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Remove MVP and stop rewarding people who do the most damage!


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i think u got the idea totally wrong , u get medals when u hit/heal/guard the ball carrier not when u score that's for preventing 1 person to take the ball all the time and score , if u have 4 man premade is wise to rotate the ball carrier and always stay with it / or attack and kill the enemy ball carrier that's for huttball


for allderan u get best points for defending your turrete


and for void star u just spam dmg

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I don't know why people pretend that if I do top damage, I'm some how chasing kills instead of doing objectives. Have you ever considered that maybe someone is so much better than you are that they can deal high damage without having to chase kills?
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I did notice something weird earlier in Huttball.


A guy on the opposite team got 1600 objective points, 800 offensive, 800 defensive... and their team lost 0-3 to us. (So how'd he get offensive points when his team had no offense?)


I scored, yet got 0 objective points.


I don't really get how the scoring system works, lol.

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MVP is voted on by the participants after the match including you though you can't vote for yourself. I personally have defended a cannon for an entire match with 0 deaths and 12 kills mostly solo and recieved 0 votes. people can't sit back and watch the whole thing all the time so most vote for who does the most damage or the most healing. its not the system rewarding it is the players you included voting for the damage dealers
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I scored 6 times. We won 6-0. I got the least points/medals of everyone in that game, including the losing team members.


Edit: Also, got zero MVP votes.


Maybe include number of "touchdowns" in scoresheet, and oh PLEASE let us view the scoreboard DURING a match.

Edited by Kjellar
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I did notice something weird earlier in Huttball.


A guy on the opposite team got 1600 objective points, 800 offensive, 800 defensive... and their team lost 0-3 to us. (So how'd he get offensive points when his team had no offense?)


I scored, yet got 0 objective points.


I don't really get how the scoring system works, lol.


Huttballs objectives make no sense right now.


As for the OP...take a chill pill. I'm a Shadow tank and regularly get 3-4 votes from the PuGs due to 20k+ damage protection. You are just PvPing with the wrong crowd is all.

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This is frustrating, and I understand and sympathize for your position. But you must remember that most people; are idiots. Lots of people are simply going to look at the damage/healing/killing blow charts and select the player at the top of them. This is not right, and I would encourage everyone to move against this, and vote based on exceptional or persistent actions that defined a useful player. I am also a realist however, and will admit that the feature is unlikely ever to reach it's potential.


Simply spread the word, encourage skill and pursuit of objectives rather than mass numbers. Other than that, there is little we can do.

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I always give my vote to the player who healed most or the one that got most objectives points. And I have the impression most player do the same.


I am a lvl 14 vanguard and I'm mostly above average with my objective score and almost always in the top 3 damage chart. Sometines I'm the top damage dealer, but I never got more than 1 votes for that (not complaining about that, seems fair to me, since it's not the main objective of a warzone). So seems to me most people appreciate the right things in warzones.

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As a healer, I look at the protection stat at the end and give my MVP vote to that player.


Am I a bad person?


Considering how rare it is for anyone to actually use that skill? No your rewarding people for working as a team. Tanks doing that die faster, especially faster when we purposefully guard someone being focus fired.


It's a team based game and heals/guard are the top of the list of skills that scream teamwork.

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I give my MVP to people I see actually do good. In huttball, if someone CC's a huge group of people and allows the ball carrier to get there, he's a winner in my book. Sure some damage is awesome, but this isn't about K/D, or damage, but objectives.
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The truth:


- people will give MVP votes to their friends or group members (if queued as a group) or clan mates;

- if there are non friends/clan/group in match 80 % will click on the ally having most medals (higher in initial board view), 10 % will click on random, 10 % do not know about MVP votes at all.

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