting.


If Bioware are not making a game for you, why not go? Admit this game isn't for you and go play something else that has what you looking for. Hard things to achieve. Not sure if that still really exists in an MMo any more, so maybe gaming isn't going to give what you need anymore.


Heck, even insanity mode on Mass 1 and 2 is too easy so not sure what game out their really is hard (except chess ;)).


Why not take up archery or shooting or some other pursuit where you can get a trophy if you any good and know that not everyone is given one if they pay for it?

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MMORPGS work like this now. Get used to it or quit. This has been happening in wow for years too.



When the items listed in this thread become available, BW will most likely introduce new items from new raids or bosses. That is how wow works too. Your hm armor becomes dwarf by normals from the next tier level and if not it will be by the next of next tier for sure. Basically, if you want to be that snowflake you have to keep up with the most current content or you will fall back with the normal crowed. That is the name of the game in MMORPG if you want to feel special or become a snowflake. It's not like how it used to be in 2004-2005.


In vanilla wow and part of BC you had to go complete content in order to get the item you want regardless of the current tier and there was no easily available gear/items from vendors. Actually, in bc they did have some vendor, but the gear wasn't all that great compared to drops, where current vendor gear in wow is usually on par with normal raid gear or better in a few instances depending on spec/class. That's just a result of how mmorpg have change over time.


Actually, the items listed by op will probably be sold at a very high price, so I wouldn't worry too much about seeing them every and on every ones alt. It's actually a good thing I think. There isn't any thing worth buying with credits at moment. This will create a reason for saving credits. In wow there was always reason for saving gold to buy some neat item, mount, or gear, which at this point has largely been missing from swtor. I been checking the ah on heavy populated server and I'm sad that there isn't any thing I want from ah unless it's for non-50 level. Obviously, this will fix that to a certain degree. The only problem it comes from a vendor, which has an infinite amount of said items.

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Again: 1.1.5 won't make


your crafting skills


any more useful


than they are now.


L2R people.


1.2 will. 1.1.5 will not. See the difference in numbers? Here we discuss 1.1.5. NOT 1.2.


Actually 1.1.5 includes upgrades to crafting.



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I think the point people are missing here is that without the challenge of getting rare items and gear, the game loses a lot of it's fun factor. Used to be that you had to farm resist gear or go on some epic key quest line to get into an instance just to get a shot at raid gear or whatever other equivalent game reward be it pvp etc. Now there's little to strive for and without that challenge it just isn't as fun.

It is gratifying to know you struggled and in the end got some rare item that many don't, but that's just a small part of it.

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Are you staying or quitting.


If Bioware are not making a game for you, why not go? Admit this game isn't for you and go play something else that has what you looking for. Hard things to achieve. Not sure if that still really exists in an MMo any more, so maybe gaming isn't going to give what you need anymore.

You didn't bother to read what I posted, did you?

- I never told I want game made for "me". Stop putting words in my mouth.

- I never told I want things hard to achieve like in MMOs that don't exist any more. Stop putting words in my mouth.


And to answer your question - I don't know, depends on what BioWare actually does. Either way the bill was already paid so I can play game for a while still. Don't know if gonna extend sub though.


is given one if they pay for it?

You don't pay for magenta crystal. You pay for a right to play TOR.

Read EULA.


Actually 1.1.5 includes upgrades to crafting.



Actually you should read this before posting assumptions. Thank You.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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SWTOR is a game for casuals. Thats the way this game is designed. Its not for people who want to achieve something awesome, its for people who dont wanna spend alot of time doing stuff. As more patches and expansions come in, you will see more of it.


Actually most mmorpgs are geared towards casuals. Hardcore players should probably go do some thing with their life instead of an mmorpg dictating their life schedule.

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You didn't bother to read what I posted, did you?

- I never told I want game made for "me". Stop putting words in my mouth.

- I never told I want things hard to achieve like in MMOs that don't exist any more. Stop putting words in my mouth.


And to answer your question - I don't know, depends on what BioWare actually does. Either way the bill was already paid so I can play game for a while still. Don't know if gonna extend sub though.



You don't pay for magenta crystal. You pay for a right to play TOR.

Read EULA.



Actually you should read this before posting assumptions. Thank You.






ACTUALLY... you should read before posting lies



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There were alot of things in beta that did not make it to retail. where is your proof that these vendors will make it in the patch?


Frankly everyone far along is this game is tainted to me, with all the exploits going on the first month, I don't know which bragging to believe.


When I buy a peanut butter cup, I like to savor the taste. there are occasions when I'll just tear into em and eat em up, but when I do that, I've NEVER thought dang, i just paid for that and its gone in a second.

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ACTUALLY... you should read before posting lies

Don't talk like that to me.

It doesn't say anything about updates to crafting. It says "There's also some goodies in there for people with Artifice, but nothing major". Don't put words in Devs mouth and don't call me a lier.

Artifice <> crafting.

Armormech, Synthewaving, Cybertech, Biotech AND Artifice == crafting.

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This just makes me wonder what kind of pimp stuff is coming out in 1.2 and soon after that.


They would want to make current top-level stuff easier to get before introducing new stuff so people don't ***** about having just spent 1.5 mil on something that is no longer the best.

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Buying item for cash worth 30 minutes of space combat is not awesome. I'm sure that's something with what we all agree. ;)



So for 30 mins of space combat, how much can I make? How many 30 mins would I have to do to buy an item worth 250k? 2mil?


It may be easy to make, but it would be time consuming and repetitive, so if someone is prepared to put the time in to do this then fair play to them.


You see, you are very blinkered in thinking that to achieve something you have to raid or do an op or PVP extensively or loose an arm or sweat blood.


If I did the space combat for "insert tons of hours here", that to me would be an achievement if it payed for my purple LS. It would also be awesome to me as the end justified the means.


As you can see from the posts of many others, you are in a minority. Doesn't mean you are wrong and you opinion still has merit, it just means really that most people don't agree with you and Bioware are thinking of the majority not the minority.


Sounds like a good business practice to me.

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