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sexism in the game...


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Write mr. lucas an angry email. Maybe he will remake the saga for you. Whats important is adhering to the lore. If it is such an issue with you ppl pressure bioware to remove the slave girl outfit rather than implementing a male version. Male sex slaves=i quit, removal of female sex slaves=sure sounds great.


you didnt bother to read my other posts did you...



of course you didnt.. i never advocated for a male version of the slave outfit.. i merely said that that type of logic pretty much gives creedance to their argument.. personally i could care less what people run around in. doesnt bother me at all.


and in my other post you failed to read..i stated that the only way lore will change (ie males getting a slave outfit) is if mr lucas writes off on it..and i highly doubt he would .. nor should he have to..it is his story he tells it the way he wants.. which is clear from the million different versions of the movies since i was a child


so back off your high horse thinking i disagree with you... i agree with you completely lore is the most important thing..because if it gets deviated to far from lucas' vision he will shut the program down...

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you didnt bother to read my other posts did you...



of course you didnt.. i never advocated for a male version of the slave outfit.. i merely said that that type of logic pretty much gives creedance to their argument.. personally i could care less what people run around in. doesnt bother me at all.


and in my other post you failed to read..i stated that the only way lore will change (ie males getting a slave outfit) is if mr lucas writes off on it..and i highly doubt he would .. nor should he have to..it is his story he tells it the way he wants.. which is clear from the million different versions of the movies since i was a child


so back off your high horse thinking i disagree with you... i agree with you completely lore is the most important thing..because if it gets deviated to far from lucas' vision he will shut the program down...


Yes Im guilty im forum hopping b4 work, im skimming over posts in a thread ABOUT slave boy uniforms. If you agree with me sure. *thumbs up

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No its not.


thats your opinion really. personally quitting over that is petty in my mind..there are a bunch of other things you can quit over..over the fact that a couple of pixels with fake pixilized junk kiss or wear suggestive outfits is a silly one to quit over...


unless you are actually that uncomfortable with your own sexuality and it bothers you that much..t hen by all means quit.


though bioware has already said same sex story archs will be in the game sometime...so maybe it is best you just quit now to save yourself the uncomfortable feelings..

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Yes Im guilty im forum hopping b4 work, im skimming over posts in a thread ABOUT slave boy uniforms. If you agree with me sure. *thumbs up


personally this whole topic has been done to death..apparently it is rehash old crap on the forums day.. same sex relationships, slave boy outfits, the whole lots coming up today..


i was hoping the forums had improved since the last time i stopepd reading them to just enjoy the game lol.. guess not

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What honestly makes me angry is that their is literally over a hundred things bioware either needs to add, improve, or modify and we are still getting threads about male sex slave costumes and same sex romances. WHY!!!! ugh


i agree completely there are a million other things more important than the look of some clothing but people complain about the sililest things sad really..its why i only look at the forums on a tuesday after patch. lol guess ill ahve to return to doing that.

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personally this whole topic has been done to death..apparently it is rehash old crap on the forums day.. same sex relationships, slave boy outfits, the whole lots coming up today..


i was hoping the forums had improved since the last time i stopepd reading them to just enjoy the game lol.. guess not


yeh for sure man, like i said earlier there is soooooooo much stuff we need to be discussing that is...wait for it...IMPORTANT. this games potential blows my mind but it is in hot water with many ppl for good reason.

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yeh for sure man, like i said earlier there is soooooooo much stuff we need to be discussing that is...wait for it...IMPORTANT. this games potential blows my mind but it is in hot water with many ppl for good reason.


apparantly this is pretty important to you too since you would quit playing the game if they implemented it :/

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yeh for sure man, like i said earlier there is soooooooo much stuff we need to be discussing that is...wait for it...IMPORTANT. this games potential blows my mind but it is in hot water with many ppl for good reason.


i also think those that are dooming the game are going a bit far lol. sure there are lots of problems some that are serious..but over all this has been one of the most successful game launches in mmo history.. with more content than alot of games had when they came out..

ya its 2012 now. and we fans demand alot. (perhaps to much?) but i think people are looking at this game with two things



the expectation that THEY personally built up about the game.. i know there was little hype outside of the forums when this game was announced.. i signed up for the beta the day i could and frankly forgot about it until i got the email like 2 years later. but everyone pumped this game up so much its failing to meet their expectations.


and two there are a bunch of other games coming out that show equal promise that people have built up in their minds as the end all and be all of games and they compare them to what they are playing now and in their minds these new games they havent even played beat swtor...



people need to take off the rose coloured glasses and look at this game for what it is..


a decent not overly proundly genre breaking game that possess alot of possiblity of fun and enjoyment to those who like star wars and this type of mmo. but it requires alot of work ( the same work any other game needed at its launch) and from what i have seen bioware seems to be willing to put that work in..unlike some games...


does anyone remember the matrix online by Monolith Productions? nope..they didnt put any work in the game it died quickly.. swtor has devs who are putting work in to fix the issues they have.


anyway rant over:P

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There is so much straight white male privilege in this game I am just doing some epic facepalms here :rolleyes:


Also to the people who are threatening to quit over the implementation of same sex romances in the game, please do, it just makes my day so much better when I don't run into such blatant homophobia/cissexism.

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I would prefer if sexuality was kept out of MMOs altogether, as much as possible. Star Wars is a pretty asexual world really (one of the reasons I think the flirting element is silly). Why drag feminism and homosexual erotica into it at all. Leave it alone. Go grab a Germaine Greer book to get your angsty fix if you have to, and let's all just concern ourselves with defeating those distasteful sith.
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so just because Star Wars was concieved in the 70ies and back then designed for just guys having something to ogle over it is supposed to stay like that forever?


They have decided so, yes.




Perhaps they will use the legacy system to unlock gay options.

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I would prefer if sexuality was kept out of MMOs altogether, as much as possible. Star Wars is a pretty asexual world really (one of the reasons I think the flirting element is silly). Why drag feminism and homosexual erotica into it at all. Leave it alone. Go grab a Germaine Greer book to get your angsty fix if you have to, and let's all just concern ourselves with defeating those distasteful sith.


What you think women (and obviously gay males) don't like looking at men?


It's all eye candy, on the street, in games, whatever. Why deny over 50% of the population just cos 1% of male gamers are uptight.


We have the numbers, where the hell is what we want?

Edited by lollie
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I would prefer if sexuality was kept out of MMOs altogether, as much as possible. Star Wars is a pretty asexual world really (one of the reasons I think the flirting element is silly). Why drag feminism and homosexual erotica into it at all. Leave it alone. Go grab a Germaine Greer book to get your angsty fix if you have to, and let's all just concern ourselves with defeating those distasteful sith.


though i disagree that starwars is asexual in anyway you have a good point..leave the issue alone..it is what it is, and i highly doubt anyone is going to change Lucas Arts minds with regards to these issues. bioware is a big proponent in same sex story archs and romances( like all of their games have them) so i am sure that was one big push bioware made in the game.. however. I really dont see how it affects anyone that big.. if you dont want to romance your male or female companions ... dont. its simple.

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I would prefer if sexuality was kept out of MMOs altogether, as much as possible. Star Wars is a pretty asexual world really (one of the reasons I think the flirting element is silly). Why drag feminism and homosexual erotica into it at all. Leave it alone. Go grab a Germaine Greer book to get your angsty fix if you have to, and let's all just concern ourselves with defeating those distasteful sith.


Wait to let me get this straight (pun intended?)


Your attitude toward human sexuality, the driving force of the entire species and the only reason we exist... is that it is an "angsty fix"?


You sound about as healthy as Lucas.

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There is so much straight white male privilege in this game I am just doing some epic facepalms here :rolleyes:


Also to the people who are threatening to quit over the implementation of same sex romances in the game, please do, it just makes my day so much better when I don't run into such blatant homophobia/cissexism.


crusader in the house. shouldn't u be running around with a sign and megaphone somewhere?

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on a side note..according to wookieepedia..(though of course not lucas' own words...




Homosexuality and same-sex marriages were apparently accepted by the Mandalorians, as Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur were an openly homosexual married couple living on Mandalore, who were fully integrated into Mandalorian society.



if the mandalorians can have same sex relationships, everyone can back off the issue abit:P no one wants to mess with a mandolorian:P




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