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NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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Well the people in my guild haven't been on at all in between 2 to 6 weeks, so that's easy enough.


As for the general population I've no idea, but then that's what I'm saying, if the subs are what they are claiming (ignoring them likely including trials, anyone that played last month and those still in first month), then people just aren't playing much, if at all. The server pops just aren't high enough.


This sounds like mine too.


There was a "Ding" the other night on the Fleet and the 5 of us online said "Grats!", and the guy said "Sorry, I didn't level, I just dropped a pin!".



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Maybe it is that. I just know of the 20 people that came here with me only 3-4 still play (at all), whether they are keeping up their subs I don't know.


My 2 main server populations are down too, not to the point of been bad..... but then they were servers that had 4-6 hours queues every day for the first 3-4 weeks.


Maybe all that population is still subbing too..... but they aren't playing at the moment.


The first 3-4 weeks I and many others were on vacation and could dedicate unreasonable hours to playing the game.


Unfortunate that the holidays have ended.



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Same trolls using the same tired arguments. High numbers will come out after 1.2 and they'll still be here claiming that the game is broken, dead, or going to be dead in x months.



I still see random people saying that "if Bioware doesn't fix their FPS issues" and "this game is dead" and "my server population dropped because everyone quit".


At least come up with something new.

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Same trolls using the same tired arguments. High numbers will come out after 1.2 and they'll still be here claiming that the game is broken, dead, or going to be dead in x months.



I still see random people saying that "if Bioware doesn't fix their FPS issues" and "this game is dead" and "my server population dropped because everyone quit".


At least come up with something new.


dont need to come up with anything new since these problems still exist ;)

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Just cant believe how many people post that WRONG info that its for the first "free" month.


Prediction: ......1.5 million.


Doesnt seem to be bleeding subscriptions as badly as other new mmo and I just (cheated) read that its gone past 2mil box sales.


Its bleeding subs rapidly. The problem with the predicted totals is they account for all regions not devided by region.


If show by region, NA/EU would show to be bleeding subs at a substantial rate. Wile asia would show a raise in sub rates. Given time the Asian market to will also follow the same trend.


Generally there doing it this way, to give the illusion of success to the shareholders (warhammer did the same thing). This however is only a bandaid and will backfire, when the asian market shows signs of hemorrhaging, the net total will show a exaggerated decline.


bioware's fate was sealed the moment it was sold to EA, its only a matter of time now befor it gets gutted entirely.

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Its bleeding subs rapidly. The problem with the predicted totals is they account for all regions not devided by region.


If show by region, NA/EU would show to be bleeding subs at a substantial rate. Wile asia would show a raise in sub rates. Given time the Asian market to will also follow the same trend.


Generally there doing it this way, to give the illusion of success to the shareholders (warhammer did the same thing). This however is only a bandaid and will backfire, when the asian market shows signs of hemorrhaging, the net total will show a exaggerated decline.


bioware's fate was sealed the moment it was sold to EA, its only a matter of time now befor it gets gutted entirely.


Every part of your post was completely false. Unless you're talking about WoW


They are the only mmo that flourishes in Asia. Especially considering that SWTOR didn't even release in Asia..... But also because they have no way of knowing who is an active customer or not. People pay to play, so every account is considered an active account. Because it never cancels. It just gets charged when people use it. So 100k could actually be playing over the period of a month and it looks like 8million.

Edited by Holden_Dissent
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I'm not going to ask you this - and no, I don't want an answer. You know yourselves if it is true.


Has the population on your server decreased, increased, or stayed the same?


You know the truth.



good point.

Edited by netslayer
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I'm not going to ask you this - and no, I don't want an answer. You know yourselves if it is true.


Has the population on your server decreased, increased, or stayed the same?


You know the truth.


mine perosnaly has incressed alittle. just saying ^^

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A bit concerned with Mists of Panderia. It feels like it may come out sooner than later.


Mid summer. Is my prediction. But lets wait until D3 comes out May 15th....subs lost will be even more noticable for some MMO's. I donot say this as a doomslayer, but as a matter of fact and I did a 6 month sub to TOR and want it to succeed and live long and prosper. But they need to do some serous changes to get many to stay. Voice over for story and lore is great..but only goes so far in keeping player's interested.

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I don't understand this obsession with numbers, why should this be important or determine whether or not you should continue to play the game? I spent a couple of years playing an MMORPG that had a total population of 1000-3,000 active players per server and there were only about 3 servers. Still enjoyed it very much as I am enjoying this game.


Yes, It would be nice to have more than 10 people on a planet or for it to be easier to do heroics, but honestly it doesn't bother me to be "alone" and sometimes, its kinda nice. If this was any other MMORPG then it would be a problem. At least in this one I have an RP story that I'm interested in. Eventually they will do something about population per server issues.


People knock EA and Bioware (and I'm not a bioware fan boy, I've hated the last couple of titles they put out) for this and that but they forget that they're large and dynamic companies with resources and a drive to be profitable and successful much like Blizzard (or whoever owns them now). Give them a chance, the game is very young and to be honest still in testing mode. If people are that impatient or so hung up on this childish notion of numbers as a measure of YOUR personal enjoyment, then they should just find other venues of entertainment/gaming.


Put it this way, as someone who beta tested WOW and played it the first few months I can tell you one thing, this is LIGHTYEARS ahead of what the release version of WOW was. Again, just enjoy the game, find a group of strangers that you feel comfortable with and play with them and if you do that, the fact that there is 20 people on your server vs 20,000 wont make a lick of difference.


Personally I think the current number is less than 500k active player-wise.


Numbers matter alot. If you pvp the amount of people playing directly reflects your in game experience. More people faster ques, better competition, more of a challenge, better rivlries.


If you pve numbers mean more money to make more content, better guilds to go to if you get better and move on, more money also means they hire better devs who are more creative (that way classes arent nerfed to fit the content but content is made to challenge the classes) and all around better stability since more servrs and more memory on games side to keep everything working.


Even if y9ou just play on the auction house. The more people the better the economy. You ever play on a dead server? Te economy is horrible.


Just all around more money. Thats the whole point about the game to make money. Just look at sports whats the teams who get better players and have better facilities and stadiums and win more championships. Everything has to do with money which you get more of by having subs.


EA isnt in this to be creative. EA isnt in this to do it for the love of gaming. They are in it to make money from subscriptions so not only can they keep this game growing but also their company can grow.


More subs also means people keep their jobs. You hink if the subs drop off that people will get a raise or people will kepp their jobs? Its a business and a businessneeds money. Biowre has a job to do which is keep subs going up not even for anything else but so the employess there wich are in the hundreds tleast can feed their families. When the subs drop then not only is the ingame sffected but more importantly thepeople who do this for a living and for a career are affected.


So you may not care if you have a server all to yourself cause tht only affects wht you do for fun but i guarantee little timmy o johnny or emily will care if their mom or ad wether a janitor or developr or human resources or whatever loses their job gets on unemployment and thir 401k dries up.


Wake up people its a business not just a game the arrogance of biowareto make radical changes and loe sbs on the edge of multiple mmos that peopl are looking frward to like gw2 and secret world and mop are bout to come out and they go from 1.7 to 1 million after they spend 300 million o make this is not bad gaming its also bad business.

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This game is actually very cleverly crafted cus in all honesty I can see most that play and enjoy levelling different characters not at all being bothered with any other players. I am guessing there are enough players in the world that enjoy console gaming, like I do, that spend most of their time on their own anyway. The game is structured to give the solo player a very rewarding experience. I also think there is probably enough content to keep the serious gamer interested if they want to work at it. Personally I can see me playing a good year here and not ever wanting to play with anyone else. And it really suits me. And from the constant stream of players coming in through the starter I am convinced there are many that just enjoy levelling a bit and then maybe getting back to playing FIFA or Final Fantasy or Uncharted. The game is easy to pick up and put down. Those that are not suited to the game are the booster pack that want shiny gear and a place to show it off... Yer know.. Level 85 in a week strutting around Stormwind pugging for shinies. Personally I had enough of that and am really happy to be here and having a blast without having to put up with the antics of other players with whacking great chips on their shoulders... Good game. Enjoying it.
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I'm gonna say under 300k..G2 is coming Mist of Panda is coming same with Tera.D3 will also pull some away for a time. I honestly feel those who aren't "superfans" will find something better then the boring end game which is SWOTR.


I would even dare to say that by Jan 2013 This game will be FTP just like Warhammer and Lotr.



I also just wanted to add this link. I found it useful and very true. Except for the persons grammar there dead on.



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In all honestly I think this game will probably level off somewhere in the 1-1.5M range. I think the game will find it's niche with a solid player base that plays MMOs for fun and not eSport. I would definitely say that this game has an older player base and even target audience than WoW and the like. I have longed for the day that a company would stay within their own vision for what they want their game to be, not shoot for the unrealistic blizzard numbers, and make something that 1-2M can really get behind for the long term.
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I also love the game thats why im more upset. I dont wanna play everything else. Im getting ired of dragons and wizards. This game ills the want i alway had for wold of starcraft.


Wht i dont agree with is radical change before testing. More inportantly the ability for who it affects (us the plyrs) to test it. When no meters and when you cant copy a max level toon to pr to see proof of why this was needed just makes u lose trust. So far the track record from bioware across alot of games hasnt been that great. They always have good ideas and a good start the 90% they do well its the 10% the arrogant side that what we say u follow that bothers me and alot of people.


Ok so people get nerfed. Is necessary to change entire classes at once or wouldnt small changes and testing be better options?


If you design a car and produce the car and now you have 10 made ready for mass production you dont all of the sudden scrap them and start over. You change slightly and then see how it goes. The changes are so drastic it mkes you feel like if the 5 years and 300 million dint get it right then how does anoher 3 months of so called testing no one hasseen make the game better?


I dont want to quit i want to play on a full server and hav fun but also progress and on a monday play the same class that i log into on a tusday after the patch. Not have to chage everything just so the compny i pay can make their content seem harder. Id rather pay more and have them make the content more diffcult for the class i play.


I just dont see where this is going and when people quit its not a good thing.


If im an investor and never played a game and i wana invest into bioware. I go to see that everyon is unhappy , then that people wana quit and are quitting and after 2 months the entire community is in a uproar my confidence doesnt side with the developer. Im going to look elsewhere. Just like the players are doing now. As a dev with all these other games slated to arrive id do everything i can to make sure players wana log in not piss off people and act lik we got a favor. I mean even the oter content in 1.2 is just what we paid for at launch coming 3 months later. We should hav already had this stuff at launch.

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My server drops at around 1am and then picks up around 7pm the next day.


So many people unsub then resub!


(sorry for the sarcasm)




They aren’t going to get it, there is an increasing number of players, but the average time a person spends playing has decreased dramatically from launch when people were taking vacation time to play.


They don’t get it, they don’t want to get it, they have a vested interest in not comprehending it.


I was originally playing 18 hours a day, now I don’t spend 18 hours a week playing, but still love the game and enjoying the few hours a week I do play.

Edited by Dayln
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I would love to see Bioware take this game to whole new levels in the mmo comunity however All I am seeing is that like of other MMOs they are tossing out alot of fluff and very little meat for the player base to chew on.


I dunno about other players but I won't be resubing due to the fact I don't want to spend 2-3 hours spaming genral chat trying to get a party together for a flash point.

Along with other reasons.


I' am sure others feel the same way, so unless something is done to encourage the player base into more social interaction It feels it's only a matter of time untill only the die hard starwars fans are left playing.


So 3 months maybe 900k or so subers left at most 1.2 mil?

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They aren’t going to get it, there is an increasing number of players, but the average time a person spends playing has decreased dramatically from launch when people were taking vacation time to play.


They don’t get it, they don’t want to get it, they have a vested interest in not comprehending it.


I was originally playing 18 hours a day, now I don’t spend 18 hours a week playing, but still love the game and enjoying the few hours a week I do play.


what is there not to get sure most of us arent playing as hard as we were originally even I am not because just like you said I took my vacation at that time but the fact is everyone I leveled with isnt even on my server anymore, it takes alot longer to get into a WZ and on a good day there is 30 people on fleet and 6v8 is a good match if it even last the whole time without people leaving. maybe they did not unsub they may have went to another server but still with that being said its ******** we are being forced to reroll even after all the time spent on our original characters.

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They aren’t going to get it, there is an increasing number of players, but the average time a person spends playing has decreased dramatically from launch when people were taking vacation time to play.


They don’t get it, they don’t want to get it, they have a vested interest in not comprehending it.


I was originally playing 18 hours a day, now I don’t spend 18 hours a week playing, but still love the game and enjoying the few hours a week I do play.


You don't make yourself sound credible when you say things like that. How is there an increased amount of players when the subs are at best stagnating with the amount of purchases?

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