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NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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my guess is only the people like me who got a 3 month sub at release.....


Correct. I'm still "playing" (15 min PvP daily on ilum) only because I've used 2 months game time card to activate game. My top5 by population EU server already almost deserted.

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Originally posted by Nightfalll

As more and more people hit endgame and find out that there is VERY LITTLE to do besides roll alts, people will start dropping.






750,000 would be a very high number...I doubt it will even be that much......And I am a fan of this game...






No content, no subs.......


Bio failed on this


What? The game has been out, what, three months and you are expecting an expansion pack or major patch? Give them time to work out the bugs (which people complain about constantly, but every new game, MMOs for sure, release with a plethora of bugs and glitches), and people to finish the Operations and leveling characters, not every current subscriber instantly bought the game on launch day, got their character to 50 in 3 weeks, and then instantly started on the Operations...


Please quit your b**ching and let Bioware and EA do their job. Bioware and EA have always done a great job with video games. As I remember, World of Warcraft launch was very buggy, hell, their minor patches today are glitchy (I am not arguing how good of a game WoW is, do no bring that up, I am merely using WoW as an example).

Edited by DewyDecimal
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Trion released new content in the first month and every month after. For Bioware to sit on their *** doing nothing is unexceptable.


Rift didn't release wtih bugs. And if there was they were all hotfixed instantly. Also when you put in a Ticket the GMs actually provide you with customer support, not some automated response bs.

Edited by Senoko
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Yes, nice extras. I remember all the early stuff they said about this game and now i have been playing for over 2 months i really wonder where those original visions went.


The product we have now seems like it had an identity crisis and they really need some strong leadership to sort it out before the next competitor takes the floating MMO market away.


I have seen one Star Wars game i loved flop. I dont wish to see another.



A whole 2 months? Wow, it is a good thing you weren't around when WoW released, having to farm the 1 raid zone (2 if you count scholomance but it was soooo buggy as to almost be unplayable for the first almost 5 months and, to this day, there are bugs in there Blizzard has still never fixed heh) for close to 4-6 months, you probably would have predicted it's failure as well?





NOT TO THE OP (although, because I quoted his post, I am sure he will think I am talking about him ...)




Will SWTOR do well? I hope so, it is a fun game and had a great launch compared to the many others I have played. Honestly, the only ones that know are BW and EA how it is doing and making speculations on if it has 4 subs in 6 months, is FtP in a year or if it has a billion subs is just simply silly. I am sure they (EA/BW) will let everyone know how their subs are going, they have to, they have investors (I know someone will counter with how they will just lie as I have seen other threads, those make me laugh and realize just how little soooo many know about how the business world and how it's laws function) ...



If, on the other hand, it fails, well, it was fun while it lasted and I, as will many, will just look for a new game. It does surprise me though reading all the "OMGWTFBBQ THE SKY IS FALLING, THIS GAME SUXXORZ, I HOPE IT FAILS" posts. It surprises me because I can not believe there are people out there, whose lives are so empty, that they would spend this much time reading and posting about something they hate and that hopes will fail. I hate beets and because of this (hold on, this is gonna obviously shock some of you), I don't go out of my way to eat them on a daily basis.


If you hate the game, hope it fails, why stick around? Just so you can make that post that says "LOOK HOW COOLZORZ I AM, I PREDICTED THIS!!!111"? I am sure that, if it does fail, you that are planning on making that post will be lost in a sea of several thousand names/posts making that exact same post.


I know, I know, you (the haters, you know who you are) think you will be first, but you won't be. I am sorry to say, you will not be the one that the internet talks about for years to come as the One Who Predicted The Downfall of SWTOR.


Don't worry though, I am sure another game will come along that you (all the haters/doomsayers out there) will have hung your dreams and wishes on where you think you will be the next Second-Coming of MMO-gamer God only to have those dreams shattered. Then you can start this whole cycle up again, just as all the other haters of newly released MMOs have done since long before you (haters/doomsyers) started even playing on a puter.


I am sure there is still a handful of people out there just waiting to make that post about WoW that also predicted it would fail in the first 3 months (and there were many of them, just like here). Their post will just be something like "HAHA BLIZZARD FOOLED YOU ALL AND YOU GAVE THEM MONEY FOR THE LAST 10+ YEARS !! I WAS RIGHT, IT DIED OUT FINALLY !!" as they cancel their subscription they have had in WoW for the last 10+ years heh ....

Edited by Balrizangor
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Rift didn't release wtih bugs.


True that. Rift was awarded the prestigious First Bug-Free Software Ever Released Prize.


And if there was they were all hotfixed instantly. Also when you put in a Ticket the GMs actually provide you with customer support, not some automated response bs.


Oh, snap. I thought you just said it released without any bugs. Still, that's an awesome accomplishment: You submit a bug report and it is fixed instantly with a hotfix.

Edited by Kthx
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A whole 2 months? Wow, it is a good thing you weren't around when WoW released, having to farm the 1 raid zone (2 if you count scholomance but it was soooo buggy as to almost be unplayable for the first almost 5 months and, to this day, there are bugs in there Blizzard has still never fixed heh) for close to 4-6 months, you probably would have predicted it's failure as well?





NOT TO THE OP (although, because I quoted his post, I am sure he will think I am talking about him ...)




Will SWTOR do well? I hope so, it is a fun game and had a great launch compared to the many others I have played. Honestly, the only ones that know are BW and EA how it is doing and making speculations on if it has 4 subs in 6 months, is FtP in a year or if it has a billion subs is just simply silly. I am sure they (EA/BW) will let everyone know how their subs are going, they have to, they have investors (I know someone will counter with how they will just lie as I have seen other threads, those make me laugh and realize just how little soooo many know about how the business world and how it's laws function) ...



blah blah blah


tldr: Oh crap, BW really dropped the ball. People are actually leaving, and worse no matter how liberal the mods are they can't silence them. MY GAME IZ DIEIN' *** DO I DO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I know, I will attack anyone that even says anything negative.

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True that. Rift was awarded the prestigious First Bug-Free Software Ever Released Prize.




Oh, snap. I thought you just said it released without any bugs. Still, that's an awesome accomplishment: You submit a bug report and it is fixed instantly with a hotfix.


Pfft I was there at release. RIFT had bugs. They just were pretty minor. Even then when you reported them you actually felt like the devs cared. It is very different than I feel here. When I can submit a bug report and I get



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A whole 2 months? Wow, it is a good thing you weren't around when WoW released, having to farm the 1 raid zone (2 if you count scholomance but it was soooo buggy as to almost be unplayable for the first almost 5 months and, to this day, there are bugs in there Blizzard has still never fixed heh) for close to 4-6 months, you probably would have predicted it's failure as well?





What are you talking about? Did you see me mention lack of content with regards to possible failure? That is not (in a vacuum) what may or may not make this game fail (and its too early to tell either way at this stage).


2 months is relevant because it has been long enough for me to see that alot of the early visions and promise for this game that Bioware spoke about since 2008 have not made it into the final product we have today.


Its these decisions and compromises that have been made and that constitute the identity crisis i speak of (quick examples: would the imbalance of lvl 50 pvp have been such a major issue if the blue set of PvP gear wasnt removed? Would the lack of individuality been an issue if they hadnt changed the original modding system- only for them to essentially put it back now, with a small tweak?). A successful MMO needs a clear vision and an application of that vision that is both effective and timely (the MMO gamer base is a fluid market and they will go elsewhere if they dont like your product).


Also, your ramble about WoW has no merit because i am not predicting failure, i fear it unless they reaffirm their vision for the game and achieve the kind of success that will prevent the money men from further interference (i mean why do you think the game was released early in the first place? Money men). WoW did not fail after release because it had a vision and was given the time and cash to support that vision. The previous Star Wars game i mentioned failed for the specific reason that it was released early and in the face of competition, attempted to follow somebody else's vision and could not do it as well. That is not a pattern i wish to see repeated - so when i see failing mechanics like expertise, i become concerned.


With the strong competition coming its way, this game needs to hold firm to the original and unique ideas it had and polish its product. This is a MMO, it will not be any fun with empty servers, so simply stating "im having fun, i dont care about anyone else" is not helpful. If too many players leave, changes will happen as a direct result of that fact and this will impact on those of us who remain here.


Like it or not, if this game bleeds subs, we are all impacted.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Kind of difficult to think there are over a million subs. I'm on a medium server and no matter what time or day I play, Night, Day, weekdays, weekends, I never see more than 20 people in any one zone... max. The highest amount of ppl I've ever seen was 30 on the fleet. Actual quest zones tend to be anywhere from 3 to 16 people.


Are they just instancing everybody? because that's rather.... un-smart to make an MMORPG and completely separate people so they can't find each other or chat.

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The time to tell will be after four months then all the people who took a three month subscription and then cancelled will be gone and we eill be looking at a more true number of whos left.


I think that the games going to take a huge hit in the number of people who have left, nearly all the guild I am with has and we were over 100 members I dont really play much myself and really kick myself for taking out a three month subscription (well hopefully the game will bet better in this time).

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Kind of difficult to think there are over a million subs. I'm on a medium server and no matter what time or day I play, Night, Day, weekdays, weekends, I never see more than 20 people in any one zone... max. The highest amount of ppl I've ever seen was 30 on the fleet. Actual quest zones tend to be anywhere from 3 to 16 people.


Are they just instancing everybody? because that's rather.... un-smart to make an MMORPG and completely separate people so they can't find each other or chat.


Yes that is the problem ..there are 33 zones plus what? 8 ships? And do the pvp zone have multiple instances for each game?

you can drop 850 000 subs down to 14 players a zone per server AT PEAK

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One thing is for certain: The servers are dying. Population is dropping for sure.

We may still have around a million players or a bit more with active subs...but spread out over 130+ US servers is slowly killing the gaming experience.


People are already abandoning lower pop servers for high pop ones, I mean the ones who aren't quitting outright due to the lack of a character transfer program.


They really need to merge/remove about 40 servers from the US. Badly.



Edited by islander
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Sorry but no. The other guy is right. :rolleyes:

Game still hasn't launched all over the world.


I can't imagine the look on your face when the game pop still declines. :rolleyes: Western MMORPGs don't tend to do well outside North America + Oceania and many of them aren't going to be buying another game copy just for a month until they can transfer.

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I love people who cite and arguing GAMEZ IS DYINGS... IMA UNSUB B/C ONLY 25 PPLZ ON FLEETZ AT 10AM ON A WORKDAZ...


Seriously who gives a crap if the game is losing subs...or gaining... I know I don't. I love the game and enjoy playing it. I enjoy the dailies, I enjoy the pvp, I enjoy the raids and FPs, I enjoy my companions and watching them improve.


So why do I care if the game has 300K subs or 2 million? I don't. And if the game were shutdown today it would not be the end of my existence.. I would find something else to play.


MMO players are a weird lot.. Many are very dysfunctional and probably have a very difficult time in society.

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I can't imagine the look on your face when the game pop still declines. :rolleyes: Western MMORPGs don't tend to do well outside North America + Oceania and many of them aren't going to be buying another game copy just for a month until they can transfer.


You mean like WoW? Or you mean low budget MMOs that failed everywhere? :rolleyes:

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3 months from now, end of May... Tera will be out, Aion f2p, TSW 3 weeks from launch, GW2 will have a launch date and Blizzard will be gearing up for MoP.


Sales of new boxes have already heavily declined and there are big issues with server pops and faction imbalance, along with still existing bugs and tech issues, so pop will drop below 1.7 million.


I'm predicting 800k to 1.2 million in 3 months depending on how active BW is in patching the game.

Edited by augustgrace
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