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Selfish gamers and their hypocrisy.


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Quite often now im finding myself on the winning side of a landslide victory, 5-0 huttball or reaching the last doors in voidstar with 5minutes on the clock in round two, and my team is suggesting that we farm the losing side.


Now, im not sure about you but ive been on the receiving end of this sort of thing, i know i dont find it to be enjoyable at all. being repeatedly slaughtered just outside of my spawn while the opposing faction abuses us in /say isnt how i want to spend my time.


because i would not have it done to me, i will neither participate, nor permit it to be done to the imps while im capable of stopping it.


anyone else feel the same?


i look forward to being called a carebear...i know its coming

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I agree that farming is dumb. However, what's even dumber is a game design that encourages the behavior.


You can't blame anyone for farming. Some who are farming for its own sake are probably the worst type of gamer, but some might be farming because they are trying to maximize their time spent playing. BW has engineered the system in a way that promotes farming in order to increase progression.


That is the real crime. People will always behave however they choose. That's not the issue. The fact that farming is encouraged is an issue.

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Sometimes people need to trash talk. Mostly because when they're not hidden safely behind their anonymity, they are quite cowardly. I don't care about it, and I don't care if someone feels the need to run their mouth. Just gives me someone to hunt.
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yeah you need to grow a set.


People need medals and the last "farming" stage provides a chance for BOTH sides to get extra medals, unlike WoW where getting GY farmed has no benefits other then grieving.


I don't usually partake in it, but you guys raise good points on this. All that really matters (after winning/losing) is medals. And anyone can get those, farming or farmed.

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Now, im not sure about you but ive been on the receiving end of this sort of thing, i know i dont find it to be enjoyable at all. being repeatedly slaughtered just outside of my spawn while the opposing faction abuses us in /say isnt how i want to spend my time.


You're weird.


I love fighting, I hate when the match ends. Win or lose. Hell, it even takes the stress off if a loss is already determined.

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Welcome to the Internet and online Games.


Not really. . .I've played my share of MMO's and yes I have seen this done in the past with other MMO's, but I always get this feeling people are just relentless and full of malice to purposely turn this game into a cesspool.


I've seen what the OP is talking about many times, as a matter of fact they scored 5 points in 5 minutes in hutball against a bad pug group I was in today. For the duration that felt like a week, they just farmed the hell out of us.


But they can do it and its not against the rules, so like many questionable things in this game I deal with,. . .well, I just deal with it.

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Huttball - Get your team to stay on your goal line and if they are stupid enough to come close with the ball, knock or pull them across your line. You also have a better chance of killing them being close to your spawn.


Voidstar - Stay just outside the spawn door and attack from there.


Pretty much all you can do or just leave the warzone.

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Last time this happened is simply put in /ops that I wasn't really interested in farming noobs and Ill just hang out off to the side. Well two other players joined me and the remaining 5 that felt like farming under gear players got a free trip to the reset point when they were beat in a 8v5.


Ohh the rage in /ops after was absolutely hilarious.

Edited by ImURmaster
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its not a big deal really. its still pvp, you can still kill them and get medals yourself. the only time you cant really is when someone on your team says, "stop playing and let them win so its over fast". then half your team just lays down a sulks in the corner while the other half, who actually like to pvp, get slaughtered because its now 4 vs 8.


whats even worse than that is, when have your team gives up and stops playing in the first two minutes of the WZ because they other side got an early lead.

Edited by MiaRB
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No, I'm not a pinko commie like you.


You said it yourself, the opfor does it, and if given the opportunity will do it. Might as well fight fire with fire, and it only benefits you.


You are probably one of those people who think there is such thing as running up the score in sports and a fan of those fair play rules that will force high school teams to stop dominating other teams.



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Put it this way..


Losing with 10 medals > winning with 0 medals.


Both sides benefit more from a full game, call it "farming" if you like but the valor and commendation gains from stacking medals outweighs the commendation count from winning/losing.


Hoping they impliment TEAM medals (everyone in the team gains a medal for the team achieveing X) or individual medals for "killing a ball carrier", mainly to encourage Teamplay and rewarding mopre medals for working towards the objectives over working towards racking up individual medal counts for dmg/heals/protection


Team medals would also help to mitigate the times where some idiot goes and scores the 6th goal in huttball and turns the reward into something worse than losing a full game.

Edited by blackadda
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Try 5-0 with 10 minutes left and they stay within 5m of each other. Come back and tell me how much fun you had getting 0 kills and 15+ deaths.


I still have no problem w/ it. You can run in and out of the fire and heal up for the 2.5 heal medal and the 75k heal medal (if you a healer). You can do some AOE damage between deaths for the 75k damage medal. At worst you can head to the frige and get a beer.

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Quite often now im finding myself on the winning side of a landslide victory, 5-0 huttball or reaching the last doors in voidstar with 5minutes on the clock in round two, and my team is suggesting that we farm the losing side.


Now, im not sure about you but ive been on the receiving end of this sort of thing, i know i dont find it to be enjoyable at all. being repeatedly slaughtered just outside of my spawn while the opposing faction abuses us in /say isnt how i want to spend my time.


because i would not have it done to me, i will neither participate, nor permit it to be done to the imps while im capable of stopping it.


anyone else feel the same?


i look forward to being called a carebear...i know its coming


agree 100%, when someone tries to do this on my team I berate them and do anything I can to get the ball in order to cap it or cap the doors

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if people are being farmed, its because they are allowing themselves to be farmed.


if they are obviously the more powerful team, and they're just standing around waiting for you to come, and you do, then you're at fault.


vice versa, if you're the team farming, and they keep coming at you, feel free to keep farming them.


it's an easy fix for those being farmed. don't go back.

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I agree that farming is dumb. However, what's even dumber is a game design that encourages the behavior.


You can't blame anyone for farming. Some who are farming for its own sake are probably the worst type of gamer, but some might be farming because they are trying to maximize their time spent playing. BW has engineered the system in a way that promotes farming in order to increase progression.


That is the real crime. People will always behave however they choose. That's not the issue. The fact that farming is encouraged is an issue.


Yes we can, douchebag behavior is douchebag behavior. I've had our side ask for this a few times in huttball, I'd just get teh ball and score. One point they had already started farming, the other team let me score to end it. The other few times I actually had a few people back me up on how terrible farming is. Its just an utterly horrible, demoralizing situation for the other team (who just wants their valor/few comms they earned, and to leave). If you don't want to be farmed, don't farm the other team yourself.

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Yes we can, douchebag behavior is douchebag behavior. I've had our side ask for this a few times in huttball, I'd just get teh ball and score. One point they had already started farming, the other team let me score to end it. The other few times I actually had a few people back me up on how terrible farming is. Its just an utterly horrible, demoralizing situation for the other team (who just wants their valor/few comms they earned, and to leave). If you don't want to be farmed, don't farm the other team yourself.



Sometimes the other team will stop you, since they're interested in farming as the losing team. When that happens, proceed to farm guilt free. Otherwise, I agree with a lot of others that think it's rude and unsporting but also unfortunately encouraged by the system in place.

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