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To put it gently, I agree with these guys..


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You can level from 1-65 or so without ever doing the same quest twice on the same faction and even the same class. Because there are multiple zones for each level and each race has a starting area that anyone can travel to and start from.


Not just quests, you can level in entirely different zones. New scenery, new story, new mobs....everything different.


LOTRO started out good. I had a lot of fun leveling to level 50. After that tho....it slowly went downhill. Talk about a "grinding feast"..:p I stopped paying them a sub and only have a char there at level 64 ( FTP )....for when my interest MMO's servers are down and I want to play some. I have a level 50 in ToR and am now enjoying playing 6 other classes...on both sides. I have not got bored and am still enjoying the game immensely.

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Wrong. Light and dark choices impact quite a bit, from completely changing which quests you're given during quest chains, to the NPCs that follow you through the game, to even certain equipment and even speeder choices.


As for the story ending at 50. Seriously? You expect the story to continue past the end? The Ops and FP's are part of the story. Other than that, do you really expect the story to stretch magically into infinity?


That's like saying, that the only problem you have with the recent album you purchased, is that the music stops after the final track.




A couple of quests have 'options' where the light option may send you to dismantle something and the dark option may send you to kill someone, but both will send you to the same general place where you will most likely kill the same generic mobs only to end up at the same exact place once the quest is done.


The rest is all superfluous fluff. Yes there is a dark alignment vendor and a light alignment vendor. But to say your choices have meaning when the only difference is the name and model of a piece of gear or a speeder is just ridiculous.

Edited by DawnAskham
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This gaming blog is well known and respected in the gaming community. So dismiss all you like, just don't consider it random.


Never heard of it, and to be honest, his opinions were mostly reasonable and valid, however, the following thread just appeared to be a mish-mash of mmo hoppers lamenting what could have been and hoping the Next One will be the one...with that Next One being GW2 by all counts.


After GW2, I wonder what it will be.


All in all though, not going to disagree much, theres alot I would like to see improved in this game but everyone has a differing opinion of what fun is, anyway.

Edited by Aleryan
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I disagree to an extend. In this game, there is only one leveling path. You have the class story, but everything else will be the same path unless you roll the opposite faction.


One thing I enjoyed about 'that other game' was that I could take completely different paths to level cap (pre-expansion).


This is true, at first....but after a couple alts, youve seen it all and the 3rd time thru you will already have a preferred path anyway. Well I suppose thats an improvement, and I wish this game had multiple options, too, but Cataclysm went very linear as well...big mistake.

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I haven't been keeping up closely with these guys. But Keen is uncannily right in his perceptions a vast majority of the time. Besides his assessments, in addition I can not tolerate the bugs and poor design elements which just make you wonder about the designers professionalism, if not their talent. Also the general game management structure and failure of proper public relations and in game support.


It was great while it lasted and save something biblical in effect to change how the game plays and feels, I do not see this title lasting. I'll hang out a while longer, probably go back to an older title like DDO.. I'm sure they've added content by now..


Funny, I said basically the exact same thing after a month in beta, in August. I was laughed out of the building by people that had never made it passed level 20.


Welcome to SWTOR, it fails. All aboard the Tortanic, set sail for all the fail that was WHO but with story story story.

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I personally like the class design, at least for now.


If they fix ilum, and fps, and add more warzones, and fix pop imbalance, and terrible gear grinding, and add some rating system, and put in cross server queueing to alleviate long waits, you might have a lasting pvp scene.


sentinel and sage are a blast.

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The thing is, the first act, is kind of fun, but, Alderaan is where the game starts to slow down. It actually hits in Tatooine but the fond memories kind of give it a pass. Anyways, what changes: the mount and the mobs (not really). Cool I get to go faster, nope, it's twice as fast, three times as far. And, you are still fighting exactly the same mobs, except, they have more health, and eventually you have to stop and heal up after every fight. It starts feeling like a job, the stories aren't that great and you are the one paying to do the job.


The game's problem isn't itself so much, it's the fact that we've all been through this too many times before.

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This is true, at first....but after a couple alts, youve seen it all and the 3rd time thru you will already have a preferred path anyway. Well I suppose thats an improvement, and I wish this game had multiple options, too, but Cataclysm went very linear as well...big mistake.


Old wow, however, sucked to level in. You were almost guessing where to go at times. I remember leaving Barrens and heading to Stonetalon and enjoying the long run and finding almost nothing to do there. It blew chunks. Cataclysm leveling is a million times better, but, it comes with the simple drawback of getting out of sequence or not completing a quest that you needed. It can bring things to a screeching halt.

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I personally like the class design, at least for now.


I literally have the exact same keybind on my WoW characters and my swtor characters.

I haven't played all tor classes yet but just reading the tooltips i would say about 90 % of the actual class design is a 1:1 copy from WoW.

If it wasnt for the ability delay and the unresponsive combat i would think i'm playing the same class.


PS:try a shadow priest,you will have a blast

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I literally have the exact same keybind on my WoW characters and my swtor characters.

I haven't played all tor classes yet but just reading the tooltips i would say about 90 % of the actual class design is a 1:1 copy from WoW.

If it wasnt for the ability delay and the unresponsive combat i would think i'm playing the same class.


PS:try a shadow priest,you will have a blast


Had a glad warrior, also a pvp geared priest and mage.


Now playing an almost bm sentinel and hybrid sage.


Sentinel is purely a blast to play. Dk damage rotation, warrior utility, rogue cooldowns, all on short cooldowns.


Sage is a conglomeration of fire and frost, with offheals. I really wish that there were offensive dispels in the game, though. Disc was more fun than sage healing, however, imho.


I like that the classes have more utility than their wow counterparts.


Everything else is irritating as hell.



I e xtremely

Edited by Superawesomerman
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Funny, I said basically the exact same thing after a month in beta, in August. I was laughed out of the building by people that had never made it passed level 20.


Welcome to SWTOR, it fails. All aboard the Tortanic, set sail for all the fail that was WHO but with story story story.


Yet, you bought the game and here you still are.

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The review tells me that he rushed through and didn't pay attention. While the gist of each non-storyline quest remains the same, I have found different dialogue as well as different choices based on class, race and gender. I am finding that there is also better play and better stuff when you do go in a group as you get bonuses as well as social points (which I suspect are going to become a bigger thing very soon).


One point I do agree on, up to a certain point that is, is the design of the Flashpoints after Black Talon / Esseles. They are seriously lacking any story. BW sets a high expectation with how well BT and Ess are then drops it on the floor for everything else. I again suspect that the final game was something like version 2.5 of how it played and that scrapping the old versions cost them all their time but that's just a supposition on my part.


Regardless, I find the different storylines (and story nuances mentioned above) more than enough to keep me entertained. So much so that I have 13 toons atm (and I hated alts in WOW).

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Yet, you bought the game and here you still are.


You know it's cause Bioware forces him to be here. He really has no choice in the matter.


Even though he hates it. He is forced to spend the cash for the game and the month or months of play time.


Even thought he has hated it since beta.


Dear Lord the forum posters around here.

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I've said from day 1 or so that the leveling/story was very entertaining (to me) in ToR, and that even if level cap was uninteresting and I unsubbed that this would be the first themepark MMO in which I wouldn't have felt like I wasted my time and money.


I may unsub, mainly because I don't like the end game pvp so far, but it won't be yelling 'OMG CUTSCENES FTL I SPACEBAR THRU IT ALL GIV ME PURPZ I H8 BW'.


I don't feel the bloggers in the OP were inflamatory at all. The game ran its course for them.

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I actually think a lot of the problems that gamers are having nowadays is they aren't willing to put up with games being pushed out for money making before they are done. This game doesn't even have the BASICS. No need to go past that.
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You can level from 1-65 or so without ever doing the same quest twice on the same faction and even the same class. Because there are multiple zones for each level and each race has a starting area that anyone can travel to and start from.


Not just quests, you can level in entirely different zones. New scenery, new story, new mobs....everything different.


This once was the case. Since the patch before Cataclysm, this is not really the case. You get a few levels in your fancy different starting area and then everything else is handed to you on rails. It gets worse once you hit an expansion planet.

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This once was the case. Since the patch before Cataclysm, this is not really the case. You get a few levels in your fancy different starting area and then everything else is handed to you on rails. It gets worse once you hit an expansion planet.
I've come to realize this must be the case after reading so many anecdotes about current WoW.


Which is a shame, because vanilla WoW questing was great if you had enough attention span to notice it.


Does current WoW have advanced quest tracker as a default UI? It's really a terrible feature that never should have been adopted by the industry.


I have watched the "gamer" mentality change dramatically over the past 15 years and it's disheartening. It's not about games anymore, it's about getting exactly what they want, when they want it and if they don't, they throw a fit about it.


Please close the door on the way out ... some of us are enjoying ourselves here. Crazy, I know.



How do you justify saying something like "it's about getting exactly what they want, when they want it and if they don't, they throw a fit about it," and then say you're satisfied with this game? It literally throws everything at you, at zero difficulty level; no gameplay challenge, no burden of knowledge, nothing but being handed rewards just for showing up.

Edited by Ansultares
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I was probably gaming before most of the complainer's seen in this thread's parents had fully functional reproductive organs. I was there when the skating rinks came to a complete halt when they introduced Space Invaders. I was there when everyone freaked out over the graphics that Zaxxon had. I was there at Sears in line waiting to spend my money on the Sears gaming system for my kids in the 70's. I am 64 years old and have played damn near every game this planet has had to offer for 30+ years. I am not just a gamer, I'm a gamer/collector enthusiast. I play games for entertainment. I play them for fun. I don't go around demanding what I think a game should or shouldn't have, and I certainly don't go around moaning that a video game isn't exactly like I want it and threaten to quit over it (while throwing a hissy-fit in a forum post or blog explaining my departure or general dislike of a video game).


These whiners and criers are not gamers. They're self-entitlement afflicted drones with fingers to type and a head full of opinions. Nothing more, nothing less. I have watched the "gamer" mentality change dramatically over the past 15 years and it's disheartening. It's not about games anymore, it's about getting exactly what they want, when they want it and if they don't, they throw a fit about it.


Sorry kiddos, but this isn't Burger King ... you can't have it your way, right away.

Now put your money where your mouth is, and hit that "cancel" button. Because at the end of the day, that speaks louder than any pathetic attempt at an attention grab you seek on these forums or some stupid blog site that makes you feel important.


Please close the door on the way out ... some of us are enjoying ourselves here. Crazy, I know.



Oh, the hypocrisy.


On a less troll note, you gave a vast game history and you find this game entertaining? What specifically about it? Im genuinely interested in your point of view, if your experience is as broad as you claim.

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Leveling is fun and is easily the best part of this game. But once you've made 2-3 characters to level 50 it gets old really fast. Sure the class quests are really epic, but after the capitals they become few and far between.


Everything else in this game is broken.

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He points out issues without realising the reason:


1. no social interactions.

- Why? Becouse social mechanics are like half-done... whispers doesnt take players attention due to no sound notification, /say chat doesnt get any attention due to no chat bubbles, so people basically dont see other people talking... everything is so speechless.


2. there is some "disconnect" in the feel of the game and the player

- Why? The camera is awkward, so you cant feel like you would be there. You are being reminded you are just looking trough 3rd person camera which bugs out and is being lagged (read: smoothed) and also force you to look in single direction when you are running/driving.

- Another reason? Sure, the targeting mechanic is also totally awkward and reminds player he is only playing a game... a broken game in addition and onlty trying to controll his character. Kind of reminds player he is a paying beta tester. No way to immerse into game athmoshpere with such a gigantic flaws most of players cant pin-point and simply say "something is wrong". Hence they dont give enough attention on forums, hence devs dont give a damn. Closed circle of awkward development.


Bioware made a giant fail in those department and still refuse to admit camera is a problem, and call "chat bubbles" not a priority thing for mmorpg...



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