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Merc vs healer=auto defeat for merc


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If everyone has one except merc it would almost appear they didn't think you needed one. One reason could be that you are the highest single target damage dealer in the game. It is also possible they knew you would roll one and they are out to get you. I'm sure that is what YOU think.


Actually I am not a 10 year old kid who cant look past the next hour and i think sorcs and ops rival with mercs in single target damage any day. When it comes down to it, the amount of utilities a sorc has over a merc is amazing to me when they can both put out the same amount of damage.

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Bad troll is bad. I'm a BG Merc and I easily get chain stunned an interrupted ALL the time. It's the number one thing that makes me rage in PVP; with SI's completely overpowered utility and escape as a very very close second.


Well since we are counting anecdotal evidence as worth anything, I'll just say I see Mercs who are immune to interrupts ALL the time. You either use long CD hard-CCs that fill up their resolve bars in no time flat or you stop trying to interrupt.

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Actually I am not a 10 year old kid who cant look past the next hour and i think sorcs and ops rival with mercs in single target damage any day. When it comes down to it, the amount of utilities a sorc has over a merc is amazing to me when they can both put out the same amount of damage.


Just a thought, and playing devil's advocate, but I never see this brought up in the nerf sage/sorc threads...


Did anyone ever stop and wonder if the reason they can put up equal damage is that they have all that utility, e.g. crowd control? Not that the crowd control is a bonus on top of it?


I don't really have an opinion one way or another, I'm just against nerfs and buffs in principle unless there's a lot of demonstrable raw data to back it up, which you rarely, if ever see, especially considering that the mathmagicians haven't gotten their hands on a combat log yet.

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If everyone has one except merc it would almost appear they didn't think you needed one. One reason could be that you are the highest single target damage dealer in the game. It is also possible they knew you would roll one and they are out to get you. I'm sure that is what YOU think.


Just like I am sure YOU think your post was funny! You would be wrong my friend! The forums are for discussion, they are discussing, go somewhere else with your badly used wit!

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Dude I have an interupt and I still cannot kill geared healers - I think interrupts need to work like a "silence" so no castable ability for 4 sec or whatever - or give me another one :)


But this aside sorcs/sages CC/utility combined with awesome DPS and this game is turning into Warhammer 2.0 - gonna fail if they wait to nerf them as long as they waited for Bright wizards


Most sorcs can just CC you while you heal anyways - interups do no good - even if you do interrupt them they just cast another heal

Edited by Torn
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You cant do anything to stop healers as mercenary with no interrupt...


Every healer can outheal your damage and survive since you cant stop them.... Even non-specced healers can sometimes win fights simply because they hid behind los and pulled of a heal that could have been avoied with a bloody interrupt....


The only thing we have is a bloody stun that is our main cc that is usually broken by the skill since they dont fear for any other big contrlling effect...


We have a jetpack that requires close RANGE which means losing damage you could do and also even more time being eaten by slow dots. And a punch that has knockback but ONLY when specced










You again...Last thread was nerf Mercs cuz TM is op...now you want an interupt...Do you even play this game or just cry on the forums

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You again...Last thread was nerf Mercs cuz TM is op...now you want an interupt...Do you even play this game or just cry on the forums


i am trying to build universal perfect balance for YOU but i gues noneone respects you until you die and your work for perfect balance is recognized!

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Dude I have an interupt and I still cannot kill geared healers - I think interrupts need to work like a "silence" so no castable ability for 4 sec or whatever - or give me another one :)


But this aside sorcs/sages CC/utility combined with awesome DPS and this game is turning into Warhammer 2.0 - gonna fail if they wait to nerf them as long as they waited for Bright wizards


Most sorcs can just CC you while you heal anyways - interups do no good - even if you do interrupt them they just cast another heal


interrupt is weak YES I KNOW, but tis better than NOTHING

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It doesn't matter much. Outside macro's are already hitting the game and if they become common then NO ONE will ever beat a healer again.


Was trying to kill an Op healer last night and in the middle of a cast heal interrupted him, INSTANTLY his next heal started casting (the one not locked out of). Thought maybe it was luck or he was fast... nope... for the entire game I saw him doing it. He simply had a macro set up to cast heals in order, so if one was on cooldown it went to the next.


Interrupts are 99% useless against a good player to begin with because it doesn't lock out the entire school... with macros they are completely useless.

Edited by Lowerydro
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Merc gains an AOE in place of an interrupt.


In a Team vs Team situation, or Mob V Mob, there is nothing better than a class which can triple chain AOE's from 30m away.


So yeah we lose an interrupt, but we gain the ability to pressure healers like no other class can.


Show me another class, aside from our mirror trooper class, which can chain 3 nasty AOE's from 30m range.


DFA .. 3x2.6k

Fusion missile 2.6k+3k DOT

Sweeping Blasters 1.8-2.2k + can CGS proc everything it hits for another 1.1k and boost the next Sweep by 9% dmg.


We gain AOE dps utilitly which is *perfect* for pressuring healers.


Of course PYRO does the AOE thing better... and im sorry for you if your playin arsenal.. but respec is free so ...not that sorry :p

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I hate to say it but most classes suck 1v1 against healers even with interrupts. The cool downs on interrupts do not play nicely with someone spamming heals. I can interrupt them on my melee dps but they laugh at me when they heal 18 seconds between my next cool down.


Unless you can kill someone with one interrupt then we are all kinda ****ed. Even with classes loaded with interrupts, resolve basically ****s you.


I say this assuming you're trying to kill "skilled" healers with gear of course.

Edited by Kurfer
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Bad troll is bad. I'm a BG Merc and I easily get chain stunned an interrupted ALL the time. It's the number one thing that makes me rage in PVP; with SI's completely overpowered utility and escape as a very very close second.


I could argue either way on the interrupt topic, but I usually lean towards the need for one. We have 3 base skills that allow us to stop someone from casting (dart, jet boost, concussion) with one more in the Arsenal tree (rocket punch knockback). That said, two are very close range, one has significant cast time, and none stop them from just casting it right away again. If SI utility in PVP was toned down to be in line with everyone else, though, I could manage without one.


SI get a close range knockback, a stun, and an interrupt for stopping a cast- that's 3, like you. They can add one, the instant mez, if they spec deep into madness to make a build that is specifically a CC build with subpar burst.


Try killing a healer as an SI before you start saying how godly SI are for taking out healers.

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SI get a close range knockback, a stun, and an interrupt for stopping a cast- that's 3, like you. They can add one, the instant mez, if they spec deep into madness to make a build that is specifically a CC build with subpar burst.


Try killing a healer as an SI before you start saying how godly SI are for taking out healers.


good point but mercs NEEEED A BLOODY INETRUPT

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Mercs dont' need an intterupt they have two knockbacks and a stun. Just play smart and you'll be fine.




Secondly the second knockback is SPECCED.... aka not everyone has it...


Thirdly the stun is just 1 and has 1 min COOLDOWN therefore it will break immidiately by the players unchain skill since they dont fear for any other big stun,,,,




What about sorcs???/they have interrupt and more cc... what about snipers... they all ahve interrupt and CC and we SHOULD HAVE AN INTERRUPT ALONG WITH CC!!!

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Secondly the second knockback is SPECCED.... aka not everyone has it...


Thirdly the stun is just 1 and has 1 min COOLDOWN therefore it will break immidiately by the players unchain skill since they dont fear for any other big stun,,,,




What about sorcs???/they have interrupt and more cc... what about snipers... they all ahve interrupt and CC and we SHOULD HAVE AN INTERRUPT ALONG WITH CC!!!


Stop doing two things.


1) Caps.

2) Trying to solo good healers.

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Secondly the second knockback is SPECCED.... aka not everyone has it...


Thirdly the stun is just 1 and has 1 min COOLDOWN therefore it will break immidiately by the players unchain skill since they dont fear for any other big stun,,,,




What about sorcs???/they have interrupt and more cc... what about snipers... they all ahve interrupt and CC and we SHOULD HAVE AN INTERRUPT ALONG WITH CC!!!



Your not too bright.


I guess you believe that my Smuggler should get a ranged interupt as well right? I'm sawbones .. a ranged healer. Why is my interupt 4m? I demand a ranged one too! Be dammed that then every scrapper / DF would have one too .. thats not my problem. I'm ranged !


Try thinking about the whole picture rather than just whats inside your little viewport.




Look muppet, if every DPS could solo kill healers what exactly would be the point of healers? If they cant even mitigate the damage of 1 DPS on them they become free kills. Road bumps that you just have to kill to move past. There would be no point at all having healers in PvP.


As a lone DPS you have two options when it comes to healers.


#1 Put enough pressure on them that they are focused on keeping themselves alive and no longer healing thier team.


#2 Get a friend and together kill them.


Option one is called balance. Your side loses an active DPS and thier side loses a healer, since your both focused on the other, You pressuring and him focusing on staying alive. Option two is the smart move.

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It is almost like they didn't build the pvp around 1v1. What are they doing!?






Anyone in doubt just go into the OP's profile and look at the threads he has made - all are about buffing his chars and nerfing everyone else. None have any reason for a nerf, just "OMG THIS IS OP NERF IIIIIIIITTTTT!!!"

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Look , if every DPS could solo kill healers what exactly would be the point of healers? If they cant even mitigate the damage of 1 DPS on them they become free kills. Road bumps that you just have to kill to move past. There would be no point at all having healers in PvP.


As a lone DPS you have two options when it comes to healers.


#1 Put enough pressure on them that they are focused on keeping themselves alive and no longer healing thier team.


#2 Get a friend and together kill them.


Option one is called balance. Your side loses an active DPS and thier side loses a healer, since your both focused on the other, You pressuring and him focusing on staying alive. Option two is the smart move.


OK I deleted the parts I don't Agree with from this Quote. I agree with whats Left and as a Heal Specd Sorc you put enough pressure on us we will run out of Force to Heal and we Die. ANd for you Macro people L2P without Macros

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