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Remove MVP and stop rewarding people who do the most damage!


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I always reward the guy who has healed the most i wish more people would follow suit. However being top of the leader board with the most badges and getting no votes is disheartening. :(


I vote for healers as well, or if a certain person completed a lot of objectives.

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Considering how rare it is for anyone to actually use that skill? No your rewarding people for working as a team. Tanks doing that die faster, especially faster when we purposefully guard someone being focus fired.


It's a team based game and heals/guard are the top of the list of skills that scream teamwork.


Taunt reduces dmg delt it doesn't make them all target the tank and all *** **** him or split the dmg (thats guard). I allways pop aoe taunts around alot of people its a VERY easy way to get an extra 1-4 medals.




I would like objective score fixed objective points is very very skewed and so is defensive awards.


Taunting player gives u defense based awards/medals/commendations w/e u want to call them while doing the objective doesn't reward anything.


& i vote for most healing cos i wish to reinforce the behaviour of healing with MVP votes and i think it works.

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You people really don't see anything beyond yourself, do you?


"OMG, I did teh objectives and I deserve royal treatment and a medal nao!"


Did it ever cross your mind, that a very significant part in your stunning performance was a fact that people with top damage killed a good bulk of whatever stood or would potentially stand in your way otherwise?


You can FedEx balls, slice panels and heal booboos all day long, but it won't do **** if there are living and kicking enemies everywhere.


Your disregard of this simple truth is quite amusing... but it's ok, keep claiming that you are so pro that you won the WZ all by yourself, while that top damage guy did nothing at all.

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I haven't seen the most damaged person be rewarded with MVP - I haven't even seen healers and/or people who do the objective just a random guy. I just assumed it was people queueing up with others they knew and voting them? Can they even do that? :confused:
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This is frustrating, and I understand and sympathize for your position. But you must remember that most people; are idiots. Lots of people are simply going to look at the damage/healing/killing blow charts and select the player at the top of them. This is not right, and I would encourage everyone to move against this, and vote based on exceptional or persistent actions that defined a useful player. I am also a realist however, and will admit that the feature is unlikely ever to reach it's potential.


Simply spread the word, encourage skill and pursuit of objectives rather than mass numbers. Other than that, there is little we can do.


How can we though if the only way to keep track of an 'exceptional' player is to watch them?


I chose damage/healing/objective points since I can easily see that those people definitely contributed something. If I notice someone do anything out of the ordinary and I remember their name, I'll vote for them.

Edited by Thaed
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In my experience, (top) healers always get most MVPs. I've topped dmg/done a lot of objectives in quite a few matches, and still the healers get most votes. So I cant' say I share the same experience as you.


On another note, I don't mind at all that healers get the votes. If it motivates them a bit further to heal, then by all means :)

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My vote-priority is as follows:



Best in-chat leader

Someone who healed me or made an impression near to me

Most medals

Most healed

Most damage


It's way more a social choice than looking at actual game-mechanics. In my opinion you could even have a leader who stands back and does nothing but coordinate.


Awarding people you know just makes sense. It means your premade get's faster gear which means winning more which again means faster gear.

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You people really don't see anything beyond yourself, do you?


"OMG, I did teh objectives and I deserve royal treatment and a medal nao!"


Did it ever cross your mind, that a very significant part in your stunning performance was a fact that people with top damage killed a good bulk of whatever stood or would potentially stand in your way otherwise?


You can FedEx balls, slice panels and heal booboos all day long, but it won't do **** if there are living and kicking enemies everywhere.


Your disregard of this simple truth is quite amusing... but it's ok, keep claiming that you are so pro that you won the WZ all by yourself, while that top damage guy did nothing at all.


Just stop it with those fancy excuses for youre tunnelvision midfield ganking. If you dont care about objectives at least be man enough to admit it.

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If you scored 3 huttball touchdowns and you don't get the mvp flag, then either:


a) your team has no situation awareness


b) your team does not value the objective just numbers.



An mvp vote from them would mean nothing to me.

Edited by Orangerascal
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I just cant agree with the op about MVP going to top damage dealer. I seem to see many votes going to tanks and healers. I will grant the OP that there is still a big population of midfeild nuking idiots who dont fight on the objectives and get high scores for top damage. this needs to stop. to that idiot talking about dps being the thing that wins? yeah right, keep spamming your lightning key while I take the objective, kid. good luck winning matches like that.
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You people really don't see anything beyond yourself, do you?


"OMG, I did teh objectives and I deserve royal treatment and a medal nao!"


Did it ever cross your mind, that a very significant part in your stunning performance was a fact that people with top damage killed a good bulk of whatever stood or would potentially stand in your way otherwise?


You can FedEx balls, slice panels and heal booboos all day long, but it won't do **** if there are living and kicking enemies everywhere.


Your disregard of this simple truth is quite amusing... but it's ok, keep claiming that you are so pro that you won the WZ all by yourself, while that top damage guy did nothing at all.

The other side of this story is true too. Just because a person did top damage doesn't mean that they would have gotten there off of their "skill" alone, and most of the times with a breakout amount of damage is in an ops group with a healer with over 100k in healing. The one man army doesn't work (for the most part) in this game.


As for my votes: I usually look at objective points, healing, and damage and make my decision based on how all of that information plays out. Most of the time though my vote goes to a healer with over 100k in healing; if there isn't one of those I start to look at players damage combined with their objective scores. In Huttball my vote will automatically default to people who I see actually throwing the ball (successfully) rather than trying to push their way forward.

Edited by jasohans
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Most people give their MvP vote to the person who is at the top of the list, which is the person who earned the most medals by default. The problem with the medals is that they are awarded for being more diverse as opposed to quantity. So if I heal 100k and someone else heals 10k for example, we might both get the healing medal, no difference, same with damage, capping 4 balls in Huttball and capping 1, etc.
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No need to remove the MVP. I think it's a fun little after fight ballot. What I would like to see though is the other team get a vote too. That will tell the real tale of who was bringing it and who wasn't.


Personally, if I get one heal during a fight, I vote MVP for that player at the end. I also only vote for players that I actually saw make a difference. I never vote based on the numbers although I can see why people would.

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If your motivation in life for anything you do is to bask in the exultation of others, I can only hope you grow up before you go off the deep end and hurt yourself or others.




Except that the person winning the game gets 0 votes and therefore no bonus valor/commendations. The clueless person running around chasing people with his head stuck where the sun doesnt shine gets rewarded.

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I see Sages spamming Noble sacrifice and heal themself just to get high Heal numbers.


Personally i don´t care how others vote.


I watch for myself not at the scoreboard.


If someone protected a flag point the whole match with low damage while the team zerged the middle flag in Alderaan he still might get my MVP.

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