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Merc vs healer=auto defeat for merc


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Trust me, interrupts won't help you beat that healer 1 on 1.


^ pretty much this


Never played as a healer but know they have at least 2 other heal spells. You interrupt one they just use one of their others and w/ your interrupt on cd there isn't much you can do.


Even if you can get them close to death they typically last long enough for someone to realize someone is taking out their healer and then you're dead as the fight then quickly becomes a 2v1 if not a 4v1. Either way you are going to end up dead. My success rate 1v1 with a healer is pretty low, much lower even than the one button smash grav round trooper class who can easily take a quarter to half my life in one shot.


I focus on the healer not so much to kill them, but to keep them from healing anyone else on their team. You'd be amazed how doing just this much can quickly help turn a WZ in your teams favor. Once I spot a healer on the other team I do everything i can to stayed glued to them for the entire match.

Edited by onstorm
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Im sorry did I miss something. A merc is a healer regardless if heal spec or not. You can heal yourself so tell me again besides the interrupt why you are losing?


I've never played as a merc so I can't speak for them, but my Sorc is a healer regardless of spec. However unlike a spec'ed healer my DPS spec'ed Sorc is not able to out heal most people's damage. Even if I try I quickly run out of force as I have none of the abilities needed to be an efficient healer.


You can't compare someone who has heal capability to someone who is spec'ed as a healer as if it is completely the same thing.

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oh for gods sake.... the sleep missile is useless in pvp...t akes 2 seconds to casts and breaks on damage AND FILLS RESOLVE BAR 100%


so we actually only hve 1 SINGLE 1MIN COOLDONW STUN




HELLO THERE, sniper is sniping



If you use that ability to make a spell an instant cast then you can instantly use the sleep missile. Also it might fill up the resolve bar but you can stun first and then use it second. I find that using the stun on a healer will cause most noob healers to trinket the stun. Then I will instantly sleep them for 6-8 seconds.

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^ pretty much this


Never played as a healer but know they have at least 2 other heal spells. You interrupt one they just use one of their others and w/ your interrupt on cd there isn't much you can do.


Then try playing as one and see if it works as simply as you think.


Playing the other class teaches you a lot on perspective; especially about how much warped and twisted a perspective coming from sucky and clueless, malevolent individuals who know nothing but to put the blame on everything else, can be.



Even if you can get them close to death they typically last long enough for someone to realize someone is taking out their healer and then you're dead as the fight then quickly becomes a 2v1 if not a 4v1.


And you are saying as if there's something wrong with that. That's a 1-vs-Many issue, in which a targetted victim is rescued by cooperation from his teammates.


Are you saying the healers need to be so squishy, that they can be melted down in under 10 seconds when you attack it, so it just wipes from the face of the Earth before anyone can come to help?



Either way you are going to end up dead. My success rate 1v1 with a healer is pretty low, much lower even than the one button smash grav round trooper class who can easily take a quarter to half my life in one shot.


I consider myself an average player, with about average grade of spec/gear. There's not a single instance I couldn't get rid of an enemy healer on my own - provided, that it strictly remains 1-vs-1 throughout the fight.


If so many people comes to the healer's aid, it is that much people not fighting my own teammates somewhere else, and I've shut the healer down from healing long enough for some enemies to notice.


Either way I've done my job.



I focus on the healer not so much to kill them, but to keep them from healing anyone else on their team. You'd be amazed how doing just this much can quickly help turn a WZ in your teams favor. Once I spot a healer on the other team I do everything i can to stayed glued to them for the entire match.


This, is a valid point of view.


Yes - you do not necessarily have to kill a healer. WZ is not a duel. There is no such thing as 'honor in 1vs1' or that kind of crap. If you want to kill a healer, gang up. But when the situation does not allow that, a single individual sticking to the enemy healer can simply chase the healer around and make it become a mobile punching-bag. He certainly is not going to output any healing for his teammates, and would barely have enough tim to heal himself.

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I have to admit it seems pretty rough for merc, as a healer sorc i can 1v1 them with ease and finish with full health, add los and its lol ridiculous. Not sure about the other healing classes but as a sorc i def widdle you down with 3 dots and lightning while roling hot, bubble, and innervate into myself, while interrupting and stunning your crappy heals and tracers. It seems unbalanced they cant stop me from chain casting into them and myself, and using their knockback as an interrupt pretty much silences them as long as it does me.
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Then try playing as one and see if it works as simply as you think.


Playing the other class teaches you a lot on perspective; especially about how much warped and twisted a perspective coming from sucky and clueless, malevolent individuals who know nothing but to put the blame on everything else, can be.





And you are saying as if there's something wrong with that. That's a 1-vs-Many issue, in which a targetted victim is rescued by cooperation from his teammates.


Are you saying the healers need to be so squishy, that they can be melted down in under 10 seconds when you attack it, so it just wipes from the face of the Earth before anyone can come to help?





I consider myself an average player, with about average grade of spec/gear. There's not a single instance I couldn't get rid of an enemy healer on my own - provided, that it strictly remains 1-vs-1 throughout the fight.


If so many people comes to the healer's aid, it is that much people not fighting my own teammates somewhere else, and I've shut the healer down from healing long enough for some enemies to notice.


Either way I've done my job.





This, is a valid point of view.


Yes - you do not necessarily have to kill a healer. WZ is not a duel. There is no such thing as 'honor in 1vs1' or that kind of crap. If you want to kill a healer, gang up. But when the situation does not allow that, a single individual sticking to the enemy healer can simply chase the healer around and make it become a mobile punching-bag. He certainly is not going to output any healing for his teammates, and would barely have enough tim to heal himself.


Some people like to argue. I think you are one of them as you seem to have twisted everything I intending to say just try and belittle my points.


The reason, since you seem too dense to have caught it the first time, my succes rate w/ a healer 1v1 is low is because they are able to keep themselves alive long enough for it NOT to remain a 1v1 fight and yes I am well aware that multiples versus me is a situation I am more than likely going to loose and that this is just part of the game.


In the hundreds of times I've taken on a healer 1v1 I could probably put on 1 hand how many times that fight remained 1v1. Any decent team is going to protect their healer.


I was not whining. I was trying to point out to OP that merc or not a healer can be rough for anyone to take out, and it wasn't just his class that healers could be a pain for.


Please work on your reading comprehension a bit before just trying to bash others' points or try and realize you have an issue which makes you see things that aren't there just so you can argue with someone.




Also I never said or implied in any way that being a healer was simple or easy, I was trying to point out to OP that healers have more than one heal spell. 1 interrupt would NOT keep the healer from healing. Was that really so difficult to catch and understand? Obviously it was for some people who seem to need every little thing spelled out for them.

Edited by onstorm
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You cant do anything to stop healers as mercenary with no interrupt...


Every healer can outheal your damage and survive since you cant stop them.... Even non-specced healers can sometimes win fights simply because they hid behind los and pulled of a heal that could have been avoied with a bloody interrupt....


The only thing we have is a bloody stun that is our main cc that is usually broken by the skill since they dont fear for any other big contrlling effect...


We have a jetpack that requires close RANGE which means losing damage you could do and also even more time being eaten by slow dots. And a punch that has knockback but ONLY when specced









Yeah really? If they los you, then YOU can interrupt? Yeah really?

THAT is the reason?

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I can under stand tryin to kill a merc/trooper healer can be difficult due to their tanky nature...and also sorc with their millions of options...


But an ops healer? Seriously, I hit heavy armor targets with a full rotation and literally their life don't even move. My damage is super duper weak, we are talking crits for 600 on you guys. Only players I can dent are ones with absolutely no expertise and even then it's an up hill battle. If you have 500+ expertise it's run away time for me which all in all only delays the inevitable unless help arrives.


I really can't name one class/AC I can solo kill 100% to dead by myself if they are geared, even with my mostly BM set...well unless they are below 50% and or AFK. Are you AFK?

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