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sexism in the game...


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I would prefer if sexuality was kept out of MMOs altogether, as much as possible. Star Wars is a pretty asexual world really (one of the reasons I think the flirting element is silly). Why drag feminism and homosexual erotica into it at all. Leave it alone. Go grab a Germaine Greer book to get your angsty fix if you have to, and let's all just concern ourselves with defeating those distasteful sith.


this. the fact they are romances in a VIDEOGAME is creepy. not only that it gives reason for these e-social activists to do there thing.

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Lore Armour will stop Slave Boy outfits been implemented.


Lore Armour aside.


People need to realise:


1. That most men on the planet are not gay.

2. Its mostly men that play video games.

3. If point 1 & 2 are true then 'most' Male gamers don't want to see Semi-Naked blokes running around.

4. If point 1, 2 & 3 are true, then Slave Girl Outfits = Fine, Slave Boy Outfits (In the same design as Girl Outfits = Not Fine.


Its not been homophobic. The first two points are facts, you can't get around it so the last 2 are likely to be more or less true.


I personally find the thought or men/women with each other foul, so I don't want to see it personally in a game. Same-Sex Relationships are fine as they happen in "Story Mode" men running around in Slave Girl outfits because its "Cute" is not.


You can think i'm small minded I personally don't care, people been unwilling to accept what I believe is just as bad as thinking everyone should just accept Gayness because they've won their minority badge.


For the minority of gamers who want SS Relationships I hope you get it, I really do... As long as it won't be rammed down your throat like Dragon Age :eek: ...


It's all eye candy, on the street, in games, whatever. Why deny over 50% of the population just cos 1% of male gamers are uptight.


I really REALLY think your percentages are quite honest BS. 50% of Gamers are Gay or Women? Pfft....

Edited by CptBrit
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According to a survey done in 2004 by the Entertainment Software Association, 25 percent of console players and 39 percent of PC game players are women. Also, 40 percent of online game players are women; however, these numbers also include casual games.[20] According to another study conducted by the Entertainment Software Association in 2010, 40% of the game playing population is female, and women 18 or older now comprise 33% of all gamers.


Also, the percentage of women now playing online has risen to 42%, up several percent since 2004. The same study shows that 46% of game purchasers are female (Entertainment Software Association).[21] In recognition of the importance of the issues of women and girls as game developers and players, the International Game Developers Association, an association of companies and individuals in the games industry, has formed a special interest group on Women in Game Development.[22] This is an active field of discussion and a topic in many conferences in the video gaming industry.[1][2]

Edited by thomasgallant
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