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To put it gently, I agree with these guys..


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I haven't been keeping up closely with these guys. But Keen is uncannily right in his perceptions a vast majority of the time. Besides his assessments, in addition I can not tolerate the bugs and poor design elements which just make you wonder about the designers professionalism, if not their talent. Also the general game management structure and failure of proper public relations and in game support.


It was great while it lasted and save something biblical in effect to change how the game plays and feels, I do not see this title lasting. I'll hang out a while longer, probably go back to an older title like DDO.. I'm sure they've added content by now..

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in addition I can not tolerate the bugs and poor design elements which just make you wonder about the designers professionalism, if not their talent.

Kinda makes me wonder. People have put up with far worse and even now tout how awesome it was. Has the gamer nation as a whole turned into such wusses? Edited by Genkin
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I haven't been keeping up closely with these guys. But Keen is uncannily right in his perceptions a vast majority of the time. Besides his assessments, in addition I can not tolerate the bugs and poor design elements which just make you wonder about the designers professionalism, if not their talent. Also the general game management structure and failure of proper public relations and in game support.


It was great while it lasted and save something biblical in effect to change how the game plays and feels, I do not see this title lasting. I'll hang out a while longer, probably go back to an older title like DDO.. I'm sure they've added content by now..


Good, quick, to the point write-up. I agree with it completely.


Hopefully at least 1 of the 2 games I'm beta testing will be better, would be awesome if they both were great :)

Edited by Tiam
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Kinda makes me wonder. People have put up with far worse and even now tout how awesome it was. Has the gamer nation as a whole turned into such wusses?


Yes. I give you the MMO-Lite player base; they want it here, now and easy. :p



It's funny that people keep saying things like this about TOR. TOR is the easiest, most casual friendly MMO I've ever played. It's a complete joke. Anyone who thinks they are "hardcore" because they pay to beta test a game is delusional.

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Kinda makes me wonder. People have put up with far worse and even now tout how awesome it was. Has the gamer nation as a whole turned into such wusses?


Your typical gamers nowadays are entitled, self-important, generally immature (at least as far as their public persona goes), unrealistic, and have no idea what they want out of a game. This isn't a troll or "rude behavior", it's just what I notice on a regular basis.

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It's funny that people keep saying things like this about TOR. TOR is the easiest, most casual friendly MMO I've ever played. It's a complete joke. Anyone who thinks they are "hardcore" because they pay to beta test a game is delusional.


Hence why my statement was made? <_<

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Logged in just to post here.


I agree completely... pretty much exactly how I'm feeling at this point. The game has no long lasting value, especially at the rate that things are being implemented and fixed (read: far too slow).


SWTOR is a decent game for a short amount of time until you realize how incredibly shallow and simple it is.

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I haven't been keeping up closely with these guys. But Keen is uncannily right in his perceptions a vast majority of the time. Besides his assessments, in addition I can not tolerate the bugs and poor design elements which just make you wonder about the designers professionalism, if not their talent. Also the general game management structure and failure of proper public relations and in game support.


It was great while it lasted and save something biblical in effect to change how the game plays and feels, I do not see this title lasting. I'll hang out a while longer, probably go back to an older title like DDO.. I'm sure they've added content by now..


Stopped reading the blog post after the first sentence. They went into the game expecting it to suck, so that is all they got from the game. When you have already made your mind up about something before you try it then all your doing is wasting your time.

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Your typical gamers nowadays are entitled, self-important, generally immature (at least as far as their public persona goes), unrealistic, and have no idea what they want out of a game. This isn't a troll or "rude behavior", it's just what I notice on a regular basis.


Pretty much this.


I made my own idea during the 2 beta.


As for being hard... let me talk to you about Naxx/40.

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Your typical gamers nowadays are entitled, self-important, generally immature (at least as far as their public persona goes), unrealistic, and have no idea what they want out of a game. This isn't a troll or "rude behavior", it's just what I notice on a regular basis.


Clearly you didn't even read the article. All the points he makes are valid, completely level-headed and fair.

Edited by Sireene
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I should also point out that the bloggers' main problem with SWTOR is fairly obvious; it's not World of Warcraft. On several occasions, they bemoan SWTOR in direct comparison to WoW, but they never compare SWTOR to any other MMO (except once compparing it, negatively, to Warhammer Online and DCUO).


Anyone whose first MMO was WoW is going to feel this way about any game released. In fact, since WoW hit the market, can anyone here name one single MMO which has "made it"? No? That's because you have 12+ million MMO newbies who got into the genre with WoW and who have no other real point of reference. Every MMO they play gets compared to their first love, and fails, be it AION, WAR, DCUO, STO, Champions Online, DDO (until it went F2P), EQ2, Auto Assault...*all...of...them*.


It isn't that WoW is such an awesome game, because it's just not. It's a simplified MMO-with-training-wheels which took the genre's best (Everquest, Asheron's Call and DAOC) and made it accessible to the masses with simplified graphics and gameplay.


it's just that all these millions of ex-WoWers want all MMOs to be WoW 2.0, and nothing else at all will satisfy them.

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Your typical gamers nowadays are entitled, self-important, generally immature (at least as far as their public persona goes), unrealistic, and have no idea what they want out of a game. This isn't a troll or "rude behavior", it's just what I notice on a regular basis.


Nail. On. Head.

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Its a fair criticism I think. Im the only guy left out of a guild of 15 people who left other games to try our hand here. All of them said pretty much the same thing and there is no shortage of posters who have told the same story.


That tells me there must be something to it other than its just the nature of the MMO player-beast.

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lol you people are truly unbelievable. because someone doesn't enjoy playing the game anymore, they're immature, entitled spoiled brats? are you actually serious here?


get a grip

Get a grip? The blogger complains about gear treadmills! I literally facepalmed at that. Welcome to every MMO that has come out in the last 10 years whinning blogger dude.
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